The Monastery Project

Forum to discuss and coordinate the expansion of the CDS and the redevelopment of existing territories.

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Arria Perreault
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The Monastery Project

Post by Arria Perreault »

Several persons have encouraged me to go further in the project of the Monastery. Many seems also interested in this project.
The main idea of the project is to build a Monastery and to place it in the new sim. This Monastery will not be a religious place. You can imagine an old monastery of the Middle Age (mostly from the roman period) which is well restored and used for other purposes. What are in fact the possible uses of this building. Since the beginning it was considered as a welcome area, were people can walk, rest, meet other people, talk with them. This place can welcome new CDS citizen as well as new SL residents. We can offer there some basic informations. In this building, we can also organize meetings, debates, exhibitions, concerts, events. You can tell me that we have many places in CDS to do all these things, but every place is unique. The atmosphere of the Monastery will be, I hope, different, unique.
The Monastery will have four different parts:

1. The cloister: it is the central place, open to the sky with a garden and a foutain. The people can sit there and talk.

2. The left aisle is called the Library. At the beginning, there will be presentations of medieval manuscrit. It is very symbolic: the new sim will be the link between a medieval town and a roman city. The monasteries has played a very important role in the transmission of the knowledge of the Antiquity, particularly in keeping and copying ancient texts.
A desk with different informations about CDS and SL can also take place in this room.

3. The right aisle: it is the church. As I have said, this Monastery will not be used by a religious community. So the church will be an empty space that we can use for different uses and arrange in different ways.

4. The last room is behind the cloister. It will be a place with wall painting. We can use it for different use, even it is not very big. My dream would be to reserve it to the entrance of the crypt (in the second phase of the building), if we can have a hole above the Monastery.

I can so easely describe the Monastery, because the building has started, as you can see above:




I would like to thank Beathan, because he give me the possibility to work on his sim, where he has a lot of space. It is a quiet place. Some people come sometimes and ask questions about the project. I can give the landmark to everyone who is interested and even make guided tours.

This Monastery is seen by me and others as a public place. As public place, we can understand a place which can be used by the community. As CDS public place, the Monastery cannot also be removed or changed without an official decision. That means that it will be a stable place in the sim.
This fact doesn't mean that the CDS has to pay entirely for the Monastery. To finance and manage this project, I post here two propositions, one to finance the Monastery and the other to manage it.


I will make fundraising to finance the project. Everyone can participate to this project by giving some L$. Every amount will be appreciated. This money will be used:

1. to buy the land. It seems that it will cost around 100$.

2. if we get more money, the rest of the money will be used to pay the first fees.

The building itself is totally free.

Parallel to the donation, I will create a dress (and maybe other stuffs if I have time) for the Oktoberfest. If you buy one of these things, all the money will be for the Monastery.

Finally I will also make a list of things that we will need for the Monastery. People can also buy them and give to the Monastery (beware of objects which are not transmitable) or make them. I will probably ask for special things like scripts.


To manage the Monastery during its building and after, we need an organization. I announce also the creation of this NGO. It is too early to describe now the goals of this NGO. Their activities will be centered around the Monastery, but maybe around other places in CDS like temples (in CN), church (in NFS). In any case, it is a a-politic, a a-religious and a-ideological organization, open to anyone. I have received a draft describing the activities of such an NGO. Interested people can contact me and we can try to discuss this topic together. I will publish regularly information in this forum, so other people can join.
More practically, this NGO will have to manage the Monastery, to find money to pay the fees, to organize activities in the Monastery and also in other places corresponding to its goals. In an administrative point of view, the NGO will also have to accept the counts of the building and the activities of the Monastery. If there is another way of doing, please indicate it to me. I will that the legal aspect of the process is totally respected.
This NGO doesn't have a name and I think that its member will have to choice. I have one proposition to start the reflection: something with SOPHIA, the greek name of wisdom.

What can I add? Well. I have started to build the Monastery, because I am very enthousiast with this project. I was encouraged to work on it and I thank all the persons who have encourage me. I will continue, i will participate to the financing, I will be member of the NGO, I will organize animations with others. It is a very passionate adventure. I don't intend to do it alone. So anyone who would like to work on it can contact me. People can build, try to improve all the detail, look for textures, write scripts, ...

Justice Soothsayer
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Post by Justice Soothsayer »

Great work! I think this will be an excellent addition to our soon-to-be three sims.

I'd call the part you identify as a church "chapel" rather than church, at least in part to avoid confusion with the Kirche in Neufreistadt.

Can you give us a landmark or SLurl to the Monastery in progress?

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Post by Arria Perreault »

Thank you Justice. I agree with the term "chapel".

Fundraising has started and it gives good results. I'll publish the donator's list in CN soon.

I give you here the slurl:

Keep in mind that it is in construction. Texture work is still exploratory and provisory.

If anyone has double doors with rounded top and opening script, I am interested. (modifiable please)


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Post by Salzie Sachertorte »

How does one donate money? Can I just pay you?

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Post by Arria Perreault »

Hi Salzie. People pay direct to me and I ask them If they agree to be listed on the donator's list, that I will publish soon.

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Post by Dnate Mars »

Just a thought with the NGO, if this works out, is there any thought about taking over the Church in NFS also?

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Post by Arria Perreault »

[quote="Dnate Mars":3dwy3did]Just a thought with the NGO, if this works out, is there any thought about taking over the Church in NFS also?[/quote:3dwy3did]

Yes, it is a possibility. We can also imagine the temples of CN. These points are to be discussed with the potential members of the NGO. I will create a group soon and I hope that we can organize a first meeting.

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Some News

Post by Arria Perreault »

I can give some news of the Monastery Project.


The project has got until now the following amount of donations:

32,000 L$

This is a great result. This money will be used to buy the land and to pay the fees of the land. So you can continue to donate.
I can announce that we will sell some objects during the Octoberfest to get money for the project.
You can also give objects. We have got great doors. I think that we will need a bell for our beautiful tower. If someone has a bell with move and sound or is able to do it, it could be a good gift for the project :-).

[b:knatlrci]Guild decision[/b:knatlrci]

Since tonight the Monastery is also supported by the Guild as an official project. This organization has voted a motion tonight. That means that the Guild will help to build and give technical advices .

(I will work on the NGO which will manage the Monastery next week)

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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

I suggest using the [url=]'Rokuro' sculptie tool[/url:1yv440ck] to make a bell, should be just as easy as a vase:

[img:1yv440ck] ... 1f6f7f.jpg[/img:1yv440ck]

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Some News

Post by Arria Perreault »

Here are some news about the project.

The building is in progress. If you visit the Monastery, you will see some changes. In the tower, Tanoujin Milestone has made an amazing bell with mouvement and sound. Above the same tower, Samantha Fuller has built a great spiral stair. We are also working on textures, making tests.

Until now the project has received 36'000 L$ as donation. This is just wonderful. Thank you to everyone. I will continue to raise money, because we will also have to pay the monthly fee. I have created a "Heidi" dress for the October Fest, in five colors. Every piece is 500 L$. This is quiet expensive for a dress, but [u:pke093wo]all [/u:pke093wo]the money goes to the Monastery. This is for ladies. I will try to make a hat for the gentlemen. I will sell these pieces during the October Fest, but the dress are already available in my house in Colonia Nova (near the Forum, on the street to the bridge, at your right). It is not seen as a concurrency to other dresses/clothes made for this occasion. Buying it, you just help the project.


Any interested person can join us to build the Monastery. I have created a group "Monastery". Just IM me.

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Post by Tanoujin Milestone »

Monastery News, Update for Arria (could have been a group notice, but i like it in the open)

Guild meeting 2007_09_16: For Moons summary and the full transscript visit ... highlight=

i am giving a summary as far as the monastery project is concerned:
Moon posted 2 proposals at ... highlight=

one with simple prim support, and the other double primmed. The guild voted to support the double prim idea. Moon will continue to work on the draft #10, here is the link to the map: ... 20copy.jpg

and here the link to the table of areas: ... 0table.jpg

this are only sketches, subdivision needs more discussion.

I reported on the Monastery, Moon offered her help - we can call her if we feel the need. The position of the Monastery in AM is in question, we should consider where we want it.

As Dnate pointed out, we need at least 2048 sqm. (This is 1/32 region, if double primmed, supporting 15000/16 = 937 prims).

Plot 1 or 2 were recommended (plan 10) that means in the south half - Sudane remarked we should choose a parcel like everyone else. The sim is possibly funded with pre-sales. Consensus: The monastery people have already positioned themselves as buyers.

Here some friendly advice:
We should think on what level we would like to have the monastery (up the hill, mid slope, down the hill) and tell that to the people doing the parcelling, so that it can be tweaked if need be. We should also let that people know how large the building to be set there will be. (esp hight)

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Post by Arria Perreault »

For the Monastery, we will ask for a plot of 2048 sqm (a double prim plots) in the highest area of the sim, that mean near NFS. The building has 40x60. I have still to estimate the hight of the tower.

[img:1t9qmudl] ... romfar.jpg[/img:1t9qmudl]

We can discuss which plot of the highest part of the sim is the best.

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Post by Tanoujin Milestone »

The Tower is 57m at the moment, and i'd like to take the opportunity to express a vague feeling of "still too much", since the chapel is 40m only in length and roman style? It certainly will not get higher.
Should we agree upon a final decision when we have an idea of location and general impression of the landscape?

Edit: Arria, 40*60=2400 sqm! I like the proportions you have set. Can we go for that?

I notice i use the plural all the time - may I ask who would like to enter the designated monastery NGO? Me, for one, signs up here and now as a simple member, ready to share the expenses.

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Post by Arria Perreault »

[quote="Tanoujin Milestone":2lveuphb]The Tower is 57m at the moment, and i'd like to take the opportunity to express a vague feeling of "still too much", since the chapel is 40m only in length and roman style? It certainly will not get higher.
Should we agree upon a final decision when we have an idea of location and general impression of the landscape?[/quote:2lveuphb]

Yes, the picture above shows that the tower is probably too high. It's better to reduce it. You're probably right to consider that we have to wait the final landascape and the effect on it.

[quote="Tanoujin Milestone":2lveuphb]I notice i use the plural all the time - may I ask who would like to enter the designated monastery NGO? Me, for one, signs up here and now as a simple member, ready to share the expenses.[/quote:2lveuphb]

OK :D . I will create a new group for the NGO soon, for Octoberfest.

I can say that I use often plural because I don't consider the Monastery project as a personal project. This plural means also that I don't alone in this project. Many persons has contributed, by donation, working, encouraging, commenting, ... . It's like I have always imagined that things go in CDS. A bit of auto-organisation. Then we can create the structure which will insure the activities.
I have a great pleasure to coordonate it, but this place will open to anyone for projects, debates, discussions, ... I am trying to imagine a first exhibition for the Library, but i am open to other inputs. Somebody has proposed to me an exhibition about CDS history. It is a good idea: when we go to the future, it's sometimes useful to see behind us. The NGO will have to manage all these activities.

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fallback - same proportion, smaller sizes

Post by Tanoujin Milestone »

Arria, you are the central node of this adventure, so you may have an easy relation to the plural - but i have to make sure that i do not usurp a majestatis that you did not pick up, as appropriate in a democracy. It is a fact that i know only a few of the contributers, so i should better not use the plural at all.

I calculated 2 fallbacks to 2048 sqm as follows:

0. Building 60*40 = 2400 sqm - no seam
area 15*10 microlots (a 4*4)

1. Building 54*36 = 2016 sqm - 1m seam at both sides
area 14*9 ml + 2 "floating" ml = 2048 sqm

2. Building 48*32 = 1536 sqm - 8m seam at both sides or 1 patch at one side
area 16*8 ml = 2048 sqm

#2 fits in a square parcel of 64*32 sqm as it may derive from a simple straight parcel cut. The currently discussed layouts show exactly this cut for the monastery.

20% loss in sizes? This may be shocking at the first sight, but if you think of the problems to position the monastery on the slope, it has some advantage too. I would suggest to keep the 3/2 proportion and have 512 sqm outside the building - comments?

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