[quote="Bromo Ivory":1dp6ivne]I like the improvements in wording - though even Aliasi spent most of her time approving placement of objects in CDS, issues with covenants - and authorizing some community events - so I feel it can't be ignored in this bill.[/quote:1dp6ivne]
Thanks for your comments Bromo. As to your concern that the text describes also the present day reality of our Chancellor's work I would point out the following:
In my opinion the Chancellor's mandate to issue permissions for temporary usage of public land, dispensations for covenant violations and so on is covered by the clause a under the section of "powers" namely that it is a power of the Chancellor to determine the use to which land in the CDS is put.
Personally I would want the Chancellor to use his/her powers only in accordance with the aim of fulfilling the mandate to ensure implementation and enforcement of the acts passed by our democratically elected body. If the Chancellor is to issue permission for staging events on public land or get dispensations for hosting rotating signs in the medieval city then I want such power to be justified with clear reference to a mandate given in an explicit act containing the principled decisions resulting from an inclusive and ideal debate at the RA. I wouldn't want the Chancellor to take decisions as the result of some sweepingly broadworded mandate hardcoded into the Constitution and therefore impossible to make more specific without endless discussions in the RA to try and unify all the factions to achieve the qualified majority necessary for an amendment. In the worst case scenario a maliciously intended Chancellor might be able to retain his broadly worded mandate by playing out the different factions against each other in various ways.
If one must seek inspiration from the RL sphere then I certainly don't see the experiences from there as recommending of an enlargement of unchecked executive power or the establishment of "wartime-like" short circuiting of timehonoured checks and balances to guarantee the citizens their constitutional rights. I have no desire for a mini-Putin in the CDS.