In the interest of engaging the greatest number of people, I would like to discuss people's thoughts on citrizenship - and how to define it.
I am placing the most salient excerpt form the constitution I found under "citizenship" -
"1. A citizen of the Confederation of Democratic Simulators is a resident of SecondLife who has been granted title to any land by the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and who holds title under the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, for as long as he or she holds such title. "
I think the thing I would be interested in discussion is the pros and cons of changing the above to not require ownership of land to be a citizen - but through payment of a minimum tier fee to CDS. [This has a couple of benefits - the money is the filter, would capture folks interested in being a member but not own land, or no suitable parcels are available, and would allow the CDS to accumulate funds that might assist in expanding a touch fster than currently]
So ... I know this is controversial and not everyone has the same ideas as I posted above ... so, let's discuss!