It shall be Treason for any citizen to:
1. maliciously destroy any public building, build, road, bridge, or other public improvement in the CDS;
2. undertake any action calculated to undermine or destroy the sovereignty and self-rule of the CDS, including the filing of any report with the Lindens alleging that an action of a CDS citizen violates the Linden Labs terms of service when there is some remedy, including a political remedy, available under the then current laws and Constitution of the CDS;
3. invite any authority, including RL government, Linden Labs, or any other SL group, to enter territory belonging to the CDS and exercise control over the CDS in a manner hostile or adverse to the power of the lawfully constituted CDS government.
It shall be Filibuster for any noncitizen to undertake any action within the territory of the CDS which would be Treason if undertaken by a CDS citizen.
Treason and Filibuster as defined in this Act shall be Capital Felonies.
Note -- in International Law, the crime of "Filibuster" means the waging of a war against a sovereign state by an individual who is not a citizen of that state. For instance, piracy -- if waged as a war against a state -- can be "filibuster" -- which is why some pirates are called "filibusterers".