I would like to add that the monastery is a project in the interest of the public, not a private retreat, but an open place, and will hopefully be a center of social life. IMO the charter should adress the needs of the setteled citizenry - the prim support above 1k could be used for temporary building (instead of a sandbox without another purpose), and it should welcome and support new cds citizens as well. You do not have to join a group to join the discussion. Think of what you feel is needed, and have your saying.
Let me go ahead and be a little personal on needs: I am living on 2x144 sqm - and i am still trying to make something convincing of at least one of the plots. I see examples around me, so i know it can be done very well. In fact i do not need more than one of them. But sometimes the ceiling is coming down on my head - and i tp away to build somewhere else. On my private ground, because public sandbox means interruptions.
If the monastery would serve the purpose to offer space, primmage (and permissions) for temporary use in an atmosphere that is not isolated nor exposed to the usual sl madness, it would make a lot of sense to me. And if i could see what others are working on, it would make even more sense. And if someone is not as down to the surface patch as me, I would welcome it as a complement. A monastery can be a frame for this kind of sharing, without doubling the guild, because the guild adresses public projects. Is the development of new fachwerks a public project? I doubt it. Do we need to leave the cds to build them somewhere else (or hold huge private parcels in the cds to have the resources)? As long as this is the case, we have a lot of people half at home here. I call that a need.
Your turn appropriate thread http://forums.neufreistadt.info/viewtopic.php?t=1334
As to the Sim proposal as it is now: i followed this discussion with strong interest, and i really appreciate the devotion of all contributors. An oligarchy would not bother to drill a thick board like this. But you may excuse that i try to focus on this particular non private interest without any modesty, now that the frame design is fixed and the details in question. ty