Urge MPP members to join DPU

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Sudane Erato
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Urge MPP members to join DPU

Post by Sudane Erato »

I'm letting people know that I have resigned the MPP faction and joined the DPU. I urge other MPP members to do the same.

The MPP has an important place in the history of our City. It served a key function countering the "subsidy-orientation" of the SDF, and emphasized individual initiative and a support for private business as the underlying engine of growth and change in what was then called Neualtenburg.

Now, the DPU has successfully taken up this role. They have advocated, and, in the current administration, implemented many of the agenda items which I feel were important to a business perspective.

We have a long way to go to create a truly business friendly, as well as culture firendly, environment in Neufreistadt. But I feel the DPU has gathered the people power and brain power to see this agenda pursued. That's why I'm casting my lot with it.


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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Awww will this mean that we'll have just two parties running for the upcoming elections? :( :( :(

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