Beathan raised a question about 7-day votes at last Sunday's meeting and I think I gave the wrong answer in the meeting.
The procedures are on the wiki [url= ... s:2j69wvfe]here[/url:2j69wvfe].
The relevant section is:
"Is the topic ready for a vote?
If Yes, the topic is referred to the members. If all present concur, the vote may occur at the in-world meeting. Otherwise, or if one of the members not present has made a public request to do so prior to the meeting, the members vote before the next in world meeting. The results are published in the forum, along with how each member voted."
In other words, when an RA member has requested a 7-day vote this is then taken over the next 7 days with all members (present or not) able to cast their vote during this time. I was wrong to state that any RA members present had to cast their vote during the meeting. Sorry about that, I'll read up on my meeting procedures before each meeting in future!