CSDF General Meeting 26 September - Summary

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CSDF General Meeting 26 September - Summary

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

On September 26th, the following was discussed at the CSDF meeting:

The Social Democrat newsletter: Two new topics were suggested for issue #4 (Click the red kiosk on Platz or Forum to read it).

The IBM strike in SL was discussed (where many Italian workers face wage cuts) and if the CSDF could support this in a creative, useful way.

New Guild questions to RA about 3rd sim
[list:k6002mph]A summary was given about how the RA reacted to these questions, and Jon remarked that the RA would need to take a new look at Sudane's zero plots plan once she has compiled the numbers that show the impact on the citizens' fees. Gwyneth and Sleazy put forward the question whether the CSDF representatives should strive for mixed plots in the 3rd sim. Three people voted in favor of this, and three people abstained for reasons of vision or technical reasons. Another question was whether the CSDF favors: a) commonly-held land, b) territorial expansion, or c) population expansion
Four of the six people present voted for a combination of b) and c).
Finally the question was posed whether the CSDF representatives should: oppose any proposal that raises fees with a 50 percent or higher. Three of the six people thought the reps should indeed reject this, three people voted otherwise (1x not-oppose, 1x abstain, 1x no vote)[/list:u:k6002mph]New Web Portal
[list:k6002mph]About ownership of it: It seems that even without a legal persona, hosting companies don't fuss about a non existing name or organization name. So these could remain anonymous.[/list:u:k6002mph]

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