The next RA meeting will take place on Sunday 23 September between noon and 2pm SL time in the Praetorium, Colonia Nova.
Please submit agenda items to me on a notecard inworld (or by email) by noon on Friday 21 September.
Moderator: SC Moderators
The next RA meeting will take place on Sunday 23 September between noon and 2pm SL time in the Praetorium, Colonia Nova.
Please submit agenda items to me on a notecard inworld (or by email) by noon on Friday 21 September.
The transcript has been posted to the wiki [url= ... 7:3vgshqsz]here[/url:3vgshqsz].
[list:3vgshqsz]1. The RA voted on the Citizenship Commission report (Ayes - Bromo Ivory, ThePrincess Parisi; Abstain - Beathan Vale, Jon Seattle).
2. The RA discussed plans for the third sim and requested further information from the Guild on interest from the NGOs in using land in the new sim and to prepare an estimate of costs of funding the new sim through an increase in tier rather than commercial rentals.[/list:u:3vgshqsz]