Resignation from the Scientific Council

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Patroklus Murakami
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Resignation from the Scientific Council

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

I have notified Gwyn (as Dean of the Scientific Council) that I intend to resign as a member of the SC effective from taking office as Leader of the Representative Assembly (LRA).

This is a personal decision, I don't intend to set a precedent. I just feel that there's something 'unseemly' about holding office as the LRA and simultaneously serving on the SC (even with no vote) and exercising SC responsibility for forum moderation.

[size=92:1jptsz4h](Now, cue smug, self-congratulatory post from someone claiming this is some kind of victory for their faction's position. I am pre-empting such shameless opportunism, should it arise, by making it very clear that this is a personal decision I made on my own. So don't dare try to take credit for it. Or else.)[/size:1jptsz4h]

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Post by michelmanen »

Congrats Pat. I appreciate this is a personal decision and I have no doubt it was not an easy one. You did the right thing and I have nothing but respect for that.

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