Name that Road

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Dnate Mars
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Name that Road

Post by Dnate Mars »

I for one am tired of not having street names in CN. Is it really partical to tell people to go east on this unnamed road, take a left on this unnamed road, and then it is the 3rd building on the left? I say no! So I have decided to name the roads of CN. They are all after famous romans, main roads after emperors, lesser roads after philosophers. Here is the list:

Old road - New Name

Main EW - Trajan
Main NS - Justinian
South Road - Nerva
SE Street - Epictetus
NW Street - Philo
NE Street - Boethius
SW Street - Anaxilaus
NS road - Titus

If you don't like my list, put your own here. I will take the under consideration.

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Fernando Book
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Post by Fernando Book »

Just for the record, [url= ... 5:3dgz8jui]this[/url:3dgz8jui]thread contains some information that may be useful.

Justice Soothsayer
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Post by Justice Soothsayer »

Plot names should also be in Roman numerals!

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Arria Perreault
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Try your latin

Post by Arria Perreault »

I suggest that we form the name of the streets with "via" like in Ancient Rome: Via Appia. Some examples:

Via Raetia = this road crosses the Alps (Verona - Innsbruck through Brenner Pass). As we are building a sim the them of the Alps, we can call the Main NS Via Raetia.

Via Agrippinensis (or Via Belgica) = this road starts at Köln, the model of Colonia Nova, and goes to Amiens in France. This could be the Main EW.

For the rest, there are a lot of examples


Dnate Mars
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Post by Dnate Mars »

I just want to give a little of the thought process that I went through when coming up with these names. For the main roads, I went with emperors that were loved by the people. Each of these people made great strides in the regards to opening the community to the government. The recalled people that were exiled for petty crimes, worked well with the senate and helped the poor. From what I have read, these people were kind and gentle to the people the governed.

As for the philosophers that I had picked, each one of them helped advance their theories. Many of them have been studied even in the modern times and ideas have survived and are still in place. They range from the mystical to the materialist. This represents the varying of ideas that the CDS has within it.

These sets of names not only stand for what the CDS is about, but it is hoped that people visiting our sims may want to find out what these names mean. It may even make them learn a thing or two. Yet again, something the CDS strives to do.

I am open to change, but I think this is something that needs to be done sooner, rather then later. It is simple and fun. A good break to debate the election reforms that we have been talking about. Let me know what you think. Like it? Don't like it? Want something changed? Let me know!

Rose Springvale
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Post by Rose Springvale »

I like it... I'd love to see the street signs dispense notecards with a brief history of the namesake as well.

The "Via" idea is what Torin Golding used in his Roma Suburra sim, just fyi.

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Arria Perreault
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Post by Arria Perreault »

Well. It's just latin ... Roma SPQR and Colonia Nova are related to the roman civilization (in an architectural point of view). So they can use the same word.

Diderot Mirabeau
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Re: Name that Road

Post by Diderot Mirabeau »

I'd like to express my gratitude to Dnate for his effort to resolve this longstanding issue. One of the characteristics of a civilisation is that the streets have names so it is only fitting for Colonia Nova to follow Neufreistadt in this regard. I'd have to concur with Arria in her suggestion that we adorn each street with the latin "via" just as we have used the Germanic "strasse" in Neufreistadt.

For the remainder of my post I hope you will forgive this remote voice from assuming a dissenting guise for a moment. My doubts concern the choice to honour the names of Roman autocrats by using them to name our streets.

I have always been of the impression that the Roman inspiration for Colonia Nova was of a broader kind than the mere 'thematical one'. My impression was that we were inspired by the spirit of parliamentarism and the power of the persuasive argument? To the best of my knowledge one of the characteristics of the Roman Imperial dynasties was that the succession of leaders was defined by inheritance rather than say merit or the expression of the will of the people?

I have in a previous post (referenced by Fernando) already expressed my opinion in this matter. I would want to stress again that with the naming of the streets we have an outstanding opportunity to fuse the Roman theme with our own history and community. For example, choosing names for our streets on the basis of unique historical events or locations within the CDS would enable our streets to become living repositories of [b:64ubspwa]our[/b:64ubspwa] history and not that of some remote civilisation with authoritarian tendencies.

This remains however a minor matter and the main issue is that we get our Colonia Nova streets named. Thanks to Dnate for leading this effort!

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Arria Perreault
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Post by Arria Perreault »

If necessary, I am ready to translate the names of the street in latin.

Another question: the map of Colonia Nova is not anymore near the Amphitheater. I really would like to know if the gate near my house has a name.

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Bromo Ivory
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Post by Bromo Ivory »

I would love to see a couple of streets named after some of the worst emperors and citizens as well:

Elagabalus & Honorius

And the most unappreciated but nevertheless good emporers, I think: Septimius Severus & Valentinian I !

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