Bill to Re-establish the Citizenship Commission

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Patroklus Murakami
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Bill to Re-establish the Citizenship Commission

Post by Patroklus Murakami »

A draft 'Bill to Re-establish the Citizenship Commission' has been posted [url= ... 5:2dlamck2]here[/url:2dlamck2] on the CSDF sub-forum. It will be discussed on Thursday at our regular weekly CSDF meeting at 3pm in The Red House on the Lowland Road, (Neufreistadt 123, 33). I am posting it here so that others have a chance to comment.

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Post by michelmanen »

Great! CARE looks forward to participating in this process it initiated and led ( oh puh-lease! can't we be smugly self-congratualatoryat least this once?!! :P )

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Bromo Ivory
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Post by Bromo Ivory »

Excellent Pat! I think this commission that seemed to have tri/quad(?) partisan support last term really is a good thing to be picked up again and I am glad CSDF is talking the initial steps to re-vive it.

CARE will be *right there* as this is a very important issue to us!

(I'll let Michel be smug, I'll just be glad the commission won't be a struggle to revive)

"Nenia peno nek provo donos lakton de bovo."

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Patroklus Murakami
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Post by Patroklus Murakami »

This is the Bill which will be presented to the RA on Sunday. It has not changed since the original proposal was posted on the CSDF sub-forum.

[i:1vi5y4bz][b:1vi5y4bz]Bill to Re-establish the Citizenship Commission [/b:1vi5y4bz][/i:1vi5y4bz]

1. Pursuant to the procedures set forth in NL 5-21, this Act re-establishes the citizenship commission.

2. The Commission is charged with considering how citizenship should be defined in the CDS.

3. The Commission will hold a full and participatory set of discussions inworld and on the CDS forums starting on 13 August and finishing on 17 September 2007.

4. The Commission will present a report to the RA within a week of the completion of the Commission's work with recommendations (and draft legislation if needed).

5. The Commission will be chaired by [insert name of RA member selected].

6. Citizens wishing to serve on the Citizenship Commission should make themselves know to [insert name] by 13 August.

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Post by michelmanen »

CARE fully supports the revival of this Commission it initiated and led this term and will take an active part in its management, deliberations, and report.

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Proposed unfriendly amendment

Post by Beathan »

There shall be a Minister of Citizen Affairs, who shall be a civil servant, appointed by the Chancellor with the advice and consent of the RA. The Minister of Citizen Affairs shall chair the Citizenship Commission, which may be instituted by the Chancellor, on advice and consent of the RA, from time to time. The Citizenship Commission shall serve for a term that ends with the end of the term of the Chancellor that constituted it, and shall be charged with the powers and obligations as follows:

1. The Commission is charged with considering how citizenship should be defined in the CDS and with developing a plan to encourage immigration of active citizens with skills and interests that would increase the vibrancy and talent of the CDS community.

2. The Commission will hold a full and participatory set of discussions inworld and on the CDS forums for its term of service.

3. The Commission will present a report to the RA in the first scheduled meeting of the RA following the Commissions term of service with recommendations (and draft legislation if needed) in any area concerning the qualification and rights of citizens in the CDS.

4. The Commission will number not less than three and not more than eleven members, including the Minister of Citizen Affairs and the P.I.O, and shall hold public meetings inworld not less than once per month. These meetings may include closed sessions attended by Commissioners only, but must include public meetings open to all citizens of not less than one hour duration. Additionally, the Commission forum must be open to participation by all citizens. Citizens wishing to serve on the Citizenship Commission must apply for a position on the Commission within one month of its formation. The Minister of Citizenship shall select the members of the Commission, subject to the advice and consent of the RA, and shall make a good faith effort to ensure that the broadest possible range of viewpoints is represented on the Commission. Commissioners, other than the Minister of Citizenship Affairs, shall not be considered public servants and may hold offices other than and in addition to that of Commissioner.

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Great! Looking forward to it...

Post by Pelanor Eldrich »

I'd wholeheartedly support this and would like to participate. Thanks!

Pelanor Eldrich
Principal - Eldrich Financial
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