Scientific Council Meeting, September 20th, 1 AM SLT

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Scientific Council Meeting, September 20th, 1 AM SLT

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

The Scientific Council will meet at the Neufreistadt Rathaus on September 20th, at 1 AM SLT, with the following agenda:

  1. Reviewing the candidates nominated for the Scientific Council (Justice Soothsayer, Claude Desmoulins, and Pelanor Eldrich) and vote on their approval

  2. Setting up the elections for the next Dean

  3. Reviewing the process of implementation of the Confederation of Democratic SImulator's third sim

  4. Reviewing the conclusions of the Citizenship Committee

The meeting will be public to attend, but participation on the first two topics will be restricted to members of the SC.

I do apologise for the odd hour. Sadly, it has been very, very hard to get a time this week where at least all voting members of the SC can be present.

"I'm not building a game. I'm building a new country."
  -- Philip "Linden" Rosedale, interview to Wired, 2004-05-08

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Scientific Council Meeting, Sep. 20, 2007, 1 AM SLT

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

The Scientific Council met on September 20th, 2007, 1 AM SLT, with the presence of the Dean, Gwyneth Llewelyn, and Fernando Pedro, voting member at the SC. Some citizens also attended the public meeting.

The agenda was as follows:

  1. Reviewing the candidates nominated for the Scientific Council (Justice Soothsayer, Claude Desmoulins, and Pelanor Eldrich) and vote on their approval

  2. Setting up the elections for the next Dean

  3. Reviewing the process of implementation of the Confederation of Democratic Simulator's third sim

  4. Reviewing the conclusions of the Citizenship Committee

Due to time constrains, topic 4 was proposed to be discussed before 3, which was accepted by unanimity.

After review of the three candidates, Justice Soothsayer and Claude Desmoulins (originally nominated by the Dean of the SC), have been approved unanimously as members. Pelanor Eldrich has been nominated by a group of more than 5 citizens, who sent notecards to the Dean to the effect, and these were validated by the members of SC, approving unanimously Pelanor Eldrich's candidacy as member of the SC. All names were subsequently sent to the Leader of the Representative Assembly, requesting a vote of confidence on the three members, as per the Constitution's requirement (Art. II, Sec. 7).

It was also unanimously decided that the election of the Dean should take place in the week after the RA expresses the vote of confidence on the three new members.

Point three was thoroughly discussed, with input from the citizens attending the meeting, reviewing the results and the recommendation to the RA posted by Bromo Ivory on ... =8735#8735 as Chair of the Citizenship Commission.

The Scientific Council, after debating the issue, feels that the RA, through the report presented, and the references that are publicly available, has adequate documentation to formulate an eventual decision based on all the information. It was unanimously decided that the SC will not interfere in this process.

Due to lack of time, the Dean of the SC postponed the discussion of point 3 to the next meeting of the SC (on the week after the RA expresses the vote of confidence on the three new members), and adjourned at 2:15 AM SLT.

"I'm not building a game. I'm building a new country."
  -- Philip "Linden" Rosedale, interview to Wired, 2004-05-08

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