The transcript has been posted to the wiki [url= ... 7:3uoac65t]here[/url:3uoac65t].
1. Bromo Ivory agreed to convene a meeting with representatives from each of the four factions (CARE, CSDF, DPU and Simplicity) to discuss options and proposals following the Citizenship Commission.
2. The RA approved Justice Soothsayer, Claude Desmoulins and Pelanor Eldrich as new members of the Scientific Council.
3. In response to questions from the Guild the RA agreed that the new sim should be paid for by its residents (as opposed to making it all publicly owned land); that the Guild should prepare a set of options for the RA for plots and financing the payment of tier; that the additional cost of the new sim (50% greater than NFS or CN) should be partially met by tier increases across the CDS but not by a 'flat rate' across the territory; that the RA is content with the direction of the Guild discussion on size and number of plots i.e. a mix of large and small plots. For the detail of the discussion see the transcript.[/list:u:3uoac65t]