Voice is now live on the grid. Last night, I had the opportunity to listen to Michel, Pel, and Gonta (myself, I don't talk much). It was quite interesting. But I was wondering what y'all think about voice, and how it can be used to foster our community's goals?
Personally, I think voice may help to make the tone of our discussions more civil. I have noticed that the more we think of the avatar as a real live flesh-and-blood person, the less we are likely to have acrimonious discussions.
On the other hand, voice brings a disadvantage to many of our community members who are not native English speakers. At least with text, every word written is clear. With voice, we would have to struggle with accents, mumbling, bad speakers, and so on.
In any case, I would hope that government meetings would still be in text chat, as transcripts have provided plenty of useful information to those of us who can rarely attend meetings.
What do you think?