Hello CDS!
November is ART Month in CDS… but I'm a bit behind on that and will need to do a separate post in conjunction with Delia Lake on behalf of MoCA… but I also need you all to start thinking about the holidays. I'll confess up front that I am a bit of an overachiever .. but also believe in seizing opportunity and I think this is a GREAT opportunity to showcase all of CDS.
I met last week with several citizens who I think are as excited as I am. To pull this off, we will need a LOT of help. There is something for everyone in this plan, which includes a Bavarian Christmas Celebration in NFS, Saturnalia in CN and winter fun in AM if it is available. Here is my tentative calendar and notes… please read through and I think you will get the gist. And COMMENT!! Either here on the forum or send me a notecard! Or just tackle me in the streets if you see me. (smiles)
December 1 through Jan 1 are the dates for the "CDS Holiday Season;"
PRE season: -Replacement of Green Trees with winter trees… preferably the last week of November. It will snow in CDS on DECEMBER 1!!
--These classes offered BEFORE Dec 1:Snow creatures, Saturnalia Trees, Packaging
goods for Bazaar.
December 1: Kick off of Holiday season.
--opening of ice rink in NFS platz, snow in the sims, icing over of the CN river.
--Snow man contest/tree contest begin
--NFS holiday market begins
--CN Dockside bazaar/garage sale begins
--These classes after December 1, but before December16: candle making for
Saturnalia, yule log
December 2, holiday concert in Kirk
December 9 holiday concert in .. somewhere. Inspiration Park? Amphitheater?
December 16 Ball for Saturnalia festival CN Tree contest results announced,
December 17-22--Saturnalia feast/ games in the amphitheater, Orgy?? J parade in the streets? live concert sometime during the week
December 23 Bad Santa ball in NFS Snow "thing" Contest results, (live concert sometime during the week)
December 30 New years ball/party: Possibly in AM, live concert sometime during the week
--Skiing/sledding in AM optional if ready. Outdoor concert also optional IF AM is ready at the time of the LL snowball fight, it would be a great location for participation. More on this when details of the LL activities are announced, and we see where AM process is.
Other: LINDEN activities: Last year, linden festival was dec 15 to 22. entries to be included on their tour were solicited on Dec 11 Gridwide snowball fight was Dec 21. I want us to be part of this.
Things that need to be done community wide:
-Replacement of Green Trees with winter trees… preferably the last week of November.
-Snow textures, all sims
-Ice rink for NFS platz
-Warming hut, cocoa animation?
-Skate animations, skates, ski a Ice on the rivers nimations, skis.
--(note: I picked up one of Skoopf' skate vendors which pay us 20% of all skates purchased.. 75 L for ice skates, 85 for ice and roller. There are other vendors as well. I've also got in my inventory free ladies skates. Let's see how the ice rink turns out to see what kind/how many vendors we want.
-Voting machine for contests
- Tour maps to view contest entries
-Classes: I'd like volunteers to teach a few classes. I'll help with publicity and set up, but would ask that they classes be offered at least twice, in both eu and us friendly times. These (I think) are very basic and shouldn't take too long. Seasonal classes are very popular, especially with new people!
Other Questions: contests—display area or on personal land? Prim limits? Judging or voting? Any way for non CDS people to participate? (I think no unless we have AM up and open because of prim limitations.)
Holiday market and bazaar… do we want street booths in NFS similar to Oktoberfest? Or (my preference) just let shopkeepers handle their holiday merchandise? This is Bavaria.. I hope there is a lot of participation.
CN bazaar… my thought is that there will be tables where people can resell/donate unwanted inventory items, and/or sell seasonal goods. Obviously we need to have some prim limits on this… but its something we've been tossing about since I took this job and I think it's a great way to bring some new people in. With direct tp in CN, it should work well. Thoughts?
BUDGET: So what is this all going to cost us?
It depends.
I think we can build all the "props".. if builders have time. I'll be submitting a list to the New Guild… which is open to anyone… so if you want to help, please do!
Also, I would like to solicit individual or group sponsorship from within the community for specific events. None of them are exhorbitant. See the list below. If you want to sponsor something specific, please let me know. Sponsors will be recognized by sign and where appropriate, announced at the events. If you want to support the 'season' but don't want to sponsor anything particular, you can still donate to the cause. All Donations and sponsorships will be paid to the CDS treasurer. Anonymous donations and sponsorships should also be handled through Rudeen Edo. I will make a list of all sponsors to display in all sims.
IF you are interested in this, please let us know asap. The budget… as well as selection of what we want to keep in the plan, will be determined prior to December 1.
1.5 Live concerts (estimate 5-9k… depends on what you want)
2. Regular Holiday music stream, one two or three sims (ads accepted?) estimate 5- 10 k again, depending on hours, availability and number of sims
3. Balls. Bad Santa, Saturnalia, New Years.
4. Snowman Decorating contest: prize money primarily. You can help judge if you want, or we can implement voting machines.
5. Saturnalia Tree contest, prize money. You can help judge if you want, or we can implement voting machines.
6. Advertising. We have available at least 170 billboards throughout the grid. With a new sim for sale this is a good opportunity to use them.
So, if no one sponsors, no one donates building or funds and we do ALL the suggested activities:
Concerts: 5 @ 10k = 50000
Streaming music for a month=10000
Prize money: 2000
Advertizing: 10000
Building props and animations:10000
Without community participation, we could easily spend 80,000 L
I don't think that is likely or appropriate. More likely:
Concerts: 5 @ 5000= 25000
Stream: 5000
Prizes: 2000
Advertising: 7500
Building and Anim: 2000
Total: 40,000L for a full month in three sims.
Thanks for your input and enthusiasm!