[quote:1ezqjyrm]If we are to give the CDS legal personality in the form of an avatar then let's use 'Rudeen Edo' who, after all, provides that function right now.[/quote:1ezqjyrm]
I thought about that. Two issues come up:
Would Sudane agree? She clearly stated in the most emphatic manner that Rudeen is *not* the CDS.
If she agrees, Rudeen would have a double function: land administration, controlled solely by Sudane, and "CDS representation", controlled by whoever the RA determines. See below.
[quote:1ezqjyrm]I'm not keen on the idea of a 'Great Council'. It's a novel addition to our system of government which mashes up the three branches of government and brings in a putative Chief Judge - a very questionable politicisation of the judiciary. I'd prefer to see the power to represent the CDS vested in an individual, the LRA perhaps? [/quote:1ezqjyrm]
The Great Council would have very limited powers, mainly related to common CDS assets and possibly also acting as the proposed CARE Citizenhip Commission. The Chief Justice (if and when set up by the RA) would act in a position similar to that of Corporate Counsel sitting on Corporations' Board of Directors. Given the envisaged functions of the Great Council, the presence of the Chief Justice is absolutely fundamental.
Vesting the power to represent the CDS in one person is very dangerous indeed, for the reasons explained by Pelanor. This proposal largely builds upon Pelanor's and ensures that the substance of the CSDF proposal that "The CDS is represented by all three branches of government" actually is implemented in practice, not just theory.