[10:20] You: i just wanted to recall to everyone present
[10:20] You: that first of all, this meeting is logged to teh forums
[10:20] You: and also
[10:21] You: that a call to the workgroups have been posted
[10:21] You: and everyone interested to join any workgroup please to reply to the thread (it's in city planning forum)
[10:21] Rose Springvale: May i put that in events too Moon, see if we can get more people to read? as i said, i've been watching and missed it
[10:21] You: and say which group (s)
[10:21] You: ah, please do
[10:22] You: or general discussion, don't know which is best
[10:22] You: you can quote my post, it has the tasks for each group
[10:22] You: or link to it
[10:22] Rose Springvale: okay, and i'm planning on sending a group notice later today in world with week plans (assuming i get confirmations)
[10:22] Rose Springvale: yes, i will
[10:23] Jo Sapeur: okay, checking the forum
[10:24] You: i can also send a group notice... though it's a bit pointless, because you can't copy the link from the group notice to your browser
[10:24] Rose Springvale: well, maybe we should have inworld sign up... hmm. how could we do that?
[10:24] You: and myself personally have a bit of difficulty in transcripting a complex URL by hand
[10:25] Rose Springvale: oh, we can send it by im though
[10:25] You: hmmm, what i can do is
[10:25] You: to prepare a sign
[10:25] Rose Springvale: but that will only do for people in world
[10:25] You: which loads a URL
[10:25] Rose Springvale: there you go
[10:25] You: i'll do that in the week
[10:25] Rose Springvale: Moon?
[10:25] You: today is impossible, i am afraid - i have two deadlines for tomorrow
[10:25] You: yes?
[10:26] Rose Springvale: as PIO, i can take care of that for you
[10:26] You: yay!
[10:26] You: that's true
[10:26] Rose Springvale: you stress too much !
[10:26] Rose Springvale:
[10:26] You: sorry, i had forgot that you were the PIO now
[10:26] You: ah, then you can do another thing
[10:26] Rose Springvale: well, i am trying yes?
[10:26] You: and that is, to send a mail to all citizens
[10:26] Rose Springvale: yes.. through the group...
[10:26] Jo Sapeur: PIO?
[10:27] You: Public Information Officer
[10:27] Rose Springvale: that's what i was saying... Public Information Officer ...
[10:27] Rose Springvale: and events coordinator lol
[10:27] You: ehehe, yes
[10:27] Rose Springvale: so Jo... wanna do an event??
[10:27] Jo Sapeur: I'm bad with acronyms
[10:27] Rose Springvale: oops... this is guild business. i'll pimp later
[10:27] You: lol, it's ok
[10:28] Jo Sapeur: where was thecall to the workgroups posted?
[10:28] Rose Springvale: So is there anything we can be doing other than recruiting?
[10:28] You: Sim and City Planning forum
[10:28] You: well, the recruiting can go on
[10:28] You: atm, we have urgency in something, i think
[10:28] Jo Sapeur: ah, found it
[10:29] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:29] Rose Springvale: ?
[10:29] You: btw, the task lists i propose on there are suggestions
[10:29] You: we nee dto finish teh terrain and parcel plan
[10:29] You: because that's something mix between building and financial wgs
[10:29] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:30] Rose Springvale: how is the best way to get that done without adding to YOUR stress?
[10:30] You: well hmmm
[10:30] You: did you make some sketch on parcels when you made your plan?
[10:31] Rose Springvale: generalized ones...
[10:31] You: sorry, i am getting a bad short to medium term memory
[10:31] You: ok, that's a start
[10:31] Rose Springvale: basically just a proposal re sizes
[10:31] Rose Springvale: i'll pull it out and send to you
[10:31] You: ok, thanks
[10:31] You: it's useful to start with, though most possibly it will have to be tinkered some
[10:31] Rose Springvale: i am certain of that
[10:32] You: the financial must work with us on that
[10:32] You: so we can have an optimal plan
[10:32] Rose Springvale: we need a bit of philosophy.... do we want bigger lots, more expensive, or cheaper,smaller ones
[10:32] You: ah
[10:32] You: that is something that is very hard to tell
[10:32] Rose Springvale: my plan was leaning toward a split
[10:33] You: you see that the historic of the CDS is that things come in waves
[10:33] Rose Springvale: but had some definite big lots in it
[10:33] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:33] You: sometimes you sell the biig plots... then some months later is the small ones that are all teh rage
[10:33] You: we will need Sudane's input on that
[10:33] Rose Springvale: well, i'll send you what i have,and su too ?
[10:33] You: please
[10:34] Rose Springvale: okay, np
[10:34] You: another thing that has been called is teh question on public/private ratio
[10:34] Rose Springvale: I know this isn't on the agenda, ... hey Dnate!
[10:34] You: hi guys
[10:34] Tanoujin Milestone: Hello
[10:34] Dnate Mars: stupid logins :/
[10:34] You: today is a brief meeting (just warning)
[10:34] Dnate Mars: hi guys
[10:34] Rose Springvale: hi tan, sorry, didn't see you!
[10:34] Tanoujin Milestone: brief, ok
[10:35] Tanoujin Milestone: hello Rose, !
[10:35] Rose Springvale: (and my hungry teenager is now hovering lol)
[10:35] Jo Sapeur: hi tanoujin
[10:35] Rose Springvale: my question, totally out of order, is if there is any other time we might have guild meetings lol
[10:36] You: ah
[10:36] You: one sec
[10:36] You: i recall everyone that this meeting will be logged
[10:36] Tanoujin Milestone: ok, i consents to be recorded
[10:36] Dnate Mars: yes, me too
[10:36] You: we nee dto do a sign warning that, btw
[10:36] You: ok Rose
[10:36] You: we can surely meet any other time in teh week
[10:37] You: i propose that we discuss the time in the forums?
[10:37] Dnate Mars: aye
[10:37] Rose Springvale: ::groan::: {smile}
[10:37] You: well, then everyone can say what's tehir best time
[10:37] You: i must say that i am atm unsure between two evenings
[10:38] You: wed and thursdays
[10:38] Jo Sapeur: I suggest using the forums
[10:38] You: but i think it will be garred soon
[10:38] You: agreed*
[10:38] Rose Springvale: okay .. it is just really hard to do noon on sunday (us central time)
[10:39] Dnate Mars: it is one of the best time for me... usually
[10:39] You: i think we may move it a bit later on sundays, though we must be attentive to the RA hours
[10:39] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:39] Rose Springvale: okay, i'll watch the forum...but really must run now
[10:40] You: ok Rose
[10:40] Rose Springvale: anything else you want me to do, just send me a note Moon
[10:40] You: thanks a lot
[10:40] You: well, for teh moment, really the mailing to all citizens
[10:40] Rose Springvale: okay, will do
[10:40] Jo Sapeur: see you later rose
[10:40] Tanoujin Milestone: bye
[10:40] Rose Springvale: bye all!
[10:40] You: see you later Rose
[10:40] You: ok, Tan and Dnate
[10:40] You: and sorry Jo for repeating
[10:41] You: i have posted a call for volunteers for the workgropus for teh sim planning
[10:41] You: in teh sim and city planning forums
[10:41] You: and have asked Rose as PIO to send a mailing to all citizens with the URL
[10:42] You: for the moment also
[10:42] You: it seems to me that the urgent work is completing the terrain and parcel plan
[10:42] You: so that we can make the necessary financial estimates
[10:43] You: and also the builders start planning the builds
[10:43] You: what do you all think?
[10:43] You: and hi Arria
[10:43] Arria Perreault: Hi
[10:43] Tanoujin Milestone: Hi Arria!
[10:43] You: permission to record chat?
[10:43] Arria Perreault: sorry to be so late
[10:43] Jo Sapeur: you've got mine
[10:43] Arria Perreault: yes, of course
[10:43] Jo Sapeur: hi arria
[10:43] Dnate Mars: wasn't someone working on the terraforming already?
[10:43] You: np, but this meeting will be very brief, i am in a rush today
[10:43] You: Jon was
[10:44] You: and terraforming will be a task of the workgroup
[10:44] Arria Perreault: great
[10:44] Dnate Mars: How far is he on it?
[10:44] You: btw, i now notice that i haven't myself yet joined any specific wg
[10:44] You: well, he made a suggestion on an alternative terrain
[10:45] You: and was also making a close version to Rose's proposed terrain
[10:45] You: those are posted, i think
[10:45] Arria Perreault: can we choose between the two versions?
[10:45] You: well, i was looking for a consensus on a final version
[10:46] You: accompanied by a parcel plan
[10:46] You: seeing that the two must be built together
[10:47] You: but i think the building wg must organize itself on how best to accomplish that task
[10:47] Dnate Mars: I think there building wg needs to have a meeting
[10:47] You: yes, but we're still gathering the group
[10:48] You: i must go and see the replies to that thread
[10:48] Dnate Mars: before we can go to much farther forward, I would like to see what Jon has done
[10:49] You: it's posted, as said, and i also have the files
[10:49] Tanoujin Milestone: I did not find the Maps on the forum.... what search word should i use?
[10:49] You: i can also give a hand with that, but my terraforming work has a bit of an issue of a certain lack of accuracy
[10:49] You: hmmm
[10:49] You: i have to go for them myself
[10:51] You: http://forums.neufreistadt.info/viewtopic.php?t=1203
[10:51] Tanoujin Milestone: ha, ty!
[10:52] You: btw, since i looked in teh forums, let me check the Wgs thread
[10:52] Arria Perreault: it looks great
[10:52] You: Rose, btw, is going to give us her sketch on parcels
[10:52] Dnate Mars: Did Jon finish the 2nd design for the landscape? I didn't see it posted
[10:53] You: which will be handy
[10:53] You: hmm, it isn't there?
[10:53] You: then perhaps it isn't finished
[10:53] You: i know for sure he was working on it
[10:54] Dnate Mars: I just saw the one, and he said a while ago he was going ot have another is a day or 2...
[10:54] Dnate Mars: he may have just forgotten to post it
[10:54] Dnate Mars: A little pock may be in order
[10:54] Arria Perreault: what will be the process? will the RA choose?
[10:54] You: i can't check the files atm because i am on my PC
[10:54] You: no, we have autonomy to propose a plan
[10:55] You: and i think - can be discussed - that it's best to focus on presenting one plan
[10:55] You: which is optimal, than presenting several
[10:56] Dnate Mars: yep, it makes it easier fo rthe building teams
[10:56] You: yes, also we must think on the work it is also for the financial wg
[10:56] You: to prepare several budgets
[10:57] You: another thing that the two groups must discusse
[10:57] You: discuss*
[10:57] You: is the ratio public/private land
[10:57] Arria Perreault: right
[10:57] You: as a comparison
[10:57] You: CN has 10% public land
[10:57] You: and NFS has about 40% public land
[10:58] Arria Perreault: 10% includes roads and water?
[10:58] Dnate Mars: I think it will need to be a minimum amount. We want lots of land to sell so that prices stay low and hopefully we will hve bigger lots
[10:59] You: 10% in CN includes roads, walls, sewer, aqueduct, thermae, praetorium
[10:59] Dnate Mars: I am thinking maybe 5% or less?
[10:59] You: well, Dnate, i am counting on your experience as a land baron for teh financial group as well )
[11:00] Arria Perreault: yes but a sim without special building or places is not really attractive
[11:00] Dnate Mars: but it is between NFS and CN, there is a lot in both those sims
[11:00] Arria Perreault: if it only private, there is no reason to go there, except to visit friends
[11:01] You: perhaps a compromise can be reached?
[11:01] You: and i would like also to listen to Rose on this
[11:01] Dnate Mars: I was thinking like a single public build, and the roads/waterfall
[11:01] Jo Sapeur: well, I think that's what the monastery will be there for
[11:01] Arria Perreault: well it should be a common decision
[11:01] You: so what about sending this as a discussion thread to teh forums?
[11:02] Arria Perreault: people were enthousiasts for the monastery
[11:02] You: surely, i am aiming at consensus decision here
[11:02] Dnate Mars: the more input the better, but I know Rose likes to avoid the forums
[11:02] You: i am not a forum fan myself
[11:02] Tanoujin Milestone:
[11:03] Dnate Mars: but, I can't think of a better way to get the most people with everyone's busy schedules
[11:03] You: but i think both sides should be able to present their reasoning
[11:03] You: and yes
[11:03] You: that's the rub
[11:03] You: we need the forums because we can't be present at all meeting at a time
[11:03] You: so if you're all agreeable i'll send this as a thread
[11:03] Dnate Mars: just need heavy handed moderation... keep topic drift out
[11:04] You: and also if you also agree, start a new thread for terrain and parcel plan
[11:04] Dnate Mars: that would be great
[11:04] Arria Perreault: yes
[11:05] Jo Sapeur: sounds good
[11:05] Tanoujin Milestone: it is a question of transparency also... yes
[11:05] You: thank you
[11:06] Arria Perreault: before to start the building, we can organize a small exhibition and event to show to the people what will be there
[11:06] You: that can be doable, yes
[11:06] Arria Perreault: how we are using their money
[11:06] You: i agree, and it can be part of the promotion startegy~
[11:06] You: strategy*
[11:07] Arria Perreault: and this is the last opportunity for them to give inputs or oppositions
[11:07] You: we can make a double exhibition again, at schloss and praetorium
[11:07] Arria Perreault: yes
[11:07] You: also, it can be used for assessing pre-interest
[11:07] Dnate Mars: but we also need to not drag this out too long
[11:07] You: and making the special citizen sales
[11:07] You: yes, i agree
[11:07] Dnate Mars: we need to be a little quicker at sim turnarounds
[11:07] Arria Perreault: we can also start soon to install there pictures, like the land proposals
[11:08] You: we cam mak ethe exhibits a WIP
[11:08] You: adn add stuff as we get it
[11:08] You: and Dnate, i totally agree
[11:08] Arria Perreault: maybe some people can be also interested to join us
[11:08] You: we need a schedule for work
[11:08] You: i can post also a schedule discussion?
[11:09] You: brb, let me go get a cig
[11:09] Dnate Mars: yes, post away Moon
[11:10] You: Arria, care to start planning the exhibit, or better, to assure the exhibit as we go getting work done?
[11:10] Arria Perreault: ok. i can do that
[11:10] You: as a promotion task?
[11:10] Arria Perreault: of course
[11:11] Tanoujin Milestone: thanks a lot in advance Arria
[11:11] You: the promotion wg will need the chancellor's authorization to use the praetorium and schloss space
[11:11] Arria Perreault: this is a pleasure
[11:11] Dnate Mars: aproved
[11:11] You: but since the chancellor is wiggling his blue tentacles just by my side here... the building wg can discuss taht immediately
[11:12] You: yay )
[11:12] Tanoujin Milestone: hehehe
[11:12] Arria Perreault: i hope i have the right to rez objects there
[11:12] Arria Perreault: i cannot anymore on the forum
[11:12] You: ah, the group things are a mistery to me
[11:13] You: ok, guys, let me make a resume of what has been decided so far
[11:13] You: Rose to send a maling to the citizens about the wgs
[11:13] You: threads to be started on:
[11:13] You: public/private ratio
[11:13] You: schedule for work
[11:14] You: terrain and parcel plan
[11:14] You: a WIP exhibition to be started by promotion wg with goals: info to citizens on progress of work, assessment of interest, pre-sales to citizens
[11:15] Dnate Mars: hurray!
[11:15] You: and i think if we all agree
[11:15] Arria Perreault: great
[11:15] Arria Perreault: yes
[11:15] You: let's close this subject for now
[11:15] You: and have a look at schloss
[11:15] You: any info?
[11:16] Tanoujin Milestone: ah, Pelanor suggested some nice functions
[11:16] You:
[11:16] Dnate Mars: I like Pel's ideas
[11:16] Tanoujin Milestone: Samantha had her saying, i quted her on the thread
[11:16] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, Dnate ?
[11:16] You: haven't read his suggestions yet
[11:17] Dnate Mars: It keeps a story tied to NFS
[11:17] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, i am not prepared to give a summary of the thread now
[11:17] You: yes lol, no worries, i'll read it tomorrow
[11:17] Tanoujin Milestone: i am working on docu, first results next week
[11:18] You: great
[11:18] Arria Perreault: I find all these ideas great too
[11:18] Arria Perreault: If we have a castle, we have to use it
[11:19] You: yes, from the economic pov, that makes all sense
[11:19] You: heya Pel!
[11:19] Tanoujin Milestone: Pelanor
[11:19] Arria Perreault: Hi Pel
[11:19] Pelanor Eldrich: Hi all. Sorry I'm so late.
[11:19] You: Pel, guild meetings are recorded
[11:20] Disconnected from in-world Voice Chat
[11:20] Pelanor Eldrich: You have my consent. Is there a recorder?
[11:20] You: no
[11:20] Pelanor Eldrich:
[11:20] You: i forgot to rezz it
[11:21] Pelanor Eldrich: np
[11:21] Jo Sapeur: it's called "Ctrl+C"-combo
[11:21] You: i need a big sign on the wall recalling people that the meeting is recorded, and to recall ME to rezz a recorder
[11:21] Dnate Mars: We were just talking about you Pel
[11:21] Jon Seattle has ended the call. You will now be reconnected to spatial voice chat.
[11:21] Connecting to in-world Voice Chat...
[11:21] Connected
[11:22] Dnate Mars: well, at least your ideas with the schloss
[11:22] Pelanor Eldrich: uh oh...
[11:22] Pelanor Eldrich:
[11:22] You: i haven't read those yet, pel, sorry
[11:22] Pelanor Eldrich: ah good things..
[11:22] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, Pel, all in favour
[11:22] Pelanor Eldrich: Just a few ideas for a multi-usespace.
[11:23] Dnate Mars: but someone needs to get me my purple robe I can wear while sitting on the thrown
[11:24] Tanoujin Milestone: Flyingroc proposed a unsit script for the throne
[11:24] Pelanor Eldrich: Wow, going all out. LOL
[11:24] Pelanor Eldrich: Seeing as this is a Bavarian sim, there will also be no mustaches of a certain type...
[11:25] You:
[11:25] Jo Sapeur: I volunteer on installing a rocket-propelled cushion on the throne
[11:25] Tanoujin Milestone: hehehe me applauds
[11:25] Pelanor Eldrich: I'd go as far as to suggest that Chancellors forgo mustaches altogether...
[11:25] You: lol
[11:25] You: ok guys
[11:26] You: any other business?
[11:26] Dnate Mars: we will go to the forums
[11:26] Arria Perreault: nothing special
[11:26] Arria Perreault: except my course next Friday
[11:26] Pelanor Eldrich: Do you think we could keep a schloss with those functions and use a nice sculptie Bavarian architecture or should the Schloss be moved up the hill or done away with altogether..?
[11:26] Arria Perreault: don't forget
[11:27] You: ehehe Arria, but good work! and i hope it goes well
[11:27] Arria Perreault: i hope too
[11:27] Arria Perreault: if successfull, i can teach how to make flexi dress...
[11:28] You: don't forget to set a donation box
[11:28] Arria Perreault: for the Guild?
[11:28] You: o lol, for yourself
[11:29] Arria Perreault: ok.
[11:29] Dnate Mars: That is one thing that is still out there, the common avie for guild use
[11:29] You: ah, Guilda?
[11:29] Dnate Mars: yeah
[11:29] You: i don't have access to Guilda atm
[11:29] Dnate Mars: there is still the entire fountain donation
[11:30] You: but you're correct, we do have to deal with that issue
[11:30] Dnate Mars: maybe next week?
[11:30] You: yes, please everyone think on suggestions to what to do about it
[11:31] Pelanor Eldrich: A quick update on the web portal. I'm working for Dnate as the representative of the office of the Chancellor. I spoke to Jon, who is interested in either making it a Guild Project or a Web Co-Op (org not yet founded) project. Jon has experience using Plone to build similar sites. We also took a look at Drupal with Civics modules. Dnate, should we do a formal RFP without outside developers? I think, given Jon and Moon's track records in CN, that they can handle the work.
[11:31] You: Moon isn't good at webdesign
[11:31] Dnate Mars: I think we should be able to do it in house
[11:32] Pelanor Eldrich: Jon believes he can have a working partially functional (per his schematic) portal up by the end of session.
[11:32] Arria Perreault: I am going to cooperate with Jon on this project
[11:32] Arria Perreault: even I missed the meeting of today
[11:32] You: that's great, Arria!
[11:32] Arria Perreault: but my RL week war really busy
[11:33] Pelanor Eldrich: Awesome, the more the merrier. Jon is exploring the options and would welcome any assistance. He could not give me cost estimates at this early point.
[11:33] Pelanor Eldrich: Just wanted to bring folks up to date.
[11:33] Pelanor Eldrich: PS: We need all the help we can get, esp. if you know python.
[11:33] You: thanks, it would be great indeed to do it in the house
[11:33] Dnate Mars: great! If there is nothing else, I have to run
[11:33] You: er... not a programmer here
[11:34] You: i would really prefer to leave the website to you who are specialists
[11:34] Pelanor Eldrich: Not really my area either, but I'm willing to learn.
[11:34] Dnate Mars: With Pel, Jon, and Arria, and others, I think it will be fine
[11:35] You: ok guys, i must run too
[11:35] You: can we adjourn?
[11:35] Dnate Mars: second
[11:35] Tanoujin Milestone: yes lets run
[11:35] Jo Sapeur: okay
[11:35] You: thank you all
[11:35] You: and see you next sunday
[11:35] Arria Perreault: thank you
[11:35] Jo Sapeur: take care Moon
[11:36] You: don't forget to check the forums
[11:36] Arria Perreault: see you soon
[11:36] Jo Sapeur: will do
[11:36] You: see you all soon ) and have fun!
Guild Meeting Log - 19th Aug 2007
Moderator: SC Moderators
- Moon Adamant
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 877
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm