To: Dean of Scientific Council
RE: Chancellor Election
Madam Dean,
We are faced with the possiblity that at least one candidate for the position of Chancellor be an elected member of the RA. Given the relevant dispositions of the CDS Constitution, stating that:
The Chancellor may not be elected to or serve on the Representative Assembly, nor serve on the Scientific Council. The Chancellor may hold a position in the Artisanal Collective but may not vote therein. [/quote:2roxempv]
and that:
[quote:2roxempv]No member of the RA may engage in what might be considered a conflict of interest such as accepting money or favors from individuals or special-interest groups.[/quote:2roxempv]
the following two critical questions arise:
1. Can an individual who was elected to th RA stand for Chancellor?
2. If so, can this individual vote for him/herself?
I look forward to a ruling by rhe SC on these matters before the Chancellor election process actually commences.
Michel Manen