This one doesn't fit in the "CDS Events" but I thought it would be interesting for many CDS citizens.
Seton Hall School of Law has built a [url=]SL version of Guantanmo Bay[/url:1ho6f21o] at which it will hold a Constitution Day [url= ... m:1ho6f21o]program on “Interrogation and Intelligence Gathering.[/url:1ho6f21o]†on September 17th.
US federal law, sponsored by Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV for life) requires any college or university receiving federal student loan funds to hold educational programs about the Constitution on or about September 17th each year, the anniversary of the adoption of the US Constitution.
Funding for the virtual detention center comes in part from the MacArthur Foundation, the folks who provide "genius grants".
Should we consider a prison camp theme for our 4th sim?