The RA in its new law "Financial Reporting Act" passed on October 28, 2007 mandated that additional information be provided in regular financial reports provided by the Treasurer (in my role as "provider of money information" for our community). I provide this information on behalf of the Chancellor.
Because of the presentation of two additional reports, I have decided to make some changes in the way the finances are presented.
1) All data will be presented in a single spreadsheet format, with the different reports appearing on different worksheets in that spreadsheet.
2) All data will be presented in the native currency of our economy, Linden dollars. At this date, the ONLY dollar transactions which we have are our conversions to US dollars for the payment of our tier to the Lindens.
3) The reports for the month of October 2007 are located at ... 0zyg9c5DZw
Formatting is a bit rough at the moment. I'll try to improve that as the months proceed.
I would welcome assistance in two areas. One, we need a better place to publish our current reports than here in the forum (IMHO). The Balance Sheet and Income Expense Report have previously been available directly through the website. I'd welcome assistance on how to do that.
And two, we need a way to preserve these files. I have them on my computer. We need something better, and more accessible to the community.