Alpine Meadows Draft Schedule

Forum to discuss and coordinate the expansion of the CDS and the redevelopment of existing territories.

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Moon Adamant
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Alpine Meadows Draft Schedule

Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all,

Here follows an attempt at a Gantt chart for the Alpine Meadows process. Looks a bit crude (sorry!) but it's easy to tinker with. :)

Do notice that 15th Sep is a suggestion of a date, and that the actual date for the buying of the sim isn't specified yet, so dates after it are expressed in weeks.

According to this chart, if the sim was bought and delivered in 15th Sep, the opening would take place around Nov 1st.

Your comments, please. Also this is a Google spreadsheet, which i will be happy to share.

[img:7tw3ccsu] ... 5thAug.jpg[/img:7tw3ccsu]

Brian Livingston
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Post by Brian Livingston »

I would think that Covenants would need to be in place prior to offering land for pre-sale.

Otherwise, it seems quite manageable :)


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Sudane Erato
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Post by Sudane Erato »

I think it was earlier suggested that perhaps, instead of borrowing money to buy the sim, we could pre-sell parcels on it. This would place the start of pre-selling at a diff point in the timeline relative to the purchase point.


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Moon Adamant
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Post by Moon Adamant »


Thanks for your comments!

Brian, i am not sure if the covenants in CN weren't approved after pre-selling was on, can't remember now. What i do recall is that they were written after 90% of the sim or so was built.

So... i don't know what to tell you. The Building WG as a fact uses a [i:20o65ca7]pre-covenant[/i:20o65ca7] when building, since we decide on a general appearance, build from a texture bank, etc.

What we can do right away is start a discussion on covenants, a sort of preview on what the covenants will be, for things such as allowing skyboxes, etc. I will bring the matter up in the meeting later today.

Sudane: this is just a draft Gantt chart based on a list modified from CN's task list :) It's there to be corrected!
if the financial WG decide to go for pre-selling along/instead of the bond thingy, i think it's ok - and i will wait your input on it to correct the chart.

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