Bromo --
I frankly believe that CARE has totalitarian tendencies. I use the loaded words to express loaded thoughts. It it not playground antics to use a loaded term advisedly to express an idea that cannot be clearly expressed otherwise. I have trouble imagining a better way to say that CARE's agenda is totalitarian than to say "CARE's agenda is totalitarian." I have had several people agree with me -- both in these forums and inworld. In fact, I take Michel's statement that "we shall see" as a clear acknowledge that I have properly characterized his (and, through him, CARE's) project.
Further, my discussion, unlike Michels, has not been superficial namecalling. I label the agenda with what I think is the proper description -- and then I describe and explain why I think this label is proper. So far, all anyone has done is object to my label. No on has refuted the analysis through which the label is justified. Without such refutation, I believe I have the right to continue to use the label. If some effective refutation is offered, I am not so proud as to persist in my now-refuted position. I have demonstrated such dialectic humility in the past. That said, I am not so weak as to withdraw my arguments in the face of mere, unreasoned, unanalytical opposition or name-calling.
Further, I believe that I have an obligation as a citizen, and even more as a member of the RA, to actively oppose, through reasoned opposition, any agenda or legislation that I think is based on bad theory or bad policy. I would betray this obligation if, out of a misguided desire to avoid conflict in favor of a shallow and false communal amity, I failed to oppose an agenda that is sweepingly invasive and destructive of Privacy the only supporting medium for individual liberty). CARE's agenda is such an agenda. It is wrong for any citizen not to oppose it -- wigorously, and with full rhetorical and analytical tools employed.
I continue to have great hope that you and the other members of CARE will save your party from this project and go down a different path. So far, however, despite my hopeful watchfulness, I have seen nothing of the sort.
Let's keep things simple enough to be fair, substantive enough to be effective, and insightful enough to be good.