New Guild prim stash in CN: What exactly is it for?

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New Guild prim stash in CN: What exactly is it for?

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

Can it be used as a sandbox for builds that benefit the CDS?

Only if explicitly approved at a NG meeting or also for personal projects that benefit the CDS?

I'm in the mood to work on a Fachwerk, but don't have any prims left.

- - -

Almost 450+ prims, of which 200 are used now.

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Moon Adamant
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Post by Moon Adamant »

Hi there,

The land at CN is a sandbox for the Guild projects. We never discussed if it could be used in personal projects that would benefit the CDS. (in fact we never discussed the rules of use for it, such as the period for returning objects, etc).

But while waiting for that discussion, which can take place next sunday, and if you want to build a fachwerk, i would say go for it :)

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Post by Sleazy_Writer »

[quote="Moon Adamant":3kd5rocv]But while waiting for that discussion, ... ... i would say go for it :)[/quote:3kd5rocv]
:) At the west side of the New Guild plot, I've made a teleporter that takes you to a sky platform at 700 meters high. It's not large enough for e.g. the Monastery, but definitely useful for a couple of smaller buildings.

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Post by Rose Springvale »

ah, now be a good neighbor and move it to 650? You are right outside my conference room :)

I meant to propose this at the Guild meeting last week, but the meeting went too long. Notwithstanding this use, the lot was purchased for the New Guild primarily to provide a way to attach the river from Alpine meadows to the CN river, or such other attaching use as any other proposal was to make of it. As that use isn't needed in any of the plans under consideration, and as i know of a person who would like to buy a lot that can support commercial use and have suffiicient prims for detailed work, i propose that the guild sell the lot. If a sandbox is a use that we want to make of space, perhaps we could allow for that in the new sim?

Anyway, up to the group of course, but that's the motion i'd like on the agenda soon.

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Moon Adamant
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Post by Moon Adamant »

sure, we can discuss that on sunday.

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Post by Moon Adamant »

Hello all,

The Guild has just discussed the CN plot, and has voted to sell it. A temp sandbox will be held at the school's classroom, so projects in construction can be moved there, and most possibly a plot will be acquired at the new sim for a definite sandbox.
Still to be discussed next week, the rules for using the sandboxes.

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