Arria Perreault wrote:I remember that we had that discussion about void some time ago. At least two citizen, at that time, were ready to get one of these void sims. I have always considered that a void sim would have been the best solution to link NFS and CN. But now it's to late to return to this possibility. We have to do our best for the new sim.
I consider also that one of the reason that we had, as community, to build this sim was to get more citizen. More citizen would be for me at least 20. So I am in favour of a solution of smaller plots. I would find nice to see in this sim a small village, for example, with commercial activities.
For what it's worth I would have to say I agree with Arria's opinion.
In addition to the arguments already advanced in favour of smaller parcels in the new sim I'd like to mention the following:
1) Having large parcels does not guarantee a 'rural' feel since all parcels will be double prim every parcel owner could theoretically fill his entire plot with buildings. A covenant is a better tool for ensuring some free space between parcels. However, a covenant will work equally well for smaller parcels as it will for larger parcels.
2) The new sim will cost 100 USD more per month to maintain than the present sims. As far as I know a final decision has not been taken about how to finance this but my impression was the general attitude was in favour of solidaric financing - i.e. spreading the marginal cost between all the tenants rather than just the ones that move into "Alpine Meadows". If the new sim will contain only enough parcels to sustain six citizens the 100 USD in extra monthly tier fees may seem like a disproportionate additional cost to many.
3) Also, to the issue of whether there will be any access to the public in this sim in areas outside the monastery I do not see that large, privately owned parcels will by themselves guarantee the availability of some land in which anyone can squat. In both Colonia Nova and Neufreistadt for example, there have been cases of a few parcels being blocked for access by anyone not on the 'whitelist'.
The community discussed the issue at the time but felt that it was not necessary to legislate against use of the access control feature in CDS prefering instead to rely on the understanding and goodwill of neighbours as might be sufficient for a small community, where everybody knows everyone else.
However, as the community reaches 80+ citizens this neighbour relying on the understanding of neighbour approach may no longer be enough. Imagine the harmful impact for the Alpine Meadows sim of having cone or two of the imagined superparcels of 8,000 sqm being set to block access to anyone not on a whitelist.
As a consequence of all this in addition to Arria and Jon's comments - especially the one about financial vulnerability - I would have to say I support the proposal to partition the sim into more and smaller parcels than the six to eight currently on the table.