Lately, the question 'What is the CDS?' has come up. Partly this has been because we need to be clear when work is done for 'the CDS' we know who it has been done for. I'd like to think of this slightly more widely though so that we fix the legalistic issues but don't get too hung up on the technicalities so that we miss what's special about 'the CDS'.
I found this on the front page of the CDS wiki and I think it's a good starting point: "The Confederation of Democratic Simulators (CDS) is a self-governed community, whose purpose is to enable ownership of high-quality public, private, and open-space land; create a themed yet expressive community of public and private builds; and implement novel democratic forms of self government within Second Life." I would add that the CDS is the citizens, territory, public property and institutions of state and that the CDS is represented by those institutions (i.e. the RA, SC and Chancellor 'represent' the CDS to the outside world).
I think we should add something like this to the Preamble of the Constitution so when people ask 'What is the CDS?' we have a ready answer. What do others think?