As someone who bought & is building in the valley of NFS, I read Sudane's comment elsewhere (about Alpine Meadows) with some interest:
> In RL I live in New York City, and I frequently travel outside the
> city to nearby towns. I submit that the north valley of NFS has a
> density very similiar to the towns immediately surrounding New
> York City, and an "Alpine Meadows" sim as proposed will clearly
> have a density equal to this or higher.
The only "north valley" of NFS is Su's own parcel, so I assume she means us Southerners, in the general vicinity of the Red House that Jon recently razed.
Hee hee. OK, I'll take the bait. Are we doing something wrong? Or are we just at end of a serendipitous period when a lot of owned land was left vacant? There's a lot of Bauhaus Manque in that quadrant. But that's what the Land Covenant of Yore says is OK, outside the NFS city walls. Does someone want to propose changing it? JP