[10:12] You: ok everyone, shall we start?
[10:12] Sudane Erato: sure!
[10:12] You: ok
[10:12] You: first of all
[10:13] You: we'll hold teh Faculty meeting
[10:13] You: i'd like to call your attention to these posts
[10:13] You: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1426
[10:13] Sleazy Writer: a cute small koala grave near the Kirche would be nice
[10:13] Sleazy Writer:
[10:13] Brian Livingston: Ack!
[10:14] You: very briefly, i propose here a process to solve the Faculty issue
[10:14] You: and Sleazy has digges out a Faculty list
[10:14] Dnate Mars: (tanks Sleazy!)
[10:14] You: while you read, i'll try to see who else is online
[10:14] Sleazy Writer: (np)
[10:17] Sleazy Writer: So, what's on the agenda besides faculty election?
[10:17] You: well, teh usual points - but those belong to Board meeting
[10:18] You: and we'll solve this matter first
[10:18] You: when you all finish reading...
[10:18] Sudane Erato: i had it read already
[10:19] Sleazy Writer nods
[10:19] Dnate Mars has already read it also
[10:20] You: ok, can we proceed then?
[10:20] You: since we found a list, i will carry on with the first process i described, unless anyone has objections?
[10:20] Sudane Erato: thats great
[10:21] Sudane Erato: np here
[10:22] Dnate Mars: Well, I think the first order of busniess needs to be, how to expand the Faculty
[10:23] You: oh, before than that
[10:23] You: we need to determine if the interim faculty - and you too Dante - are the vaild faculty
[10:23] You: and i would like to propose a motion to that effect
[10:23] Sudane Erato: i would second that....
[10:23] Sudane Erato: based on the post
[10:24] You: ok, thanks
[10:24] You: can we vote then? All agreeing that the Interim faculty describe in Sleazy's transcript - ie:
[10:25] Sudane Erato: i vote yes
[10:25] Dnate Mars: I vote yes
[10:25] You: "So, according to my information the interim Faculty is: - Brian Livingston - Dnate Mars - Jon Seattle - Moon Adamant - Sudane Erato" be the current Faculty?
[10:25] You: please vote yes
[10:25] Dnate Mars: yes
[10:25] You: and i vote yes as well
[10:25] Jon Seattle: Is this a faculty vote or a board vote?
[10:25] Tanoujin Milestone: are you asking the board too?
[10:25] Brian Livingston: yes
[10:26] Jamie Palisades smiles, leans back happily, and listens (such as it is) to stuff appropriately out of his league
[10:26] You: good question
[10:26] Dnate Mars: I think that the board will need to vote on this
[10:26] Sleazy Writer: anyway .. it's my info so I say: yes.
[10:26] Jon Seattle: (back )
[10:26] Brian Livingston nods
[10:26] Sudane Erato: no smirking allowed
[10:26] You: This is a faculty meeting though
[10:26] Tanoujin Milestone: i would do like Jamie without any objection
[10:26] You: but the board is sovereign
[10:27] You: so if you all vote, i think we are bound to accept the vote
[10:27] Jamie Palisades delicately hides the cough at the word "sovereign" behind a hand
[10:27] Jon Seattle: Well, its tricky since I resigned (had to) from the faculty
[10:27] Dnate Mars: I think it doesn't matter too much since both groups are in agreement
[10:27] Tanoujin Milestone: ok, a quick yes and no further interruption of faculty meeting
[10:28] Sudane Erato: hehe... yes
[10:28] Sleazy Writer: an
[10:28] You: so...
[10:28] Sudane Erato: hi Rose
[10:28] Sleazy Writer: oh hi Rose .. I noticed you only now
[10:28] You: motion carried?
[10:28] Rose Springvale: hello
[10:28] You: hi Rose
[10:28] Sudane Erato: yes!
[10:28] Brian Livingston waves to Rose
[10:28] Rose Springvale: hi all
[10:28] You: we are currently holding a Faculty meeting
[10:28] Rose Springvale: oh...
[10:28] Rose Springvale: should i leave?
[10:28] Sudane Erato: no
[10:28] Sleazy Writer: nope
[10:28] You: no
[10:29] You: just have a look at
[10:29] Jamie Palisades: naah I;m here too, observing
[10:29] You: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1426
[10:29] Brian Livingston: Although the paddleing starts soon...
[10:29] Dnate Mars: Well, then I guess since I am still the chair, I can steer it from here?
[10:29] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:29] You: ok, since the motion was carried
[10:30] You: i will now propose the motion that the faculty accepts Arria as a member, and any other board member that will now express the will to belong to Faculty
[10:30] Sudane Erato: second
[10:30] Dnate Mars: Actually, I think we need to come up with rules to accept people first
[10:31] You: Dnate, no
[10:31] You: or we'll never solve this
[10:31] You: in my opinion, at least, that's a task for the next faculty to solve
[10:32] Sudane Erato: yeah
[10:32] Sleazy Writer notes that someong loooong ago proposed to find that membership rules but nothing happened
[10:32] You: let me explain my reasoning
[10:32] Sudane Erato: and the referred to post is well reasoned
[10:32] You: i am looking forward to have a next faculty with sufficient legitimacy to solve those processes
[10:32] Dnate Mars: Well, I thought we could include simple rules for this meeting with a requirement that they can be changed
[10:33] You: and our charter has sufficient rules - if applied, those or any other that the next faculty chooses to implement - to dismiss members that don't hold to those rules
[10:34] Dnate Mars: Something simple, like a 2/3 majority vote for new members be passed. Then we know the threthold for electing a new member
[10:34] Jon Seattle: The intrrum facutly only required a majority.. I would recommend sticking to that.
[10:35] You: let's do this
[10:35] You: i propose taht we vote on simple majority or 3/4 majority
[10:35] You: before voting on the other motion
[10:35] You: anyone second?
[10:35] Sudane Erato: second
[10:35] Dnate Mars: second on simple maority
[10:36] You: ok, let's vote then - only Faculty please
[10:36] Dnate Mars: I vote aye
[10:36] You: simple maj or 3/4 majority?
[10:36] Sudane Erato: simple
[10:36] Dnate Mars: simple
[10:37] You: Brian and Jon?
[10:37] Brian Livingston: simple
[10:37] Jon Seattle: Not qualified but I like the simple better
[10:37] You: simple majority carries it
[10:37] You: ok
[10:38] You: anyone proposing to Faculty membership?
[10:38] Dnate Mars: I will nominate Arria
[10:38] You: i am, btw, proposing Arria, who isn't here ( i think she may have confused the hours with the new daily savings)
[10:38] Jon Seattle: I recommend Tan, Arria, and Sleezy
[10:39] Brian Livingston: I second Jon's nominations
[10:39] You: i second those as well
[10:39] Sudane Erato: me too!
[10:39] Dnate Mars: Do those nominated accept?
[10:39] You: ehehe
[10:39] Sleazy Writer looks as if he's accidentally TP'ed into Caledon ( nope
[10:39] You: what about our tradition of volunteering others?
[10:40] Sudane Erato: he
[10:40] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:40] Tanoujin Milestone: i am not ready to teach, honourd, but i do not accept
[10:40] Dnate Mars: but they still have to accept
[10:40] Sudane Erato: oh Tan... jys accept
[10:40] Sudane Erato: i'm not ready to teach eeithr
[10:41] Dnate Mars: Trust me Tan, you will do fine. It is more then teaching, it is also mentoring
[10:41] Jon Seattle: Tan, you will do fine, I think all of you who worked on the Monastary displayed good skills
[10:41] You: i agree
[10:42] Tanoujin Milestone: lol. sorry to be rude, but i would prefer to do things right or leave it until i am prepared to do them right
[10:42] You: ok Tan
[10:42] Tanoujin Milestone: ty
[10:42] Jamie Palisades: You might think more of this as acknowledgement of your obvious contributions, communitarian spirit and talent, Tan but of course you must be comfortable in any case.
[10:42] Dnate Mars: Sleazy, do you accept?
[10:43] Brian Livingston: I can certainly respect that and do look forward to your joining the faculty when you feel ready
[10:43] You: ok... so Tan doesn't accept, i hope just for now
[10:43] Sleazy Writer: Dnate > No sorry I don't accept for the same reasons as Tan.
[10:43] Dnate Mars: ok, I guess that Arria is the only new member we vote on then
[10:43] Sudane Erato: we should have required both of them not to be at the meeting
[10:44] Dnate Mars: heh
[10:44] Tanoujin Milestone: lol
[10:44] Jon Seattle: ol, indeed.
[10:44] Brian Livingston: lol
[10:44] Sudane Erato: then we would have "volunteered them "
[10:44] You: ok
[10:44] Sudane Erato: fait accompli
[10:44] Sleazy Writer: heheh, is that possible?
[10:44] Brian Livingston: Hey, waht is that over there? Sleazy, want to go check it out?
[10:44] Brian Livingston points out the door, over the hill
[10:44] Sudane Erato: haha ))
[10:44] You: hmmm, then Faculty should vote now on Arria becoming a member
[10:44] Sleazy Writer: Watch koala, or we'll make you chancellor in '08!
[10:44] Brian Livingston: Ack!
[10:44] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:44] Dnate Mars: and, Tan, I think there is a griefer in CN you should take care of
[10:44] Rose Springvale: good idea!
[10:45] Sleazy Writer: *watch it
[10:45] Brian Livingston: That woudl be a disaster and a half
[10:45] Sudane Erato: lol )
[10:45] Tanoujin Milestone:
[10:45] You: cough cough
[10:45] Sleazy Writer: zzzzzz
[10:45] Brian Livingston: So, I second voting on Arria's membership
[10:46] Dnate Mars: Ok, I call for a vote to accept Arria as a Faculty member
[10:46] Brian Livingston: second
[10:46] You: aye
[10:46] Brian Livingston: yes
[10:46] Sudane Erato: i vote yes
[10:46] Dnate Mars: I also vote aye
[10:47] Jon Seattle:
[10:47] Dnate Mars: Arria's nonimation is accepted, she is now part of the Faculty
[10:47] You: yay!
[10:47] Dnate Mars: Next order of business. Faculty chair elections
[10:47] Rose Springvale: congrats Arria.. when you read the transcirpt
[10:47] Jon Seattle: yay! (also)
[10:47] Sleazy Writer: hahah - congrats!
[10:48] Brian Livingston: Congrats!
[10:48] Neualtenburg Chicken Hat v2.0: Neualtenburg Animated Chicken Hat
[10:48] Neualtenburg Chicken Hat v2.0: Commands: cluck, crow, dance, mute, help
[10:48] Dnate Mars: Do we have any other people wishing to run for Chair?
[10:48] You: congrats indeed
[10:48] You: hmmm, let me check the thread, but i think not
[10:49] You: only Arria
[10:49] Dnate Mars: If no one else wishes to run, I would like to call a vote on the next chair for the Faculty
[10:49] You: second
[10:50] Dnate Mars: Ok, Faculty members, please cast your vote for the next chair by stating the name you wish to be chair
[10:50] Brian Livingston: Umm
[10:50] Brian Livingston: Hehe
[10:50] Sleazy Writer: hahah!
[10:50] You: lol
[10:50] Sudane Erato: Arria
[10:50] Sleazy Writer: splat!
[10:50] Sudane Erato: hehe.... sorry
[10:50] You: Arria
[10:51] Brian Livingston: Arria
[10:51] Dnate Mars: (we have to be formal about it)
[10:51] Sudane Erato: I hate these "touch sit"
[10:51] You: i agree with you
[10:51] Dnate Mars: As current chair, I will be abstaining
[10:51] Brian Livingston: It's ok, I'm used to it, beign this cuddly lookign and all
[10:52] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:52] You: lol
[10:52] Dnate Mars: Arria is elected as the new chair of the Fauclty. Congradulations Arria!
[10:52] Jamie Palisades: cuddly certainly is one possible explanation - happens a lot, does it?
[10:52] You: congrats!
[10:52] Brian Livingston: Wooo! Congrats Arria
[10:53] Jon Seattle: Yea!!
[10:53] Sleazy Writer:
[10:53] Jamie Palisades: yes - and thanks (in absentia) for taking this on!
[10:53] Dnate Mars goes to pass the gavel...
[10:53] You: lol
[10:53] Brian Livingston: In a group of builders and scripters, we don't have an actual gavel? :p
[10:53] Rose Springvale: and lawyers?? lol
[10:53] Jon Seattle: lol, good point
[10:53] Sudane Erato: i have a mace!
[10:53] You: ok everyone, i am very gald that we solved this
[10:54] You: glad*
[10:54] Brian Livingston: I mean, it should shoot out particles and be animated and everything
[10:54] Brian Livingston: lol
[10:54] Sudane Erato: ahhh
[10:54] You: now, i am going to formally resign the Faculty
[10:54] Dnate Mars: I would like to call the meeting of the Fauclty to a close
[10:54] Rose Springvale: it should be a hammer lol
[10:54] You: by our charter
[10:55] You: and when the faculty meeting adjours, we'll hold teh board meeting
[10:55] Dnate Mars: Do I have a second to close this meeting?
[10:55] Brian Livingston: Second
[10:55] You:
[10:56] Dnate Mars: metting adjourned
[10:56] Dnate Mars: meeting*
[10:56] Dnate Mars: (I'm free!!! Hurray!)
[10:56] You: thanks to the Faculty
[10:56] You: lol Dnate
[10:56] Jamie Palisades: Madam Secratary Or Whatever It Is Now ... I realize I haven't been here much lately, but can I nevertheless recommend that the Guild indicate its thanks to Dnate Mars for getting the faculty kickstarted again? It's an important feature of the CDS character and participatory mission, which I think we're all glad to see rolling.
[10:56] You: ok, Board meeting
[10:57] You: Jamie, i second
[10:57] Rose Springvale: yes, thanks dnate
[10:57] Brian Livingston: Thank you!
[10:57] Sudane Erato: ty Dnate!
[10:57] Jon Seattle: Are we in board meeting mode?
[10:57] Dnate Mars blushes
[10:57] Sleazy Writer: indeed .. good showing for us all tonight
[10:57] You: thanks blue citizen )
[10:57] Jamie Palisades: go Big Blue!
[10:57] Jon Seattle: thanks Dnate
[10:57] Dnate Mars: We should be thanking Moon, she did much more then me
[10:57] You: oh, not at all
[10:57] Sudane Erato: ty Moon!
[10:57] Jamie Palisades: hey, that's coming
[10:58] Brian Livingston: Thansk Moon!
[10:58] Rose Springvale: thanks Moon!
[10:58] Jon Seattle: Thanks Moon!!
[10:58] Sleazy Writer: group hug!
[10:58] You: LOL
[10:58] Rose Springvale: lol
[10:58] You: thanks everyone with helping on solve this
[10:58] You: before we start our agenda
[10:58] Jamie Palisades: oy, thank god no one is trying to animate this schmoose fest
[10:58] You: and as i stated on my post
[10:59] You: i would like to move that the Board makes a strong recommendation - and including any offer of help towards that - to the new Faculty
[11:00] You: in the sense of getting an easy, sound process towards membership
[11:00] Jon Seattle: makes sense
[11:00] Jon Seattle: seconds
[11:01] You: ok, who supports this recommendation?
[11:01] Brian Livingston: aye
[11:01] Jon Seattle: aye
[11:01] Dnate Mars: aye
[11:01] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:01] Sleazy Writer: sounds good (aye)
[11:01] Rose Springvale: oh.. i can vote now!
[11:01] Rose Springvale: yes
[11:01] You: this is Board now, btw, so everyone votes
[11:01] Tanoujin Milestone: aye
[11:01] You: ok, motion carried
[11:01] You: now for our agenda
[11:02] You: (you're all agog, i know)
[11:02] Brian Livingston: lol
[11:02] Rose Springvale: ::baited breath::
[11:02] You: agenda is:
[11:02] You: 1. Alpine Meadows
[11:02] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:02] Jamie Palisades: well, more Magog in my case, but yes
[11:02] Brian Livingston is literally on the edge of hsi seat
[11:02] You: 2. Monastery
[11:02] You: 3. Schloss
[11:02] You: 4. Xmas Holidays
[11:02] Rose Springvale: wow a new item!
[11:02] You: or winter holidays, or yule, whatever
[11:03] Sudane Erato: yay!
[11:03] Brian Livingston: Woo!
[11:03] Sleazy Writer: what's 1?
[11:03] Sudane Erato: i love christmas
[11:03] You: and if we have time, 5. Deployment of projects for undeveloped areas
[11:03] You: Sleazy, 1 is Alp Mead
[11:03] You: ok
[11:04] Jon Seattle takes a sim of alpine mead
[11:04] Brian Livingston: I was going to ask about the altenburg area if we had time
[11:04] Jon Seattle: *sip
[11:04] You: everyone, Sudane has posted a financial plan for Alp Mead
[11:04] You: in hmmm
[11:04] You: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key= ... qSY_ri45AA
[11:04] Rose Springvale: how do i keep missing.. ohh
[11:04] Sleazy Writer: Is Santa more important than the undeveloped area?
[11:04] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:04] You: Santa is around on 24 Dec sharp
[11:05] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:05] You: Sudane, please, do you want to comment briefly on your financial plan?
[11:05] Sudane Erato: hmmmm
[11:05] Sudane Erato: ok...
[11:05] Sudane Erato: if you are looking at it now
[11:05] Rose Springvale wishes i had the dual sceen open
[11:05] Sudane Erato: the yellow column on the left is the parcel sizes
[11:06] Sudane Erato: then the doubles hilighted columns are the parcel purchas prices (US$ and L$)
[11:06] Sudane Erato: and to the right the tier prices
[11:06] Sudane Erato: this assumes that this sim pays for itself
[11:06] You: prices per parcel, right?
[11:06] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:07] Sudane Erato: that we do not do any equalizing of sim tier prices
[11:07] Sudane Erato: which i felt there was some feeling to do
[11:07] Rose Springvale: proposal 2, 3, 4.. do these corrsespond with maps?
[11:08] Sudane Erato: well... thats confusing
[11:08] You: well, perhaps, but we must work on that assumptin, since it is a decision not pertaining to us
[11:08] Sudane Erato: i think that 2 refers to the bottom map here
[11:08] Sudane Erato: and 3 refers to "Dnate's proposal"
[11:08] Jamie Palisades: hm - yes - equalizing tough - and not what most others have done, Su, but not out of reach in a "democracy"- anyway, correct to ignore that factor here
[11:09] Sudane Erato: and 4 refers to a version which Jonjust sent me this mornnig
[11:09] Rose Springvale: sigh. i thought the bottom one was .. the compromise one
[11:09] Sudane Erato: which includes the Monastery
[11:09] Jon Seattle: The map is the Jon / Dnate proposal, the same as 4.
[11:09] You: oh, it is
[11:09] Jon Seattle: The only difference is that #4 extends the monastery lands
[11:09] You: one question Jon
[11:09] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:09] Dnate Mars: (the one that is shown is #3)
[11:09] You: ah, that's what i wanted to know
[11:09] Sudane Erato: they are actually all about the same
[11:10] Jamie Palisades: the black map on the wall, here, Jon/D?
[11:10] Jon Seattle: Yes
[11:10] You: yes, for all who weren't here
[11:10] You: Monastery has requested that their terrain would be increased in 8 metres in one of it's dimensions
[11:10] You: its*
[11:10] Jon Seattle: The once change is the Monastery land is extended to 3k at the builder's request.
[11:10] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:11] Sudane Erato: and on 3, there is no separate Monastery parcel
[11:11] You: yes
[11:11] You: so in discussion, we are mainly holding to 4
[11:11] Sleazy Writer: Shouldn't the monastery parcel be added to 2 and 3 anyway?
[11:11] Tanoujin Milestone: Monastery is as requested on the spreadsheet
[11:11] You: hmmm
[11:11] You: i think not Sleazy
[11:11] Sudane Erato: it is Sleazy, thus resulting in #4
[11:11] Tanoujin Milestone: makes no difference, i think
[11:12] You: 2 - 3 - 4
[11:12] Dnate Mars: The numbers don't match
[11:12] You: are a process
[11:12] You: and 4 would be the latest version
[11:12] You: oh, Dnate?
[11:12] Sudane Erato: the numbers are all the same on all 3, in any case
[11:12] Dnate Mars: oh, wait, so in 3 the monastery plot is public land?
[11:13] Sudane Erato: so it really makes no difference
[11:13] Rose Springvale: hmm
[11:13] You: hmmm, no, it is one of the A plots
[11:13] Tanoujin Milestone: nono, Dnate, it is NGO land
[11:13] You: i think 3 refers to a time previous of the Monastery choosing a parcel
[11:13] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:13] Jon Seattle: Well, I suspect we should focus on #4
[11:14] You: my opinion as well
[11:14] Dnate Mars: I agree
[11:14] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:14] Dnate Mars: so, 4 is what is on the wall, with the Monastery plot expanded?
[11:14] Jon Seattle: Yes
[11:14] Sudane Erato: yes...
[11:14] Sudane Erato: the lower one
[11:14] You: yes
[11:14] Dnate Mars: right
[11:15] You: let me delete the upper one, doesn't make any sense it stands there anyway
[11:15] Sleazy Writer: you guys are now implicitly choosing for plan 3 instead of plan 2 .. meaning larger plots
[11:15] Jon Seattle: True
[11:15] Sudane Erato: yes Sleazy, that was voted on
[11:15] Dnate Mars: Just a small question, do we know where we are going to place the pay boxes in this sim yet?
[11:15] Jon Seattle: Just two larger plots.
[11:15] Sleazy Writer: Sudane > where?
[11:15] Sudane Erato: at a meeting in this room
[11:15] You: voted here
[11:15] Sleazy Writer: okay
[11:16] You: about paying boxes
[11:16] Sudane Erato: the location of the boxes can be anywhere that people wish
[11:16] You: yes
[11:16] Sudane Erato: even on another sim
[11:16] You: but even n this one
[11:16] Sudane Erato: if someone owns parcels on 2 sims....
[11:16] You: we can have a glade or a small plaza near one of teh bridges
[11:16] Jon Seattle: (underwater cavern )
[11:16] Sudane Erato: theywill have only ONE box
[11:17] Dnate Mars: righ
[11:17] Dnate Mars: right*
[11:17] Rose Springvale: we can put them in the rafting shack...
[11:17] Rose Springvale: if we have it lol
[11:17] Tanoujin Milestone: as far as i understood Arria's intentions, the monastery could host such installations of public interest
[11:17] Sudane Erato:
[11:17] Jamie Palisades: hmmmm
[11:17] You: that's a possibility too
[11:17] Sudane Erato: but... Jesus tossed the moneychangersd OUT of the temple!
[11:18] Jon Seattle: lol
[11:18] You: i propose on this issue that we plan as we go along lol
[11:18] Jamie Palisades: hmmm
[11:18] Jamie Palisades: on the use of Monastery issue?
[11:18] You: we may choose to make a resting place near one of the roads, and the pay boxes can be there
[11:18] Tanoujin Milestone: we need them there first to toss them later on
[11:18] You: no, on the payboxes
[11:18] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:18] Jamie Palisades: ah
[11:19] You: or tehy can be set on teh top of the sim, near NFS
[11:19] Brian Livingston: I would say we build a little shanty somewhere along the road on a small plot of land and situate them there
[11:19] Rose Springvale: ohhh
[11:19] Rose Springvale: we can make them rocks in the wall
[11:19] Sudane Erato: sure
[11:19] Rose Springvale: coming down the mountain....
[11:19] Sudane Erato: with etched names
[11:19] Rose Springvale: edelweiss growing between them...
[11:19] Jamie Palisades: siiiigh
[11:20] You: ehehe Jamie, you in the No-Edelweiss Comitee?
[11:20] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:20] Rose Springvale: okay okay. weeds
[11:20] Dnate Mars: Do we have a time table to buy the sim yet?
[11:20] You: not yet
[11:20] You: well, more or less
[11:20] Jamie Palisades: love edelweiss - don't ask me if I ever violated Osterreich law, Moon ...
[11:21] You: i published a gantt chart of sorts
[11:21] Rose Springvale: hmm
[11:21] Jamie Palisades: URl for Gantt chart?
[11:21] You: but it was laying on some assumptions that must be reviewed, though it didn't have dates
[11:21] You: uh hmmm it's somewhere buried in the sim planning thread, let me see
[11:21] Rose Springvale: is that in the new guild forum?
[11:21] Rose Springvale: oh
[11:21] Dnate Mars: What do we still need to do before we are ready to buy the sim?
[11:21] Rose Springvale: sigh
[11:22] You: well, i would say
[11:22] Sudane Erato: we need to approve these fiances...
[11:22] You: stablish a new gantt chart
[11:22] You: approve finances
[11:22] You: draw the covenants
[11:22] Sudane Erato: and estabbblish then an opening dates
[11:22] Sudane Erato: and approve "pre0sales"
[11:23] Rose Springvale: sudane, so there are three options on finances...
[11:23] Brian Livingston: Now, in terms of fiancnes and land prices, it looks liek a 512 plot costs around 8.65 a month in tier. How does that relate in tersm of cost to CN and NFS for comparison purposes?
[11:23] Dnate Mars: Are we happy with the plot layout in #4?
[11:23] You: i am happy with the plot layout
[11:23] Sudane Erato: Brian, i didn't compare them
[11:23] Sudane Erato: i'll look it up
[11:23] Jamie Palisades: I have a Q about that if that's what topic we are, in fact, on
[11:24] Rose Springvale: the plot layout represents teh compromise we've all discussed, yes?
[11:24] Brian Livingston: Cool. I'm just curious if the price difference is going to b an issue
[11:24] Jamie Palisades: but are we doing finances .. timing ... or map 4?
[11:24] Sudane Erato: also, the rates are uniform acccross the sim
[11:24] You: yes, Rose, it does
[11:24] Jamie Palisades: Madame chairpersonthingy?
[11:24] Sudane Erato: something we do nowhere else
[11:24] Dnate Mars: yes, I think that is best for this sim
[11:24] You: ehehe Jamie is right, let's organize
[11:24] Brian Livingston: Very true
[11:25] You: map has been voted and has had just minor corrections since
[11:25] You: so let's discuss finance now, and then covenants
[11:25] Brian Livingston: And a 512 plot has the prims ofa 1024, correct?
[11:25] You: yes Brian
[11:25] Dnate Mars: yes
[11:25] Jon Seattle: Yes
[11:25] Jamie Palisades: Moon, when you are done with finances, I have a Q before covenants
[11:25] Sudane Erato: yes... and a 512 parcel in CN is 3.58
[11:25] Rose Springvale: you want a motion to accept the map as amended?
[11:25] Arria Perreault: Hi
[11:25] Jamie Palisades: oy
[11:25] Brian Livingston: Actaully... at least in terms of LL tier, that's pretty close, as 1024 is $8US
[11:25] Jamie Palisades: Hi Arria
[11:26] Arria Perreault: Sorry to arrive so late
[11:26] Rose Springvale: ohh. Madame Faculty Chair, welcome
[11:26] You: hey Arria
[11:26] Sudane Erato: hi
[11:26] You: congrats first of all
[11:26] Tanoujin Milestone: hi Arria, Congrats
[11:26] Jon Seattle: Yes!
[11:26] Brian Livingston: Welcome Arria!
[11:26] Arria Perreault: thank you very much for my election
[11:26] Brian Livingston: Cognrats!
[11:27] Dnate Mars: No, thank you for taking this task up!
[11:27] You: indeed, thank you Arria
[11:27] Jamie Palisades: Arria, lots of nice words about you in this transcript Moon, it would be tremendously helpful to know if we are discussing the map, or the finances. Sorry if I am too dense to tell.
[11:27] You: Jamie, in my opinion, we are discussing finances
[11:27] Sleazy Writer: hi Arria
[11:28] Arria Perreault: Hi Sleazy
[11:28] Jamie Palisades: thx
[11:28] You: i don't think it's needed to again vote the map - as Rose asked - because teh only change was to add land to the Monastery out of the public land
[11:28] Jamie Palisades: I have a Q about finances.
[11:28] You: but i am willing to vote it again, if a motion is seconded
[11:28] Jamie Palisades: Sudane, the spreadsheet assumes that every plot sells?
[11:29] Sudane Erato: yes... it does... but as you can see in the notes...
[11:29] Sudane Erato: there is a margin
[11:29] Jamie Palisades: yes
[11:29] Jamie Palisades: and bless you
[11:29] Sudane Erato:
[11:29] Sudane Erato: this is our 3rd time around
[11:29] Jamie Palisades: Since this plan 4 is more-big-parcels, fewere small ones ...
[11:30] Jamie Palisades: can I safely assume, Su, that you're comfy that the sales %age will be similiarly high, based on demand?
[11:30] Sudane Erato: well, i think so...
[11:30] Jamie Palisades: (Just adking to make sure our artistic and land baron impluses have not left behind our economic ones)
[11:30] Sudane Erato: it seems to me that land in CDS is not the normal land market
[11:30] Sudane Erato: people are here mostly to be in CDS
[11:30] Sudane Erato: some people like hug parcels
[11:30] Sudane Erato: huge
[11:31] Sudane Erato: and others like tiny ones
[11:31] Rose Springvale: i like hug parcels. and kiss ones
[11:31] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:31] You:
[11:31] Brian Livingston: It's true, I have tabloid pictures of her and a pine tree
[11:31] Rose Springvale: hey1
[11:31] Jamie Palisades: what 'seems to you' dear is paramount in my mind - not sure anyone else really has seen the comings & going well enough to make as good an educated guess. Thanks.
[11:31] Sudane Erato: i think they will all sell... eventually
[11:31] You: lol brian
[11:31] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:31] Rose Springvale: i paid for your silence!
[11:31] You: mind also one thing
[11:31] Brian Livingston: Whoops...
[11:32] Jamie Palisades: hm .. inspiration garden .. hm ...
[11:32] You: If we come to teh conclusion that the big parcels aren't selling
[11:32] You: it will be easier to subdivide them...
[11:32] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:32] Sudane Erato: i think they will sell
[11:33] Rose Springvale: i thnk so too, but i can't do math this fast... the numbers are collective sums correct?
[11:33] Rose Springvale: so that when you say
[11:33] Jamie Palisades: great - no basis for an objection - just wanted to ask if someone had noodled over demand for them
[11:33] Rose Springvale: 312 us .. it is in re; 2 parcels?
[11:33] Sudane Erato: the numbers in the yellow columns are for each parcel
[11:33] Rose Springvale: per parcel
[11:34] Rose Springvale: ok
[11:34] Sudane Erato: of the size indicated in the left-most yellow column
[11:34] You: don't forget also that these are double-prim plots
[11:34] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:34] Brian Livingston: We'll emphasize that in promotion
[11:34] You: so actually a 4096 m2 has the prims of a 8192 m2
[11:34] Sudane Erato: exactly
[11:35] Brian Livingston: well, land oriented promotion, not theme based
[11:35] You: i agree Brian
[11:35] Jamie Palisades: right -2x which I think attarcts "our crowd" though, I'd be hard pressed to justift my gut
[11:35] You: ok let me resume then
[11:35] You: the financial plan as it is
[11:35] You: pays for the sim
[11:36] You: has a safety margin
[11:36] You: and contributes to the overall CDS expansion budget, right?
[11:36] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:36] Jamie Palisades: so, Moon, what actio nis needed here vis a vis Sudane's spreadsheet or otherwise on finances? Other than to kiss her on both cheeks for it.
[11:36] Sudane Erato: bbbtw
[11:36] You: lol
[11:36] Sudane Erato: it does assume a substantial pre-sales
[11:36] You: ok, that is important to know
[11:37] You: Jamie
[11:37] Sudane Erato: it does not really include a long carrying charge
[11:37] Brian Livingston: What do you consider substantial?
[11:37] You: this financial plan will be presente dto the RA
[11:37] Brian Livingston: 50%, 75%
[11:37] Jamie Palisades: Su, that's in terms of the cash flow for the init purchase to LL, right?
[11:37] Sudane Erato: yes... we are in good shape for cash in the CDS
[11:37] Jamie Palisades: so it moiderates outlay from CDS coffers up front
[11:37] Jamie Palisades: ee-yup
[11:37] Jamie Palisades: let's stay that way (smile)
[11:37] Sudane Erato: but... we want income from these parcels as soon as we can
[11:37] You: yes
[11:38] Sudane Erato: Brian... even 50% would be fine
[11:38] Brian Livingston: Ok, good to know
[11:38] You: ok guys
[11:38] You: may i propose something?
[11:38] Dnate Mars: no
[11:38] You: considering that
[11:38] You: pfff lol
[11:38] Brian Livingston: lol
[11:38] Jamie Palisades:
[11:38] Rose Springvale: he beat me to it lol
[11:38] You: we need to bring both the map and the financial plan and the covenants to the RA
[11:38] You: to be approved
[11:38] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:39] Dnate Mars: We do?
[11:39] Rose Springvale: ;;whines:: covenants too??
[11:39] You: so that the purchase of the sim be carried
[11:39] You: yes, we do
[11:39] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:39] You: all three things are approved in the RA
[11:39] Jon Seattle: Yes, there was no prior final approval.
[11:39] Rose Springvale: is anyone working on them?
[11:39] Jamie Palisades: yeah, and they have dependencies all 3 ways, sigh, she's right as usual
[11:39] You: well, there are threads for covenant discussion already
[11:39] You: but let me synthetize
[11:40] Sleazy Writer: Is there already decided on tp setting? (central tp or point to point?)
[11:40] You: i think we now need to put forward a schedule for tehse processes to be completed
[11:40] You: so that promotion and pre-sales can start planning as well
[11:40] Rose Springvale: yay! (rose loves schedules)
[11:40] Brian Livingston: woo!
[11:41] You: Sleazy, not voted yet, i think - but the feeling has been that this sim can be direct tp without any issues
[11:41] Rose Springvale: we have the two hard parts...
[11:41] You: but anyway
[11:41] Sleazy Writer: let's include that direct TP when the covenant is presented to the RA
[11:41] You: shall we discuss a schedule now?
[11:41] Brian Livingston: Sure
[11:41] Arria Perreault: yes, it would be good
[11:42] You: fine for me
[11:42] You: ok
[11:42] You: hmmm, first of all
[11:42] Jamie Palisades still is listening to that helpful integration
[11:42] You: consider that this guild has already defined that the building of the sim
[11:42] You: will be carried mainly on the landscpae and sim infrastructures
[11:43] Dnate Mars: Actually, Just looking over things, I don't think we really need to get the RA invovled any more
[11:43] You: saving, of course, any individual interest towards building privately for sale
[11:43] You: oh, Dnate?
[11:43] You: how so?
[11:43] Dnate Mars: I think it now goes through the Exec banch
[11:44] You: hmmm, i feel sure that a budget must be approved by the RA still
[11:44] Dnate Mars: I don't think so
[11:44] You: but in any case, we have to present it formally
[11:44] Jon Seattle: The RA has not yet approved the final plan, budget. etc.
[11:44] Dnate Mars: the treasurer does that
[11:44] Dnate Mars: I don't think they need
[11:44] Dnate Mars: to
[11:44] You: hmmm
[11:45] Dnate Mars: the RA approved the theme, the rest goes the the exec
[11:45] Jon Seattle: No, in the past the RA has done that.
[11:45] Jamie Palisades: Can I suggets that's for y'all in capacities OTHER than the Guild to tussle about?
[11:45] You: that's surely something we need to have clearer info about
[11:45] Sudane Erato: i agree Jamie
[11:45] You: we can, of course, present it to everyone
[11:45] Dnate Mars: I know in the past it may have been done with the RA, but I don't think it needs to
[11:45] Jamie Palisades: You guys can go wear your Knights of Columbus hats and duel later
[11:45] You: yes lol
[11:45] Jamie Palisades: Heck, I'll sell tickets - but not an artisanal issue
[11:45] Dnate Mars: Actually, this is very important
[11:45] You: in any case
[11:45] Rose Springvale: in a bout 15 minutes.... looks longingly at moons schedule suggestion
[11:46] Jamie Palisades: yes Dnate it is - but not to the Guild, hm?
[11:46] Dnate Mars: no it is
[11:46] You: we need to have a stable plan, with individual parcels, a financial plan that refers to those parcels
[11:46] Brian Livingston: No RA meeting today, btw
[11:46] You: covenants that refer to those parcels as well
[11:46] You: so what i am looking for is a schedule to have that FINAL data
[11:47] Rose Springvale: ah, sorry. no notices
[11:47] You: and then next, depending on who approves
[11:47] Brian Livingston: Well, we have hte first two parts, the land and financial details, we just need the covenent, correct?
[11:47] You: another schedule from moment of approval for building and promotion
[11:48] You: yes, we do still need that the parcels be individualized in teh map
[11:48] Tanoujin Milestone: by number and letter, letter indicating zone?
[11:49] Sudane Erato: here are no zones... unless there will be?
[11:49] You: letter should indicate a covenant referral
[11:49] Tanoujin Milestone: ah, k
[11:49] You: we can do that in two ways
[11:49] Sudane Erato: at least not to distinguish rates
[11:49] Sleazy Writer: I'm in favor of zones
[11:49] Dnate Mars: different covenants
[11:49] You: either we define parcel types : chateaux, cottages, etc - and covenant those types
[11:49] Dnate Mars: not reates
[11:49] You: or we define zones
[11:49] Sleazy Writer: exactly Moon
[11:49] Sleazy Writer: it's the same, imo
[11:50] You: i would go more for types in this sim
[11:50] Jamie Palisades: Moon I'd describe the first as the CN way, and the second as NFS. No?
[11:50] Brian Livingston: I'd lean towards types myself
[11:50] Dnate Mars: I see 3 zones for conenants
[11:50] You: yes, Sleazy, but it can be clearer to define types
[11:50] Brian Livingston: Wait, no
[11:50] Brian Livingston: I was thinking zones based off the original discussion
[11:51] You: listens
[11:51] Jon Seattle: What are our aims here?
[11:51] Jon Seattle: Are we planning to present this to the RA or not?
[11:51] Dnate Mars: I see the zones as being the( Monastery d1-d4), (A1, B1&2), (rest)
[11:51] You: to link univocally plots, covenants and finances
[11:51] Rose Springvale: univocally is a great way to put that
[11:52] You: Jon, we'll have to present this to someone
[11:52] You: and we do need prettily-laid out data for promotion
[11:52] Dnate Mars: yes, very true
[11:52] Brian Livingston: yes please
[11:52] Brian Livingston:
[11:53] Rose Springvale: with brian and jon as part of this team, i see no reason to believe there will be anything other than encouragement in RA
[11:53] Jamie Palisades: I would ilke to ask Sudane and Dante a specific Q about this - which is a *good* issue - seems silly to write tighter rules than actually have effect. The NFS 'zones" seem to work - the CN 'types" seem to me to be almost unenforceable in their high detail. But what is our practical experience in enforcing? (i am still leaving the RA versus Exec issue off the table for this meeting.)
[11:53] You: Rose, i propose the following
[11:53] You: that Jon, brian and Dnate check to whom exactly is the data presented
[11:54] You: yay for volunteering others
[11:54] Jon Seattle: Yes, I think it will get approval in the RA if presented.
[11:54] Brian Livingston: I propose we propose one person so do :p
[11:54] You: it better be lol
[11:54] Dnate Mars: Thanks for heading it up Brian!
[11:54] Brian Livingston: Damn!
[11:54] You: lol
[11:55] You: poor Brian
[11:55] Rose Springvale: yay brian!
[11:55] Brian Livingston: It seems like we should reachotu to our SC brethren and as kfor an opinion as this is a constituitonal issue
[11:55] You: 'tis unsafe to speak in teh CDS, you always get volunteered
[11:55] Sleazy Writer: what's constitutional?
[11:56] Dnate Mars: who has the power to get the new sim
[11:56] Sleazy Writer: aha, yse
[11:56] Brian Livingston: Whether this falls on to the legislative or executive
[11:56] Jon Seattle: Well, Brian, it becomes an issue only if the Guild decides to build the sim without RA approval. And I don't think we are going to do that.
[11:56] You: no, we're definetely not going to do that
[11:56] Brian Livingston: lol, that is always a bad idea
[11:56] Dnate Mars: but the RA has already give approval for AM
[11:57] Sleazy Writer: okay .. then not to the SC .. saves time .. which is better
[11:57] Jon Seattle: Dante, no it has not.
[11:57] Dnate Mars: yes, it has
[11:57] You: guys, sorry
[11:57] Sleazy Writer: not for the financial picture
[11:57] You: that's why i proposed that you three should find it out
[11:57] Jon Seattle: Specifically, look at Claude's speach on the matter when we presented the project.
[11:58] Jon Seattle: He said quite directly, that approval was for continued planning only. Look in the transcript.
[11:58] Sudane Erato: sorry all... I have a big griefer prob in SLNE
[11:58] You: guys, sorry
[11:58] Sudane Erato: have to leave
[11:58] You: ah, thanks for showing by Sudane )
[11:58] Jon Seattle: Bye Sudane
[11:58] Tanoujin Milestone: hu, good luck, Sudane
[11:58] You: and good luck!
[11:58] Sudane Erato: bye all
[11:58] Sleazy Writer: bye
[11:58] Dnate Mars: bye
[11:58] Rose Springvale: its a mess over there
[11:59] Brian Livingston: Gotta love griefers
[11:59] You: so,
[11:59] Jamie Palisades: so.
[11:59] Tanoujin Milestone: (schedule?)
[11:59] You: guys, i really think that you three should find it out, being RA and chanc
[12:00] You: and come back to us with your conclusions
[12:00] Rose Springvale: yes, and we should focus on the covenants?
[12:00] You: definetely
[12:00] Rose Springvale: originally we had talked about three areas
[12:00] You: ok
[12:00] Rose Springvale: the "levels' nearest NFS being NFS like
[12:00] Rose Springvale: the level nearest CN beign CN like
[12:01] Rose Springvale: and the center being somthing that fit architecturally between the two
[12:01] Dnate Mars: I have to go too
[12:01] Tanoujin Milestone: see you, Dnate
[12:01] Sleazy Writer: bye Dnate
[12:01] You: thanks for showing by, Dnate
[12:01] Jamie Palisades: Bye Dnate
[12:01] Arria Perreault: See you soon Dnate
[12:01] Rose Springvale: then it seems we've moved more toward a .. "type" zoning
[12:02] You: well, my opinion is
[12:02] Rose Springvale: with levels for the different structures more along the NFS fachwerk modes?
[12:02] You: regardless of the aesthetics
[12:02] You: we need to define some things per plot type
[12:02] Rose Springvale: like...
[12:02] You: like: print of the house on the terrain, number of trees, etc
[12:03] Rose Springvale: hmm
[12:03] Jamie Palisades sighs again. Moon - in more detail than the NFS covenant, for example, for the city?
[12:03] You: it isn't an exclusive definition as regards zones, mind
[12:03] Jamie Palisades: you know, roof slope, etcetc
[12:03] Rose Springvale: with double prim?
[12:03] You: Jamie, hmmm
[12:03] Rose Springvale: the double prim places i've owned generally have fewer of those type restricitons
[12:03] Sleazy Writer: Jamie > of cours enot that detailed .. but we need some rules to make it look normal and not disneyland
[12:04] Arria Perreault: and maybe also general type of building, if we will have castles on every plot
[12:04] Rose Springvale: because the greenspace is maintained byt he sim
[12:04] Arria Perreault: if we will not ...
[12:04] You: actually, i am not very much in favour of very specific restrictions, since they tend to go unheeded
[12:04] Sleazy Writer: (ps. ... roof slope of NFS was the *old* covenant .. not the newer one on the wiki )
[12:04] You: but i would like to prevent that you'd have 512 m2 chateaux, yes
[12:04] Tanoujin Milestone: this is not exclusive, the types can reflect zones as well, the D plots are one type, together with monastery one zone, B1, B2, A1 may be 1 type and one zone, the rest on the north , hm, one zone according to Dnate, but different types....
[12:05] Rose Springvale: hmm
[12:05] Rose Springvale: 512 m would support a small chateaux
[12:05] Jamie Palisades is momentarily amused by the theory that the wiki can hold enforceable covenants if not referenced in world .. but still ...
[12:05] Rose Springvale: but not if it is clustered in a village
[12:05] Rose Springvale: jamie lol
[12:05] You: it would in prims, but not in volume
[12:06] Rose Springvale: well, seems as though height restrictions would be in order
[12:06] Rose Springvale: and setbacks
[12:06] You: exactly
[12:06] You: that's what i am thinking about
[12:06] Rose Springvale: but beyond that we get into questions of taste
[12:06] Arria Perreault: in a more constructive way, we can also propose several models of houses
[12:06] Rose Springvale: hi pel!
[12:06] You: height restrictions is a MUST be with double prim
[12:06] Arria Perreault: Hi Pel
[12:06] Tanoujin Milestone: Pelanor
[12:07] You: or you'll get towers as tall as your prim allowance supports
[12:07] Pelanor Eldrich: Hi all! Am I on crack, I thought there was an RA meeting today (don't answer the first part
[12:07] You: hiya Pel
[12:07] Rose Springvale: unless one wants to find themselves living next to a 512m vampire condo in ebony marble....
[12:07] Jon Seattle: Pel, no RA meeting tosay.
[12:07] Sleazy Writer: hi Pel
[12:07] Jon Seattle: *oday
[12:07] You: lol, no, RA meeting was adjourned
[12:07] Rose Springvale: (my first home )
[12:07] Rose Springvale: 512 m high
[12:07] You: Tan, we can define types and zones in the same coding
[12:07] Pelanor Eldrich: thx
[12:07] You: but we do need to get a sys that is clear
[12:08] Jon Seattle: Well, my thought for the 512 plots is that they would be build by us.. with an adjoining brick design
[12:08] Jamie Palisades: hmm
[12:08] Jon Seattle: sutible for the theme
[12:08] Rose Springvale: have we considdered a building committe for approvals like slne uses?
[12:08] You: hmmm 512 are the Ds?
[12:08] Jamie Palisades: mandating no change to a building would be new, for us, no?
[12:08] Tanoujin Milestone: Jon, what was this old fashioned name for that houses?
[12:08] Jon Seattle: Yes,the D2.
[12:08] Jon Seattle: Ds
[12:08] Rose Springvale: not really, it is that way in part of CN
[12:09] You: almshouses, but i promised that i wouldn't call them that again
[12:09] Jon Seattle: lol
[12:09] Tanoujin Milestone: ah, ups
[12:09] Jamie Palisades: Um maybe "You Are Stuck With What The Committe Likes", Tan
[12:09] You: so let's call them mews
[12:09] You: (')
[12:09] You: ?
[12:09] Jon Seattle: Yes
[12:09] Tanoujin Milestone: teehee
[12:09] Tanoujin Milestone: ok
[12:10] You: ok, this is my opinion
[12:10] Pelanor Eldrich: Sounds better than "Alsatian Wigwams"
[12:10] You: chateaux allowed in A and B
[12:10] You: cottages for C
[12:10] You: mews for D
[12:10] Jamie Palisades: how many of those plots? A visual monoculture might be OK if not oppressively dense - I think NFS city benefits *immeasurably* for having a few diff brands of little fachwerks
[12:10] Jamie Palisades: brands and colors
[12:11] You: well, Jamie, refer to teh map on teh wall
[12:11] You: actualy, we have few C plots
[12:11] You: more As and Bs
[12:11] You: and 8 Ds
[12:11] Jamie Palisades: righ t- so - not really a big design issue, then, the mews, hm?
Guild Meeting Log - 4th Nov 2007
Moderator: SC Moderators
- Moon Adamant
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 877
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm
Guild Meeting Log - 4th Nov 2007
Eudaimonia now!
- Moon Adamant
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 877
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm
Re: Guild Meeting Log - 4th Nov 2007
We lost the sim at the last line of the transcript in this thread. I relogged then and the meeting carried on - but i crashed soon after the meeting was adjourned and lost the last bit of transcript.
Eudaimonia now!