Thinking on the convenant of the new sim, we have spoken again about the question of the teleportation point. It seems that it was an historical decision: CN and NFS should have a unique TP. I can understand the reasons (discover the main place first, see the commerce on it, ...). But some experiments were made by citizen. My two plots are supposed to be commercial. I have built a museum in one (exhibition Gods of Love) and I had a small shop in the other (exactly like in the houses of Herculanum).
The exhibition was in the SL list of places. I have distributed LM. But visitors did not find it very easely. The other problems were: not enough room and lack of prims. So I moved this museum somewhere else. I have redesign the house as a Collegium of priests (a place where groups of priests had meetings and dinners). But I really don't know if I can organize something there, if it so hard to find.
Same with the shop. Some people saw it by an extraordinary hazard. It is now in the Macellum of Subura and in the museum. Roma has the same policy, but it is in a mall. Giving freebies, I know that people visited it regularly.
Renouncing to this TP would make the life of citizen so easier. I was agree that the new sim will not have a unique TP, mainly because I hope that it will clearly show how it is much better.
I officially ask the RA to discuss this point. I ask the RA members to think to this problem not in an ideological point of view, but in a very pratical one. I suggest them to talk with people before to decide (aren't we in democracy ).