Avatar Identity Measures
-Verified Payment on File Avatar (LL)
-Not on Travis BanLink list
-Older than a certain age
-Uses a Verisign OpenID (http://blogs.verisign.com/infrablog/)
(BTW I'm a big fan of this identity authentication technology, as is Gywn)
I'm all in favor of verification; the only item I have an issue with above is the Verified Payment on file - since one of the great things about us is that we don't need that now. But I can see the point of it and could be persuaded on this too.
New Citizen Restrictions
-We current disallow voting until a citizen is (I believe) 30 days in country
-Recommended by x number of current citizens
-Swearing of oath and allegiance[/quote:362yaki7]
Well we could have a Residents category and avoid creating 2 classes of citizens witought restricting involvement in CDS. I'm not big fan of needing to be sponsored into CDS by exisiting citizens; if an application meets the conditions, he / she should be able to join. At best, we could have a Citizenship Commission to evaluate citizenship submissions. Finally, I don;t think that in our case the oath of allegiance would have any impact at all if someone wants to ignore it in the first place.
-Limited sponsorship by certain NGOs
-To avoid the appearance of NGOs attaining quasi-gov't status and possbily stacking the rolls themselves I echo others in suggesting:
Taking sponsorship off the table and the organziation (e.g. executive paying civil servants or NGOs) simply paying workers wages. Those who wanted CDS citizenship could use those funds to pay the citizenship tax.
Great idea!!! I am all for it! It's much better than what we came up with: simple, clear, leaves choice in hands of individual, less bureaucratic (no application to and hearing in front of a citizenship Commission). The only thing is that monthly wages should at least be equal to the citizenship fees. Also, a way to deal with the deposit should be found, if we do agree to a deposit from landless citizens.
-RA could limit citizenship to a certain number per RA session via legislation.
-The RA could raise the citizen tax to something above the least expensive monthly 128m2. This would make life more expensive for our 128m2 holders.
-A current citizen might only be able to "recommend" one new citizen applicant per RA session.[/quote:362yaki7]
I intensely dislike quotas. But if its set sufficiently high and yet able to address concerns about "mass migration" let's say half existing population in any 6 month period could be new landless citizens - I think it could work. I just don't like the idea of turning down anyone wanting to join us and help by saying " Sorry, we've met our quotas!".
In terms of monthly fees, we were thinking about $1Us a week as citizenship fees payable by all. Are we saying that about $4.25US per month is too much for those whose monthly tier fees are inferior to this? This means about $1200L per month per person. I think this is eminently reasonable and would help a lot in many ways I wont list here LOL
-Do we really want the landless masses swarming with their agendas and telling landholders what to do with their land? I think an involved citizenry is a good thing. I'm not sure why anyone would pay the monthly tax and not be involved in the CDS. If that happened we would still benefit from the tax revenue. Clearly we don't want to open the floodgates. We all know of situation where mass immigration causes backlash and integration issues (e.g. Russians in Israel etc.) We could control the flow using some of the measures above so that the people/RA can make good growth policy.
I would actually suggest initially opening these up fairly wide soon after a RA election and then gauging demand. If it's too high we can throttle things back using the measures above. If it's too low, we need to look at ways to attract citizens.[/quote:362yaki7]
I also think such fears are totally exagerrated. I agree with your idea to have a flexible system monitored by the RA bases on demand.