On October 17th, the following was discussed at the CSDF meeting:
IP licensing / the need for a legal persona
From previous meetings it became apparent that having a good IP licensing arrangement ties in with our respective visions of what the CDS should be and which SL or RL form it should have. A vote was taken on what the way forward should be. Three of the people present chose the RL 'Institute' that Gwyneth proposed as their first choice, and one person chose 'SL only' as the first choice. A second acceptable choice was also indicated. All other faction members are asked to email their 1st and 2nd choices, before Sunday, to the CSDF mail list or representatives.
The proposed 'Virtual Democracy Institute' would be a RL organisation that pays LL and signs IP agreements but, contrary to a 'CDS Inc.', does neither overlap nor duplicate the CDS government (hence the word institute). More info will follow when all email votes are in.
Reforming the Executive Branch was discussed a bit, with suggestions such as: Having official/structured Exec. positions instead of people appointed by the Chancellor, having Chancellor candidates run for election 'with their team' or how the proposal of ministers might be combined with this