For Understandinge, let us Now Reade from the Book of St. Parcelmonious of Primverness,
Chapter Two.
1. Thou mayest Double Primme thy Lande, with 14532 parcel primmes and 468 Publick Prims.
2. Thou shalt set thine region object multiplier to Two, and yea, there shall be Great Rejoicing. The Number of the Multiplier is Two, and Two is the Number of the Multiplier. Nay, not Three, and not Onne and Onne Halfe.
3. Thou shalt Parcel a Number of 512m and 1024m lots, as is Normally Donne.
4. Thenceforth, Parcel thee exactly 31744m* worth of parcels for 468 prims remaining in thine Leftover Area.
5. Thine Leftover Area will be slightly greater than half the Lande.
6. That area is for thine roads and trees, and the King's Wild Creatures. It is not for thine oddments, bodkins or Personal Properties.
7. On thine Double Primme parcels, everything will Be Correcte on the Land Tabbe. Yea, even a dullard can Reade It directly, and Understande. Failing Comprehenfion, simply Whacke Harde upon thine serf's Noggin and Instructeft Thou to Himme: Reade thine Land Tabbe Againe.
8. On thine Leftover Land (33792m) there is only One Thinge Wrong in thine Land Tabbe. Thine Area should only have 468 Primmes, but the Primme Counte will bea Ridiculoufly High.
9. Do Not Sette Oute more than 468 Primmes in the Bigge Area! Not 469, and not 470. 471 Primmes is right out.
10. Set Autoreturne in thine Bigge Area to Half an Hour or Somethinge, and subfequently Forgette about it.
11. Chargest Thou Double Tier for a Double Primme Parcel. Yea, for that is the Same Value Any wayye.
12. Shouldst thou Sinne, and placest thou More than 468 Primmes, yea, it may go Unnoticed for the Longeft Time. But ye eventually shall be Caughte, and for thine Penance one must Paye Alms to the Primme Poor.
13. One might Briefly Sinne, and placest thou More Primmes for a Short While in the Publick Commons, provideft thou pray that the tenants Mindeft Notte that ye have Donne So.
~ closes book ~
*So where did 31744m come from?
It goes like this: 32768m (half a sim) would use up all the prims were it double prim land. Knock 1024m of 'double prim' land off of that for 468 'public prims' (234 prims of a typical 1024m plot, doubled) and that's what you can use for the big area. Simply don't rent the big area - that's designed for, and kept largely clear for, the public.
But say you want 936 prims. Alright then, take half a sim (32768m) and set aside 2048m (468 standard prims x 2, for 936 prims). 32768 - 2048 = 30720m for private double prim parcels. The leftover area, a bit over half a sim, will comprise of 32768m+2048m, but only 'deserve' 936 prims. Don't put more than 936 out in the big area.