Folks, I am going to have to disagree on the idea of promoting gambling as a means of revitalizing the CDS community, or for any other reason for that matter. My thoughts on why this is a bad idea have been explained in detail by several other posts, so I will summarize them as follows:
- LL rules strictly stipulate that gambling is prohibited, and no amount of tokens or other placeholder currency will make this kosher as long as, in the end, they can be converted in the RL currency. Even if it is that 25 of these gambling chips can be converted into 10 CDS Dollars which can be converted into 1 Linden Dollar, of which a thousand can be converted into $4 and change, it is still prohibited, at least under my read of the rule.
- Do we really want to rely on a loophole as the key to our revitalization efforts?
Either way, I am not comfortable with taking our community down this route. Unless the LL rules change, my position is that I will not vote in favor of any CDS-sponsored gambling or gaming activities such as those having been proposed here. I do thoroughly appreciate the time, effort, and creativity that has been displayed in this thread and would love to work with anyone interested in driving more traffic to our sims, while complying with applicable laws and regulations.