Guild Meeting - 16th September - Minutes

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Moon Adamant
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Guild Meeting - 16th September - Minutes

Post by Moon Adamant »

Sorry all, i was already so hurried when i logged off SL that i forgot to take the transcript, so i am publishing minutes instead.

We discussed:

Alpine Meadows: Proposals for terrain and parcels were presented. Upon discussion, it was voted a double prim proposal. Guild members to propose alternate maps with subdivision of some plots and/or bettering of the current proposal.

Monastery: report was made. As for location of monastery in alpine meadows, it was decided that the monastery group will have first picking of plot, as they have already positioned themselves as pre-buyers. Also suggested that some tweaking in the monastery plot can be made by the builders studying subdivision of plots. Also, all interested in participating in the project can ask to join its building group.

Schloss: report was made, focusing on texture lists available at the schloss wiki.

Oktoberfest: it was decided to hold the fest on the NFS platz. Requests for specific items were made, namely steins (Sleazy), dancing floor (Tan) and signs (Moon). Jon offered teleporters, but in discussion still if they'll be needed (seeing all events will take place on the platz).

Elections: to continue discussion on next meeting, but faculty term is coming to an end and an election as per charter will be due soon. Also to be discussed: if we will make the sec and chair elections at the same time (this sec term can be considered an interim term).

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Tanoujin Milestone
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i like the minutes :)

Post by Tanoujin Milestone »

[10:10] Moon Adamant: ok guys
[10:10] Moon Adamant: let's start
[10:10] Moon Adamant: agenda is
[10:11] Moon Adamant: Alpine Meadows
[10:11] Moon Adamant: Schloss
[10:11] Moon Adamant: Oktoberfest
[10:11] Moon Adamant: Monastery
[10:11] Moon Adamant: also, elections must be scheduled for faculty soon, seeing we are nearing the 6 months
[10:12] Moon Adamant: i have one request
[10:12] Moon Adamant: let's try to be quick today, as i need to go out and buy food
[10:12] Moon Adamant: and it's a sunday evening here, so most things close early
[10:12] Sudane Erato: great :)
[10:12] Tanoujin Milestone nods
[10:12] Dnate Mars: k, let's roll
[10:13] Moon Adamant: ok Alpine Meadows
[10:13] Moon Adamant: as you may have seen, i published two proposals
[10:13] Moon Adamant: on teh forums, they're here on teh walls too
[10:13] Sudane Erato: they look great!
[10:13] Moon Adamant: some peopel have already commented the proposals, and i hope more comments and refinements on them be posted soon
[10:14] Sleazy Writer nods enthusiastically!
[10:14] Moon Adamant: at the same time, i hope what's there is useful for the building wgs
[10:14] selena Goodliffe is Offline
[10:14] Moon Adamant: sorry*
[10:15] Moon Adamant: other workgroups
[10:15] Sudane Erato: whats the process with these?
[10:15] Sudane Erato: do we discuss and vote?
[10:15] Dnate Mars: I really like the idea of the double prim plots
[10:15] Sudane Erato: i agree!
[10:15] Moon Adamant: well, as from previous meetings
[10:16] Moon Adamant: financial and bureau wgs need data on parcelling
[10:16] Moon Adamant: and bureau on other issues for writing covenants
[10:17] Jon Seattle: I also like the double prim idea, but I would hope we will have more than seven citizens in the entire sim.
[10:17] Dnate Mars: Do we have a new ETA on when well be buying the sim, since the 15th has come and gone?
[10:17] Moon Adamant: i know that what's proposed is just a sketch, but may help concretizing stuff
[10:17] Dnate Mars: well, yes, I think we would at least double that
[10:17] Moon Adamant: Jon: the parcels can be subdivided
[10:17] Dnate Mars: double prims, 2048 max plot size?
[10:17] Rose Springvale: and there could be trickle down as residents migrate from one sim to another
[10:18] Sudane Erato: i would be happy with just 7 parcels
[10:18] Dnate Mars: It happened with CN
[10:18] Rose Springvale: if i move my office, at least two lots will be open in CN
[10:18] Moon Adamant: but if i went down to all the possiblities on smaller plots, you would be seeing proposals 20 or 30 instead of 9 and 10
[10:18] Rose Springvale: me too sudane... then we can work on the next one
[10:18] Sudane Erato: or else the sim will become a city instead of an alpine slope
[10:18] Sleazy Writer: Sudane > Are you happy with an expansion of only 7 citizens??
[10:18] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:18] Sleazy Writer: crazy ..
[10:19] Sudane Erato: :)
[10:19] Dnate Mars: well, we just need to start on the next sim as soon as this one is done
[10:19] Sudane Erato: thats why you hired me, right? :)
[10:19] You: :)
[10:19] Moon Adamant: well, i understand that the les sparcels, teh easier to manage territory?
[10:20] Sudane Erato: well, yes, i guess
[10:20] Sudane Erato: but thats not the point
[10:20] Dnate Mars: The theme is alpine slops, so that would mean we don't want too many houses there
[10:20] Sudane Erato: exactly
[10:20] Sudane Erato: 7 would be great!
[10:21] Dnate Mars: I was thinking 10-15....
[10:21] Sudane Erato: incl the monastery... or whatever
[10:21] Moon Adamant: that's why i don't like proposal 9 very much either btw
[10:21] Jon Seattle: Though if we keep this up it will change the nature of our community. We would have only people who could afford one of those seven plots.
[10:21] Dnate Mars: I think that this will be on one time thing... the next sim will be much more dense
[10:21] Moon Adamant: i fear that it would be difficult to avoid a certain filling up visually
[10:22] Moon Adamant: well, Dnate
[10:22] Moon Adamant: sims east and west to this one have a good bit of the same hmmm
[10:22] Dnate Mars: well, that is MHO ;)
[10:22] Moon Adamant: conditionants of this
[10:22] Moon Adamant: so they'll most possibly have to be low density as well
[10:22] Jon Seattle: Dnate, we don't even know if there will be another sim or when. And that would raise the same question about who we want to be.
[10:22] Dnate Mars: I see the next sim expanding CN or NFS
[10:22] Moon Adamant: though the slopes are not so bad to reckon with
[10:23] Rose Springvale: i love this plan
[10:24] Dnate Mars: There will be another sim... ;) before the end of the year if I have my way....
[10:24] Moon Adamant: i must say i am 200% agreeable to everyone wanting to take proposal 10 and subdivide
[10:24] Rose Springvale: but the roads are so nice now :(
[10:24] Moon Adamant: it's really just a sketch
[10:24] Brian Livingston is Online
[10:25] Dnate Mars: as long as we have an idea of what we want, we can get on with ordering the sim and starting the process
[10:25] Jon Seattle: It sounds as if there is some support for not subdividing
[10:25] Moon Adamant: exp9 is more rigid, harder to subdivide, what with teh river and slopes, but you can try too :)
[10:25] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:25] Jon Seattle: Well, lets decided on the double prim issue first.
[10:25] Moon Adamant: hey Brian :)
[10:25] Dnate Mars: but, is it really fair that in this sim you can have double the amount of prim then you can in the other 2?
[10:25] Jon Seattle: Hi Brian
[10:25] You: Brian :)
[10:26] Brian Livingston: Hi all :)
[10:26] Moon Adamant: double prim, i must say, is eminently practical
[10:26] Rose Springvale: its all a matter of cost jon
[10:26] Moon Adamant: from the planner's pov :))
[10:26] Rose Springvale: sorry dnate
[10:26] Rose Springvale: you can have double prims in the other two if you buy two lots
[10:26] Dnate Mars: that also means that a 4096 plot in that land will be double the cost
[10:26] Rose Springvale: that's econmically the same thing as double prim
[10:26] Moon Adamant: dnate, i would say that if you payed accordingly...
[10:26] Dnate Mars: but we have a limit of 4096 of land per sim
[10:27] Sleazy Writer: Hi Brian
[10:27] Dnate Mars: (or total in CDS, I forget)
[10:27] Moon Adamant: hmmm, isn't it 4500?
[10:27] Jon Seattle: Dnate, I think the improvement in the landscape for the double prim proposal will be worth it. We will have to sell plots at a higher price of course.
[10:27] Sudane Erato: 4096
[10:27] Moon Adamant: duh, where did i get the 4500 then?
[10:27] Rose Springvale: perhaps the new citizenship plan will help this issue
[10:28] Moon Adamant: ehehe proposals 12 and 13 looming on the horizon :)
[10:28] Rose Springvale: groups of citizens.. say monks :)
[10:28] Moon Adamant: but i agree with Jon
[10:28] Moon Adamant: the ability to have the plots floating in middle of the landscape is an added bonus
[10:28] Rose Springvale: i will tell you that i owned a double prim 4096
[10:28] Sudane Erato: the 4096 maximum was intended as a sim by sim rule
[10:28] You: :) you planned #10 with 4500, ic :)
[10:28] Sudane Erato: this sim could have a diff rule
[10:28] Rose Springvale: and it held it's value easily
[10:29] Rose Springvale: when i sold, i made 10k.. and only on the market a week
[10:29] Dnate Mars: true, but I also want a few smaller plots so that people that aren't so rich can move in too
[10:29] Jon Seattle: Dnate, that can be done by subdiving or creating a "village" in two or so plots.
[10:29] Dnate Mars: I agree with that
[10:30] Dnate Mars: I think we all argree on a double prim in the sim?
[10:30] Jon Seattle: Moon, shall we vote?
[10:31] Moon Adamant: i must say technically that it offers a set of possibilities that aren't present on a single prim solution
[10:31] Moon Adamant: surely
[10:31] Jon Seattle: I move that we build based on the double prim plan, with possible subdivision
[10:31] Dnate Mars: do we just want to vote for number 10?
[10:31] Jon Seattle: basically, yes :)
[10:31] Moon Adamant: well, number 10 needs further work then for subdivision, mind
[10:32] Dnate Mars: yes, but it is the basic idea we will be going with
[10:32] Rose Springvale: i'm wondering
[10:32] Dnate Mars: once it is on the sim, we will need to "tweak" it
[10:32] Rose Springvale: if we are planning to do the subdivision as guild, or leave it up to developers?
[10:32] Moon Adamant: so i would prefer that vote would run not linking to 10 specifically
[10:32] Rose Springvale: so that we need covenants
[10:33] You: we are voting on double primming then?
[10:33] Dnate Mars: Rose, I think we will come up with a final plot design
[10:33] Rose Springvale: ok
[10:33] Moon Adamant: Rose, dunno how that would link with the sys for payments, i'd like to hear Sudane on that
[10:33] Jon Seattle: Rose, we have no provision for renting or such at the moment. I suppose we could do re-sales but those have not yet allowed subdivisions.
[10:33] Dnate Mars: actually, we forbid sub-leasing
[10:33] Rose Springvale: well, new sim, new ideas.... :)
[10:34] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:34] Rose Springvale: and subdivision
[10:34] Dnate Mars: for the most part
[10:34] Moon Adamant: but subdivision may be hmmm
[10:34] Moon Adamant: contemplated in the covenants
[10:34] Dnate Mars: I think we should call a vote on the double prim idea
[10:34] Moon Adamant: for thsi sim specifically
[10:34] Jon Seattle agrees with Moon
[10:35] Sudane Erato: well, its not subdivision if we set it up nnow
[10:35] Jon Seattle: Moon, Dnate seconds the motion I think :D
[10:35] Moon Adamant: what i would like to know is that if the payment sys needs a fixed frame
[10:35] Sudane Erato: we are only subdividing a parcel on a plan...
[10:35] Sudane Erato: not a parcel already in existence and owned by someone
[10:35] Rose Springvale: okay. if we are serious about the "not so rich" we really shojuld consider renting
[10:35] Jon Seattle: Sudane, Rose was suggesting we could leave subdivision to private developers
[10:36] Sudane Erato: if by private developers, we mean owners..
[10:36] Rose Springvale: just like in rl, subject to approval of plans, etc
[10:36] Rose Springvale: yes
[10:36] Jon Seattle: Rose, that is not a guild issue, though it could vote to suggest it.
[10:36] Rose Springvale: but then the issue of renting comes up. too complicated for this discussion
[10:36] Sudane Erato: then I would be against that for admin reasons... makes the job mucjh more complex
[10:36] Jon Seattle: Are we going to vote on double prims?
[10:36] Rose Springvale: i think jon is calling the vote moon
[10:36] Jon Seattle: I would be against renting as well.
[10:36] You: i hear you, Sudane :)
[10:36] Moon Adamant: yes lol, recalling everyone that supermarkets close early in portugal on a sunday evening ;)
[10:36] Rose Springvale: lol
[10:36] Moon Adamant: yes, let's vote
[10:37] Sudane Erato: poor Moon :(
[10:37] Sudane Erato: I support #10
[10:37] Jon Seattle: I suppoer #10
[10:37] Jon Seattle: *support
[10:37] Dnate Mars: I vote for double prims
[10:37] You: and i vote aye to the double prim idea
[10:37] Rose Springvale: i support double prims as laid out in number ten and tweaked for further development :)
[10:37] Moon Adamant: all agreeable to a double prim plan for Alpine Meadows, possibly based on exp10 but with smaller parcels, do vote aye
[10:37] Jon Seattle: aye :)
[10:37] You: aye
[10:37] Rose Springvale: aye, but dont' need smaller parcels
[10:38] Sudane Erato: yes!... (never quite sure what "aye" means) :)
[10:38] Sleazy Writer abstains
[10:38] Moon Adamant: yes, i think :)
[10:38] Brian Livingston abstains, but does like the idea of double prim plots
[10:38] Moon Adamant: and i vote aye as well, feel free to tweak it round, it's there just for that :)
[10:38] Sudane Erato: but i too don't think we need smaller parcels
[10:39] Moon Adamant: may i suggest the following?
[10:39] You: well, the parcels are now not legal, because they are bigger than 4096...
[10:39] Moon Adamant: why don't you propose a smaller parcel plan?
[10:39] You: ;)
[10:39] Sudane Erato: no!
[10:39] Sudane Erato: the 4096 rule is for each sim locally
[10:39] Dnate Mars: I like plots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 as they are
[10:40] Rose Springvale: tan, .. yes, what sudane said :)
[10:40] Sudane Erato: and it could be set differently foir each sim
[10:40] Dnate Mars: 5 and 6 I think could be tweeked
[10:40] Brian Livingston: Oh, is therean updated plot map out?
[10:40] You: ah, ok, i was staring at parcel 3 sorry
[10:40] Sleazy Writer: Dnate > 5 + 6 + 7 are well places, because they have their "back" against the "boring" NFS city wall
[10:40] Jon Seattle: A village environment in 5 and 6 would help I think.
[10:40] Moon Adamant: lol Brina, on the wall
[10:40] Sleazy Writer: well placed
[10:40] Brian Livingston: Oh... hehe...
[10:40] Moon Adamant: Brian*
[10:40] Jon Seattle: Sleavy, CN side :)
[10:41] Sleazy Writer: oops
[10:41] Moon Adamant: maps are oriented
[10:41] Moon Adamant: no, Sleazy, to CN
[10:41] Moon Adamant: lol, it's ok, i had actually to turn them round to orient them
[10:41] Dnate Mars: hehe
[10:41] Moon Adamant: easier to think higher=upside
[10:42] Dnate Mars: I think that 1 will be the monastery project land
[10:42] Rose Springvale: i don't like the idea of a higher density village next to the lowe density part of cn
[10:42] Rose Springvale: i think that ruins the nature of the blending
[10:42] Dnate Mars: yes
[10:42] Rose Springvale: that was why i started this in the first place
[10:42] Jon Seattle: I propose we work on a village environment in plots 5 and 6. Dnate, do you second?
[10:42] Rose Springvale: i oppose vehemently
[10:42] Dnate Mars: I was thinking like maybe 4 plots there...
[10:43] Dnate Mars: not a dense population
[10:43] Moon Adamant: well, what would be teh size of teh plots?
[10:43] Moon Adamant: 4 per plot? that's 1100 m2
[10:43] Dnate Mars: I was thinking 1 1024, 2 2048 and a 4069
[10:43] Moon Adamant: more or less, a bit off for an alley
[10:44] Dnate Mars: for both 5 and 6
[10:44] Jon Seattle: Well I would like to allow citizend who can only affort smaller plots to have a change to take part on this development, not to create a community for wealthy citizens only.
[10:44] Jon Seattle: *chance
[10:44] Rose Springvale: then put it next to NFS
[10:44] Rose Springvale: lol sorry, this was the whole point of working on this for me
[10:44] Moon Adamant: hmm, wouldn't that be too much high?
[10:44] Rose Springvale: not to have a village along that edge
[10:44] Rose Springvale: the proposal had something more village like near the lake
[10:44] Dnate Mars: actuall, I was thinking of one of those plots going between the roads and the river, where there is nothing now
[10:45] Jon Seattle: Rose, what is your thinking on that. Why should we prefer NFS for higher density over the larger CN plots?
[10:45] Rose Springvale: my point jon, is that the CN lots are moving away from the urban center
[10:45] Moon Adamant: but Rose
[10:45] Rose Springvale: to put more centralized urban ..
[10:45] Rose Springvale: sigh. fine
[10:45] Dnate Mars: I don't think that we are going to have an "urban" center at all
[10:45] Rose Springvale: do what you wish
[10:45] Moon Adamant: as per Dnate's proposal
[10:46] Moon Adamant: the size of the plots would be similar to CN's shore plots
[10:46] Dnate Mars: Moon, do you have a copy of the map, without plots?
[10:46] Moon Adamant: which are more or less around the 2k
[10:46] Rose Springvale: well, that hardly makes a village of low cost lots
[10:46] Moon Adamant: hmmm, would have to upload it, but i can do that
[10:46] Dnate Mars: It might be nice to allow people to lay out their own plot design
[10:46] Moon Adamant: perhaps the wrong word here is 'village' ?
[10:46] Moon Adamant: sure, i will do that
[10:47] Jon Seattle: I was thinking of say 5 or so smaller ones. Lets us balance the population.
[10:47] Moon Adamant: could we have a group of cottages?
[10:47] Rose Springvale: so adding 3 lots balances the population?
[10:47] Dnate Mars: it would just be denser
[10:47] Dnate Mars: not really a village, like CN or NFS has
[10:47] Rose Springvale: 3 more lots?
[10:47] Moon Adamant: i mean, village makes on think in straight roads, buildings sharing walls, etc
[10:47] Sudane Erato: what you might consider...
[10:48] Sudane Erato: if making this alteration
[10:48] Sudane Erato: is revising the existing parcels in CN, adjacent to 5 and 6
[10:48] Sudane Erato: as they become available
[10:48] Rose Springvale: one of those is the guild lot
[10:48] Sudane Erato: to match the size of parcels you are proposing now
[10:48] Rose Springvale: which will not be used
[10:48] Dnate Mars: Well, I know I am near 5
[10:48] Rose Springvale: isn't it?
[10:48] Moon Adamant: indeed, that one is easy
[10:48] Moon Adamant: yes it is
[10:49] Dnate Mars: If need be, I will change my plot around
[10:49] Moon Adamant: faces plot 6
[10:49] Rose Springvale: lol i'll have a village all around me lol
[10:49] Moon Adamant: You dnate, are just at the tip of 5, yes
[10:49] Dnate Mars: I think rose has 6 and alias has the other
[10:49] Rose Springvale: no, i am in the corner
[10:49] Moon Adamant: no, Rose faces 7, i think
[10:49] Jon Seattle: Well, I am hoping we can get away from the idea that this new development is limited to wealthy citizens only. The feeling I am having is that we want to banish them for some reason.
[10:49] Dnate Mars: oh, right
[10:49] Moon Adamant: we have from west to east
[10:50] Sudane Erato: Jon, I don't think thats fair
[10:50] Rose Springvale: banish who?
[10:50] Dnate Mars: I think we need to table this until more plot designs are done
[10:50] Dnate Mars: (since Moon needs to go)
[10:50] Moon Adamant: Rose's, Guild's, Aliasi's, Dnate's then river corner
[10:50] Jon Seattle: Prople who can only affort small plots, like many citizens in NFS.
[10:51] Sudane Erato: smaller plots in NFS
[10:51] Sudane Erato: its all the CDS
[10:51] Dnate Mars: can we move on?
[10:51] Sudane Erato: larger ones in Alpine
[10:51] Moon Adamant: sure
[10:51] Moon Adamant: or i'll have to go and eat at McDonald's :)
[10:51] Sudane Erato: no!!! :(
[10:51] Dnate Mars: (not to be rude, but we still have a lot to go through)
[10:51] You: eeek, whats next?
[10:52] Dnate Mars: The Monastery Project
[10:52] Moon Adamant: indeed
[10:52] Moon Adamant: just to resume, i'll publish teh terrain with teh insertion of roads to ease teh work
[10:52] Moon Adamant: Monastery
[10:52] You: hm, Arria is not here, but i can give a shoort report
[10:52] You: and answer your questions...
[10:52] Dnate Mars: great! Thanks moon
[10:53] You: arria, samantha and me are working on it, the general concept did not change
[10:53] Moon Adamant: ok
[10:53] You: i can offer membership in the builder group
[10:54] Moon Adamant: ehehe i'll pass till i am absolutely needed, i am chronically challenged in groups :)
[10:54] You: it is still at the sim Beathan was so kind to offer for building, thats all - questions?
[10:54] Moon Adamant: but you know anything i can help, just ask
[10:54] You: hehe, yes, Moon, appreciated
[10:55] Moon Adamant: not a question here, you're doing a good work :)
[10:55] You: thank you :)
[10:55] Rose Springvale: is there a recommendation on where the monastery will be located in the sim?
[10:55] Dnate Mars: just a question, how many prims will the project need?
[10:55] Moon Adamant: hmmm not really
[10:56] Jon Seattle: Dnate, the project has a fund, I think sufficent to buy a large lot from plan 10
[10:56] You: Not yet, i would like to ask Arria, because she coordinates the monastery project
[10:56] You: as to the prims - Arria asked for about 1k
[10:56] Moon Adamant: a lot of plots in Exp9 allowed teh monastery, and in a floating solution, it can go more or less where you want to
[10:57] You: yes, i noticed, i will inform Arria and ask her to have a look at the maps
[10:57] Moon Adamant: perhaps you won't need such a large plot altogether, but you can also subdivide for that
[10:57] Dnate Mars: it will need at least 2048
[10:57] Jon Seattle: I'd recommend plot 1 or 2 in plan 10.
[10:57] Dnate Mars: I would go with plot 1 personally :)
[10:58] Sleazy Writer: I'd keep the river facing plots for buyers
[10:58] Sudane Erato: i think the Monastery people should choose a parcel just like everyone else
[10:58] Jon Seattle: Sleazy, the Monastary project is a buyer I think.
[10:58] Sleazy Writer: true
[10:58] You: hmhm, Sudane, that is right
[10:59] You: can we contact you already with a request?
[10:59] Dnate Mars: that is true...
[10:59] Sudane Erato: and if we indeed fund this with pre-sales
[10:59] Sudane Erato: then they can be the first buyers
[10:59] Moon Adamant: i could agree with that
[10:59] Moon Adamant: since they are already positioning themselves as buyers
[11:00] Dnate Mars: great idea!
[11:00] You: thank you! Would you like a notecard? I hope to meet arria tomorrow
[11:00] Sudane Erato: a notecard?
[11:00] Jim Gustafson is Offline
[11:00] You: request :) i do not know what form you prefer :)
[11:01] Sudane Erato: oh my no...
[11:01] Sudane Erato: we have no plan in place yet
[11:01] Moon Adamant: ehehe a simple IM is enough? :)
[11:01] You: ah, ok :)
[11:01] You: relief!
[11:01] Sudane Erato: nor even a clear decision on parcels
[11:01] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:01] Moon Adamant: why don't you do teh following?
[11:01] Dnate Mars: I think she meant once we have a final plan
[11:01] Rita Szondi is Offline
[11:01] Moon Adamant: think on what level would you like to have the monastery
[11:02] Moon Adamant: mid slope, up the hill, down the hill
[11:02] You: we prepare for that, ok, and keep it until the rat race opens
[11:02] You: ;)
[11:02] Moon Adamant: and tell that to the people doing the parcelling
[11:02] Moon Adamant: so that it can be tweaked if need be
[11:03] Moon Adamant: and also taht people know that at 75 m high, say, a large building will be set
[11:03] Moon Adamant: ok, are we good on monastery?
[11:03] Dnate Mars: yes!
[11:03] Dnate Mars: next!
[11:03] Jon Seattle: yes :)
[11:03] Moon Adamant: ehehe
[11:04] You: good we are, ty for the tips
[11:04] Moon Adamant: Schloss
[11:04] You: next is? ahh, my fav...
[11:04] Moon Adamant: reports?
[11:04] You: Samantha provided a complete texture list, it is on the schloss wiki
[11:04] Moon Adamant: oh, great
[11:04] Moon Adamant: i'll have to go and see it :)
[11:05] You: i will go back and limit the task to a reasonable extend, the interest is low, and i would like to finish it quickly
[11:05] Sleazy Writer: What is the list going to be used for?
[11:05] You: Sleazy, it is to secure public content
[11:06] Sleazy Writer: And the textures itself will be transferred to some repository at some point?
[11:06] You: we said we make a kind of schloss backup, to be able to change the area, if we ever want
[11:06] Moon Adamant: Sleazy, taht is dependent on discussions that are being held at the RA
[11:06] You: i can not force Samantha to put her Textures on a public wiki
[11:06] Sleazy Writer: I see, OK.
[11:07] You: indeed i am grateful that she contributes to that
[11:07] Sleazy Writer: T > sure, or purchased copies
[11:07] Jon Seattle: No, and some of those textures may not even be transferable actually.
[11:07] You: yes, let us collect the data, and see what can be done
[11:07] You: while the
[11:08] You: ip discussion may set some new frames for decisions
[11:08] Moon Adamant: indeed
[11:08] Moon Adamant: in all cases, a discussion for documentation of teh schloss was approved
[11:08] Moon Adamant: and this is part of the documentation
[11:08] Moon Adamant: ok Tan, we'll check teh wiki
[11:09] You: yes. ty. thats the Schloss atm
[11:09] Moon Adamant: :)
[11:09] Moon Adamant: ok
[11:09] Moon Adamant: thanks alos for posting about it (not sure if you or Arria did)
[11:09] Moon Adamant: Oktoberfest
[11:09] Moon Adamant: Rose, i posted the call for building help and organizing
[11:09] Rose Springvale: i didn't see it.... you all realize we begin on friday correct?
[11:09] Moon Adamant: already with a list of the items that are needed for the general putting up of it
[11:10] Moon Adamant: uh, really?
[11:10] Moon Adamant: why do i have the date of last week in september in my mind then?
[11:10] Rose Springvale: saturday scheduled here
[11:10] Rose Springvale: sept 21 is the opening in NAB
[11:10] Rose Springvale: dont' know
[11:10] Dnate Mars: OMG!
[11:10] Jennette Forager is Online
[11:10] Sleazy Writer: Moon > 'cos that's more logical but not the case!
[11:10] Dnate Mars: eep!
[11:10] Moon Adamant: don't panic! :D
[11:11] Rose Springvale: rose doesnt' panic, just cries :)
[11:11] Rose Springvale: quietly :)
[11:11] Dnate Mars: it is ok, I will panic for you Rose
[11:11] Moon Adamant: lol
[11:11] Moon Adamant: Dnate will panic for all of us
[11:11] Moon Adamant: we just need to book :)
[11:11] Rose Springvale: no need dnate. we'll pull it together. I could really uses a sign though, or insignia to make banners with
[11:11] Moon Adamant: ah yes
[11:12] Moon Adamant: does anyone have the coat of arms for NFS?
[11:12] Rose Springvale: i don't.. i'm guessing sudane does....
[11:12] Moon Adamant: and Rose, i'll get you the info panels in a while
[11:12] Rose Springvale: k
[11:12] Dnate Mars: I have the Neualtenburg coat of arms
[11:12] Sudane Erato: no... the owl... no, i don't
[11:13] Sudane Erato: yeah, i have that... the chicken
[11:13] Rose Springvale: oh, is that what those lions were? NAB?
[11:13] Moon Adamant: i also have the NAB one, but that's not teh official one
[11:13] Sudane Erato: the lions are Bavaria
[11:13] You: i have a collection of flags and banners from the black shop freebees - is that useful?
[11:13] Rose Springvale: ah
[11:13] You: Rose? all transferable
[11:13] Rose Springvale: i have those tan,I can try working with them
[11:13] You: quick offering?
[11:13] You: sigh, yes
[11:13] Rose Springvale: but that won't make much of an octoberfest poster
[11:14] Moon Adamant: what else do you need Rose?
[11:14] Dnate Mars: who is the keeper of the arms?
[11:14] Moon Adamant: i posted
[11:14] Daedalus Lemuria is Online
[11:14] Moon Adamant: - stall/booths - info on CDS (I have the ones from the SL4B) - a stage (Tan has offered hers) - teleporters to events (it has been suggested that this perhaps should be a specific order from the Executive?)
[11:14] Dnate Mars: done!
[11:14] Moon Adamant: lol
[11:15] Rose Springvale: goods.
[11:15] Moon Adamant: trading goods?
[11:15] Dnate Mars: I will sell protest and anti-protest signs
[11:15] Rose Springvale: i need things to be in booths. something to put up in NAB, something to use for a scavenger hunt since i am pretty suer the trialthlon is off
[11:16] Sleazy Writer: There's a new trader in town, Sigal Rau, but he might need some encouragement
[11:16] Rose Springvale: though there is a swim animation in the river and fee bikes now
[11:16] Rose Springvale: dnate.. executive decision needed.... do we allow free booths or charge?
[11:16] Sleazy Writer: I really like the bikes! :)
[11:16] Dnate Mars: free
[11:16] Rose Springvale: try the swimmer, it's fun too
[11:16] Rose Springvale: good, i agree
[11:16] Moon Adamant: what is a scavenger hunt, btw?
[11:16] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:16] Rose Springvale: liek a treasure hunt
[11:17] Rose Springvale: to get people to wander the sim
[11:17] Rose Springvale: maybe a collection of beer steins scattered in the valley
[11:17] Dnate Mars: each clue leads to the next
[11:17] Rose Springvale: around the map of the new sim
[11:17] Rose Springvale: so people will see and reserve :)
[11:17] Rose Springvale: that was the idea
[11:17] Rose Springvale: that is for the weekened of the 29th
[11:18] Rose Springvale: you see them often at christmas time.. iv'e lots of stockings with goodies in them
[11:18] Jon Seattle: Do we have locatond for the even TPs?
[11:18] Jon Seattle: *locations
[11:18] Rose Springvale: the guild ws todecide locations
[11:18] Moon Adamant: yes, we do need a list of locations to set TPs
[11:18] Sleazy Writer: Rose, what about displaying the 3 sim models? with a picture of Moon's real designs above the Alpine Meadows model?
[11:18] Rose Springvale: where to set up
[11:18] Moon Adamant: oh drat, were we?
[11:19] Rose Springvale: only think i am concerned with sleazy is that those are all high prim
[11:19] Rose Springvale: and i want to use our public prims for the booths and festival site
[11:19] Moon Adamant: ok let's organize
[11:19] Moon Adamant: we have booths
[11:19] Moon Adamant: and we have a festival area
[11:19] Rose Springvale nods
[11:19] Sleazy Writer: Rose, you're right, no models then
[11:19] Rose Springvale: valley, platz was the discussion
[11:19] Moon Adamant: and we have a scavenger hunt
[11:19] Moon Adamant: scavenger doesn't need tps
[11:19] Sleazy Writer: what is a scavenger hunt?
[11:20] Rose Springvale: lol scroll up sleaay
[11:20] Moon Adamant: a geocaching, Sleazy
[11:20] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:20] Rose Springvale: got one of those we can give away ? lol
[11:20] Moon Adamant: booths where? at teh platz?
[11:20] Jon Seattle: I hate to suggest anything that adds to Moon's list, but Moon, since you have the autocad, could you do perspective renderings perhaps?
[11:20] Dnate Mars: guys, I have to run
[11:21] Rose Springvale: bye dnate
[11:21] Jon Seattle: See you Dnate :)
[11:21] Rose Springvale: we'llsave you room
[11:21] You: See you, Dnate
[11:21] Moon Adamant: or do we make an area dedicated to the fest?
[11:21] You: little red riding dnate :)
[11:21] Rose Springvale: set up on friday or before :)
[11:21] Moon Adamant: bye Dnate, thanks for showing by
[11:21] Rose Springvale: i'm good with the platz or the vallley
[11:21] Rose Springvale: kendra suggested the valley was more authentic
[11:21] Rose Springvale: i've got an animator putting together a really cute polka
[11:22] Rose Springvale: just have to figure out how to make good on the deal
[11:22] Moon Adamant: do we have a plot at teh valley we can use?
[11:22] Rose Springvale: he wants a vender lol year round
[11:22] Dnate Mars is Offline
[11:22] Sleazy Writer: Rose, just wondering, the expenses are paid from an existing government budget?
[11:22] Jon Seattle: I think Moon and I would offers ours if it would be useful.
[11:22] You: the Valley, is that West Road / Pendaristrasse P450 P440 P420?
[11:23] Rose Springvale: dnate is in charge of waht the government will cover sleazy, but beyond that, i'll cover it
[11:23] Moon Adamant: and Jon, i can render views, but i think they would have to be at least a 3ds file
[11:23] Rose Springvale: to an extent
[11:23] Rose Springvale: most of it will be "free"
[11:23] Jon Seattle: I can make jpgs if you give me a format one of my programs will handle :)
[11:23] Rose Springvale: once we have a structure in place. it's really about getting together and hanging otu
[11:24] Sleazy Writer: So up to know you've personally paid for all expenses? Great way to do community events .. sigh ..
[11:24] Moon Adamant: ok, my preliminar thoughts on this
[11:24] Dennis Slocombe is Online
[11:24] Moon Adamant: i prefer the valley too, as we can set a tent/stage/whatever we want
[11:24] Rose Springvale: there have been no expenses yet Sleazy, but if you want to talk aobut how i run things, i'll be glad to do that atnother time
[11:24] Moon Adamant: BUT
[11:24] Moon Adamant: that will mean decorating teh platz too
[11:24] Rose Springvale: thus the need for banners and posters
[11:24] Rose Springvale: and a tp
[11:25] Sleazy Writer: Rose, no it's about how Dnate runs things, that he should provide the money that you need.
[11:25] Moon Adamant: ok, Tps are taking care over
[11:25] Rose Springvale: he is doing fine
[11:25] Moon Adamant: Sleazy, sorry
[11:25] Moon Adamant: that must be really discussed at some other occasion
[11:25] Jon Seattle: Rose, I think I can handle the TP, but we need to establish locations first :)
[11:25] Moon Adamant: we really need to organize the fest now
[11:25] Sleazy Writer: Moon, OK
[11:25] Rose Springvale: :) so ... guild..
[11:25] Rose Springvale: :)
[11:25] Moon Adamant: yes
[11:26] Moon Adamant: and one thing we must decide is WHERE :)
[11:26] Jon Seattle: yup
[11:26] Rose Springvale: if there is room in the valley, lets do that
[11:26] Rose Springvale: then i can put the "hunt" through the city
[11:26] Moon Adamant: Sudane...
[11:26] Rose Springvale: and get traffic for people
[11:26] Moon Adamant: is there room in the valley? :)
[11:26] Sudane Erato: ?
[11:26] Jon Seattle: Hm?
[11:26] Rose Springvale: and maybe get everyone who wants to to sponsor a stein
[11:27] Jon Seattle: what is ment by room in the valley?
[11:27] Rose Springvale: a stage/tent, booths for a fair
[11:27] Rose Springvale: ?
[11:27] Rose Springvale: yes?
[11:27] Moon Adamant: well, Sudane knows better than anyone else if tehre's room, right?
[11:27] Jon Seattle: I assume you need people to lend land for it.
[11:27] Rose Springvale: i think shes' asleep
[11:27] Moon Adamant: room to hold the stuff
[11:27] Sudane Erato: the NFS valley?... not that I know of...
[11:27] Sudane Erato: there's more room in the NW quadrant
[11:27] Rose Springvale: then perhaps we should just stick to the platz?
[11:27] Sudane Erato: between Nikki and Salzie
[11:28] Jon Seattle: Yes, the prim plots in the NW. I think much ofthe valley land is private.
[11:28] Rose Springvale is lost in NFS land discussions
[11:28] Moon Adamant: that's all valley to me :P
[11:28] Sudane Erato: yes, there are prim plots on the cliffs under the walls
[11:28] Moon Adamant: outside of walls=valley
[11:28] Sudane Erato: but they are ng for events
[11:28] You: ah, ty
[11:28] Jon Seattle: Well, if Moon and I and say Jamie lent our land to the project, there would be space.
[11:29] Sudane Erato: Jamie's land is full of builds
[11:29] Rose Springvale: yes, and he's pretty tied to them
[11:29] Moon Adamant: lol
[11:29] Jon Seattle: Most of ours is clear and here is an ampitheature
[11:29] Jon Seattle: *there
[11:29] Moon Adamant: so platz is better then?
[11:29] Sudane Erato: i think so...
[11:29] Rose Springvale: it seems so, given the timing
[11:29] Sudane Erato: everyone can find it
[11:29] You: it is better, if you think of tp....
[11:29] Moon Adamant: oh, no need for an amphitheatre, thsi is quaffing, really
[11:29] Rose Springvale: yes i agree
[11:30] Rose Springvale: tan lol
[11:30] Jon Seattle: Well, the platz solves the TP problem :D
[11:30] You: ;)
[11:30] Rose Springvale: you did say you were going to do that
[11:30] Moon Adamant: but mind you, i don't think a tent will look good on the platz
[11:30] Moon Adamant: ok
[11:30] Rose Springvale: have you seen what kendra has done?
[11:30] Sudane Erato: true, unless its a small tent
[11:30] Rose Springvale: just a stage with lights
[11:30] Rose Springvale: i dont' need a tent
[11:30] Moon Adamant: ok
[11:31] You: true, but in the city this is done open air
[11:31] Rose Springvale: maybe canopies for booths
[11:31] Rose Springvale: but i'm a bit concerned how that will look around storefronts
[11:31] Moon Adamant: so you need booths
[11:31] Rose Springvale: maybe just open stalls? i dont know
[11:31] Jon Seattle: I should run. Thanks and see you all :)
[11:31] Moon Adamant: and these will have to be light and looking temporary
[11:31] You: See you, Jon!
[11:31] Moon Adamant hugs Jon
[11:31] Rose Springvale: yes
[11:32] Jon Seattle hugs Moon
[11:32] Sleazy Writer: bye
[11:32] Moon Adamant: ok
[11:32] You: we could fake active merchants, asking the shop owners if they let some stuff in temporarily
[11:32] Jon Seattle: Bye tan, sleay :)
[11:32] Moon Adamant: anyone has a pre-made booth we can use?
[11:33] Rose Springvale: kendra lol
[11:33] Rose Springvale: she said anything we need...
[11:33] Moon Adamant: eheheh
[11:33] Sudane Erato: yeah... she does
[11:33] Moon Adamant: i can try and make one too
[11:33] Sudane Erato: but she's mad at me right now... :)
[11:33] Sudane Erato: so I can't ask her
[11:33] You: ah, really ? :)
[11:33] Rose Springvale: she is? shall i ask her? she seems veyry friendly to me
[11:33] Rose Springvale: and i'm buying her a polka lol
[11:33] Sudane Erato: sure!
[11:34] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:34] Sleazy Writer: heheh :)
[11:34] Rose Springvale: its so cute, you guys are going to love it
[11:34] Sudane Erato: neat!
[11:34] Moon Adamant: ok guys
[11:34] Rose Springvale: couples but not all lovey dovey
[11:34] Moon Adamant: so it's all settled?
[11:34] Rose Springvale: umm
[11:34] Rose Springvale: lol nooooo
[11:34] Rose Springvale: i need someone else to set this up.. i can ask kendra for the booth
[11:34] You: hm, stage: for musicians? how many people?
[11:35] You: size? sqm?
[11:35] Rose Springvale: but if i'm gong to be hustling for people to put things there...
[11:35] Rose Springvale: no .. i dont think we need a stage do we?
[11:35] Moon Adamant: i am not very good at hustling people either
[11:35] Rose Springvale: dancing in the street?
[11:35] Moon Adamant: Rose, we don't know lol
[11:35] You: ok, we do not need it :)
[11:35] Rose Springvale: i can hustle, but i can't hustle and build
[11:35] Moon Adamant: it's you who have to tell us if we're having a live music event :)
[11:36] Rose Springvale: we don't have anythign from past years?
[11:36] Moon Adamant: hmmm i would bet 5L we don't
[11:36] Rose Springvale: okay
[11:36] Rose Springvale: music is a question..
[11:36] Moon Adamant: i mean, we don't even have the coat of arms
[11:36] You: :) psst, we are on record
[11:36] You: lol
[11:36] Rose Springvale: i was holding off on booking a concert per se .. and there ns't a good place for one in NFS
[11:37] Rose Springvale: the way CN has been actign i hesitate to scheduel another expensive event there
[11:37] Moon Adamant: which is recenter than the last fest held
[11:37] Sudane Erato: sorry... :(... I must go
[11:37] Sudane Erato: bye all ....
[11:37] You: Bye, Sudane :)
[11:37] Moon Adamant: bye dear, thanks! :)
[11:37] Sleazy Writer: bye
[11:37] Rose Springvale: Okay. if you guys can get me a sign to promote with, i"ll see what kendra can give me
[11:38] Sleazy Writer: I've got a pack of Dianne's Neufreistadt flags/pennants/shield designs if anyone wants 'em
[11:38] Rose Springvale: we all have those...
[11:38] Rose Springvale: but they don't do anything with Oktoberfest :(
[11:38] Moon Adamant: i don't actually :)
[11:38] Moon Adamant: well, but if you can spread a few owls around it will help
[11:39] You: let me summarize: we need no tent, we need no stage, the coat of arms is provided by sombody 8
[11:39] You: (not me)
[11:39] Rose Springvale: tan.. lol
[11:39] You: give me a task :)
[11:39] Moon Adamant: thansk Rose
[11:39] Rose Springvale: shall we go to the platz? i'm really worried about space
[11:39] Sleazy Writer: give me a task too, please
[11:39] Rose Springvale: is that where it was held before?
[11:40] Moon Adamant: well, Jon could handle teh Teleporters, but perhaps they won't be needed if everything is held at teh platz
[11:40] Moon Adamant: so Tan
[11:40] Rose Springvale: Top, can you make beer steins?
[11:40] Rose Springvale: perfect would be 12 different ones
[11:40] Rose Springvale: full perms
[11:40] Moon Adamant: yes, a good suggestion
[11:40] Moon Adamant: but for sale?
[11:40] Rose Springvale: well, i want to use for freebies
[11:40] Sleazy Writer: the animation is a challenge but yes I can do that
[11:40] Rose Springvale: so not too fancy
[11:41] Rose Springvale: they dont' even have to be animated
[11:41] Sleazy Writer: OK, I'll make them
[11:41] Rose Springvale: feel free to sell an animated one. i'm thinking the set on the mantle things
[11:41] Rose Springvale: good
[11:41] Rose Springvale: thanks
[11:41] You: the built in smoking animation would do...
[11:41] Moon Adamant: what will you do Sleazy, sorry? the steins?
[11:42] Rose Springvale: Tan, i think a nice dance floor would be helpful, just so we can place the polka balls
[11:42] Moon Adamant: and tehre's teh standard drinking anaimation too
[11:42] You: ah, ok...
[11:42] Rose Springvale: no tent, but maybe with lights aroudn. Pleas go look at Neualtenberg..
[11:42] Sleazy Writer: M > Yes I'll do the Steins
[11:42] You: let us go there and look where to place it
[11:42] Moon Adamant: can you do that Tan?
[11:42] Rose Springvale: okay. and Moon, will you do me a poster?
[11:42] Moon Adamant: what will teh poster say?
[11:42] You: i think i can. i need size and primcount
[11:42] Rose Springvale: anyting that says NFS Octoberfest 2007?
[11:42] Moon Adamant: aaah ok
[11:43] Sleazy Writer: beer foam disco party?
[11:43] Moon Adamant: general sign
[11:43] Rose Springvale: okay, size we will work with
[11:43] Moon Adamant: sure
[11:43] Rose Springvale: lol i learned ot make a beer barrel hot tup lol
[11:43] Rose Springvale: tub
[11:43] Sleazy Writer: wow!
[11:43] Sleazy Writer: awsome
[11:43] Moon Adamant: i would say that that structure could be placed in front of teh rathaus, amybe?
[11:43] Rose Springvale: let's keep low prim though, just dress it up with lights and banners
[11:43] Rose Springvale: yes
[11:43] Moon Adamant: with schloss looming behind it?
[11:43] Rose Springvale: and then we'll line booths up from there
[11:43] You: ok, as low as i can
[11:44] You: the prims -
[11:44] Rose Springvale: yes, .. the textures you used on the stagge you gave me would be good
[11:44] Rose Springvale: give it a temporary carnival look
[11:44] You: i can make something until wed
[11:44] Rose Springvale: okay
[11:44] You: who would like to look at it?
[11:44] Mag Greggan is Online
[11:44] Rose Springvale: well, i would. anyone else that can
[11:45] Rose Springvale: noo
[11:45] Rose Springvale: 20
[11:45] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:45] You: ok, i imagine about 8 couples dancing.....
[11:45] Rose Springvale: sorry
[11:45] You: 20 :)
[11:45] Moon Adamant: megaprim?
[11:45] You: +shrug - ok....
[11:45] Rose Springvale: that's what i contracted for
[11:45] Rose Springvale: moon dont' get techie on me lol
[11:46] You: 20 couples....
[11:46] Rose Springvale: we could use the street if we need to, i don't now, i'm winging it here
[11:46] You: how much can the sim stand? I mean, that are 40 persons :)
[11:46] Rose Springvale: okay. make it for 10
[11:46] Moon Adamant: uh, it's going to be laggy
[11:46] Rose Springvale: if we need more room, we'll put it elsewhere
[11:46] Rose Springvale: i may have my numbers wrong anyway
[11:47] You: who is doing the poseballs?
[11:47] Rose Springvale: alexicon kurka
[11:47] You: when do we get them?
[11:47] You: we should run a test
[11:47] Moon Adamant: guys, i need to be running too
[11:47] Rose Springvale: he showed me the preview yesterday
[11:47] Rose Springvale: go moon. sorry
[11:48] You: see you at the RA?
[11:48] You: Rose, a poka needs much room -
[11:48] Rose Springvale: don't worry tan, it's under control
[11:48] Rose Springvale: i know :)
[11:48] Rose Springvale: that's why i left space up to the guild :)
[11:48] You: i need a little more info :)
[11:49] Sleazy Writer: Guys, I've TP'ed Justus Yiyuan from CN .. he's a RL oktober fest veteran and has the real oktober fest across his door in Munich each year
[11:49] You: do you have a dance comparable? is it like the waltz?
[11:49] Moon Adamant: i would just like to say this, while i am still recording
[11:49] Sleazy Writer: Have a seat
[11:49] You: servus justus
[11:49] justus Yiyuan: ups, hello
[11:49] Moon Adamant: the guild has been around for 6 months
[11:49] Moon Adamant: hello justus
[11:49] Moon Adamant: so we will need to call elections for faculty chair soon
[11:49] justus Yiyuan: servus? Bavarians here?,)
[11:50] You: franconian, Justus
[11:50] Moon Adamant: also agreeable to discuss if the sec elections should occur at teh same time
[11:50] justus Yiyuan: I see;-)
[11:50] Dnate Mars is Online
[11:50] Sleazy Writer: wb Dnate
[11:50] Moon Adamant: but that will be have to be left for next week
[11:51] Dnate Mars: huh... guess moon didn't make it out :)
[11:51] Sleazy Writer: Rose/Moon > Would it be useful to ask Justus what kind of decorations we should have to make it look authentic?
[11:51] Rose Springvale: by next week, octoberfest will be underway, so no need to hav eit on the agenda
[11:51] Rose Springvale: it would, but i have to go too
[11:51] Rose Springvale: :(
[11:51] Moon Adamant: yes :(
[11:51] Sleazy Writer: I don't know if you already have a good idea, . but I wouldn't know
[11:51] You: :) i will IM you WED, Rose
[11:51] Rose Springvale: ok
[11:51] justus Yiyuan: if it helps i can try to provide some fotos
[11:51] You: Justus, that would be great
[11:52] Rose Springvale: thanks :0
[11:52] Rose Springvale: okay, lets adjourn moon
[11:52] Sleazy Writer: or a Bavarian Schlager webradio station would probably be cool -- right?
[11:52] You: right!
[11:52] Rose Springvale: yes!!!!
[11:52] DanteOsaka Deschanel is Online
[11:52] justus Yiyuan: Tano i dont see what you´re writing because of that sign
[11:52] Rose Springvale: despearately need that
[11:52] Moon Adamant: ok, guys, adjourned
[11:53] Moon Adamant: thanks everyone :)
[11:53] You: thank you , Moon
[11:53] Rose Springvale: please send me a note with any of that Justuz.. thanks moon
[11:53] Rose Springvale: bye all
[11:53] Rose Springvale: thank you for your help
[11:53] You: the sign? Bye, Rose :)
[11:53] Sleazy Writer: thanks + bye
[11:53] Brian Livingston: Offhand, does anyone know if the RA meeting is in the rathaus or praertorium today?
[11:53] justus Yiyuan: but how do i get real pictures into sl? Im a total noob
[11:53] Mag Greggan is Offline
[11:53] Sleazy Writer: upload the jpg with the File menue
[11:54] You: you have to upload it, Justus
[11:54] You have offered friendship to justus Yiyuan
[11:54] Moon Adamant: guys, thanks everyone
[11:54] justus Yiyuan is Online
[11:54] Mag Greggan is Online
[11:54] Sleazy Writer: might get resized in a weird way but it should work
[11:54] Moon Adamant: and see you all later :)

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Moon Adamant
I need a hobby
I need a hobby
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Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm

Post by Moon Adamant »

thanks Tan! :)

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