I entirely agree with you. In fact, at the RA meeting, before the process started, I did propose that the election be delayed until every RA member would be present, but the current LRA leader disagreed and decided to go ahead even though 2 out of 7 RA members were missing.
For the future, CARE proposes that the Chancellor no longer be elected jsut by the 7 RA members, but by all citizens, in a free and open vote at the same time with the RA members. In this way, all CDS citizens would have say in who their Chancellor would be.
CARE also proposes that the Leader of the RA (LRA) be elected - by the members of the RA only, since the LRA needs the confindence of the RA to form a majority government and lead the RA. In this case, rules for the LRA election should be clear so that this situation never happens again.
In this case, CARE's [b:1ofyfv63]Leader of the RA (LRA) Act [/b:1ofyfv63]states that:
[b:1ofyfv63]1. The newly-elected Representative Assembly will elect, at its first meeting, a Leader of the Representative Assembly, from amongst RA candidates nominated by fellow RA members during that meeting.
2. The vote for the LRA will be secret and take place in the presence of all RA memebers, except in case of outmost urgency, in which case the vote will be conducted by all RA members off-world, secretly, over a one-week period, by the Dean of the SC, with no individual votes being divulged until the final result is known or the next ballot must begin, depending on the vote's putcome.[/b:1ofyfv63]
To see the entire text of the [i:1ofyfv63]LRA Act[/i:1ofyfv63], please go here: ... sg62#msg62
For the CARE [i:1ofyfv63]Executive Powers' Act [/i:1ofyfv63](dealing with the Chancellor's elction and powers, please go here: .