Preliminary survey results

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Gxeremio Dimsum
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Preliminary survey results

Post by Gxeremio Dimsum »

As you may know, I am conducting a survey in my shop at Neufreistadt to determine visitor opinions. Hopefully the information will help us as we make decisions on which things need the most improvement. I will continue offering this survey, which is advertised with a signboard outside the shop and which pays L$10 for successful completion (only once per person). So far there have been 14 responses, and they are interesting but perhaps such a small sample is not yet statistically significant. I do think this is a different set of results we would get than polling here in the CDS fora.

Have you visited Neufreistadt before? 7 No, 7 Yes
Why did you come here today? 3 Meeting, 1 Shopping, 4 Bored, 6 Other
In deciding to spend time here, how important is it to you that other people are here to interact with? 3 Very, 10 Somewhat, 1 Not
In deciding to spend time here, how important is it to you that the storefronts are all full? 4 Very, 7 Somewhat, 3 Not
In deciding to spend time here, how important is it to you that there is something new to see? 5 Very, 8 Somewhat, 1 Not
Do you prefer having one central TP location, creating a sense of "downtown", or do you prefer direct teleport to the places you want to go? 4 Direct, 10 Central
Are you currently a citizen of the CDS, the only democratically-governed community in Second Life? 8 No, 6 Yes

Now what gets really interesting is looking at the difference between citizens and non-citizens to some of those answers. Of the 8 non-citizens, here are the results:
Have you visited Neufreistadt before? 6 No, 2 Yes
Why did you come here today? 4 Bored, 3 Other, 1 Meeting (NO Shopping)
In deciding to spend time here, how important is it to you that other people are here to interact with? 1 Very, 6 Somewhat, 1 Not
In deciding to spend time here, how important is it to you that the storefronts are all full? 1 Very, 5 Somewhat, 2 Not
In deciding to spend time here, how important is it to you that there is something new to see? 3 Very, 4 Somewhat, 1 Not
Do you prefer having one central TP location, creating a sense of "downtown", or do you prefer direct teleport to the places you want to go? 3 Direct, 5 Central

Let's look at the results one more way: how do citizens and non-citizens differ on the three questions about how people decide to spend time here:
Finding other people: 3 Very (1 non, 2 citizens), 10 Somewhat (6 non, 4 citizens), 1 Not (1 non)
Full storefronts: 4 Very (1 non, 3 citizens), 7 Somewhat (5 non, 2 citizens, 3 Not (2 non, 1 citizen):
Something new: 5 Very (3 non, 2 citizens), 8 Somewhat (4 non, 4 citizens), 1 Not (1 non)

We may be using what someone has called our "CDS glasses" too much in making assumptions about what will attract visitors. I will update this again when I get enough more responses to make the update worthwhile.

Gxeremio Dimsum
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Re: Preliminary survey results

Post by Gxeremio Dimsum »

The survey is now CLOSED, with 49 responses from different avatars. 15 citizens responded, and 34 non-citizens. If you want to convert these to statistics, just multiply the number by 2 (i.e. 6 responses equals 12%). Here are the major findings:

1. People come to the CDS for varied reasons, with 6 coming for meetings, 9 for shopping, 10 because they were bored and 24 for "other".

2. In deciding to stay in the sim, finding other people to interact with (44 said it was somewhat/very important) and seeing something new (43 said it was somewhat/very important) were most influential, while having full storefronts was less important (35 said it was somewhat/very important). Disaggregating only the "very important" responses, seeing something new is most important (20), followed by finding other people (16) and full storefronts (14).

3. The choice between direct TP and a central landing point was evenly split, 24 to 25.

4. Looking at the differences between citizens and non-citizens, more non-citizens came for meetings or shopping. Non-citizens said seeing something new was by far the most important (51% said it was very important, and another 42% said it was somewhat important), while full storefronts were least important. For citizens, seeing other people was most important (56% said it was very important, and another 42% said it was somewhat important), with full storefronts coming in next in the list of concerns (only 21% said it was not important). Seeing something new, the top concern of non-citizens, is the least important factor for citizens. Both citizens and non-citizens were split on the issue of central TP versus direct TP.

If you have any other questions about the data or would like to comment on the implications, feel free!

Rose Springvale
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Re: Preliminary survey results

Post by Rose Springvale »

Interesting Gx. Do you have any time data for responses? I'm curious when the people who replied were in the sims, primarily as it relates to events.

Thanks for sharing your results.

Gxeremio Dimsum
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Re: Preliminary survey results

Post by Gxeremio Dimsum »

Sure, a quick look at days with multiple (more than 2) responses:
Oct. 21 (6)
Nov. 19 (5)
Dec. 21 (3)

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