Guild Meeting Log - 11th Nov 2007

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Moon Adamant
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Guild Meeting Log - 11th Nov 2007

Post by Moon Adamant »

[10:15] You: i think we'll start
[10:15] Sudane Erato: kk
[10:15] You: ok
[10:15] You: we are not going to discuss AM covenants :)
[10:16] You: i prefer to leave that to its meeting - next thursday at 2 PM SLT
[10:16] Tanoujin Milestone nods
[10:16] Sudane Erato: :)... great :)
[10:16] You: so i think we will have a look at Monastery and Schloss
[10:16] Sudane Erato: are we ready to buy the sim?
[10:16] Sudane Erato: and if not...
[10:17] You: and also i have a request from Rose regarding the Winter Holidays
[10:17] Sudane Erato: are there any steps other than the covenants?
[10:17] You: well, Sudane, i'd rather have the covenants first
[10:17] Sudane Erato: kk
[10:17] You: and Promotion sketched
[10:18] Sudane Erato: good... and some pre-sales
[10:18] Brian Livingston: Now, finance wise, are we doing the bond initiative again for this sim?
[10:18] Moon Adamant looks at Brian :)
[10:18] Sudane Erato: Rose is so hoping for the sim by christmas... but
[10:18] You: yes, i know
[10:18] Sudane Erato: oh, Brian, i think not
[10:18] Sudane Erato: with a modest amount of pre-sales
[10:18] You: but seeing that we only have to put landscape in she can have it by xmas
[10:18] Sudane Erato: i think we can easily manage it
[10:19] You: Brian, from what i gather from teh CDS finances, we have the cash for the sim
[10:19] Brian Livingston: Okee, cool. So that shaves some time off the process
[10:19] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:19] Tanoujin Milestone: no bonds needed?
[10:19] You: we just need the covenants now so that people can start buying parcels
[10:19] Sudane Erato: no bonds needed :)
[10:19] Brian Livingston: Yikes, we're clsoer than I thought :p
[10:19] Tanoujin Milestone: wow, good
[10:20] Sudane Erato: yes :)
[10:20] Brian Livingston: Well... I can start drafting up some promotional materials, sim slogan and so on
[10:20] Sudane Erato: that would be great!!
[10:20] Brian Livingston: Ad images will have to wait really utnil we get the sim
[10:20] Brian Livingston: Althoguh I canprobably work with the monestary if the subgroup permits
[10:20] Sudane Erato: great
[10:21] You: i will mail you the corrected map as soon as we have the covenants defined
[10:21] Sudane Erato: great
[10:21] Brian Livingston: Oh, and we voted on and apporved the finacne plan, correct?
[10:21] You: and feel free to change colours, fonts, etc - i'll send you the psd
[10:21] Brian Livingston is a big foggy headed today
[10:22] Sudane Erato: no, nothing has been voted on
[10:22] Sudane Erato: to my knowledge
[10:22] Brian Livingston: Ok, we must've just discussed it but not voted.
[10:22] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:22] Sudane Erato: its the RA which must vote
[10:22] You: yes
[10:22] Tanoujin Milestone: didnt the guild say ok to the finances? And ready to present to RA?
[10:23] You: we just make sure it's correct and present it
[10:23] Brian Livingston: But we decided as a group to use those fiancnes in the presentation to teh RA
[10:23] Sudane Erato: oh... yes, i think so
[10:23] You: yes
[10:23] Brian Livingston: Ok, cool.
[10:23] Brian Livingston: Hmmm, I should probably set up a mailing list for promotion members
[10:23] You: Brian, please think about promotion
[10:23] You: yes!
[10:23] Sudane Erato: yes... that would be great
[10:23] You: please get as many victims as you can
[10:23] Sudane Erato: haha
[10:24] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:24] You: i do hope that in one, two meetings more we have covenants ready
[10:24] Sudane Erato: great
[10:24] Sudane Erato: but that means the end of Nov
[10:24] You: then we can present the full package to RA
[10:25] Brian Livingston: How long is the delay in terms of purchase and delivery of the sim?
[10:25] Sudane Erato: and it will take a few weeks to pre-sell, order, and receive
[10:25] You: well, i am trying to bring the discussion as much to point as possible
[10:25] Sudane Erato: sometimes they deliver the sims right away..
[10:25] You: oh Brian, 5 days at most
[10:25] Sudane Erato: but... usually you wait a couple of weeks
[10:25] Brian Livingston: Ok, for some reason i was thinking it took a couple weeks
[10:25] Brian Livingston: oh, nm
[10:25] Brian Livingston: Is there any way to request a given date
[10:25] Sudane Erato: hmm... 5 days is rare for me
[10:25] Brian Livingston: or target delivery date
[10:26] You: hmmm, they're delaying stuff again?
[10:26] Sudane Erato: haha... with LL?? :)
[10:26] Brian Livingston: I kniow, I know
[10:26] You: well, i can pres sthe covenant discussion then
[10:26] Brian Livingston: Hehe
[10:26] You: but really, it does tend to drag a bit
[10:26] Sudane Erato: LL doesn't even know what class of sims that i have
[10:26] Brian Livingston: Ok, I take it they don't provide a tiem frame of delviery either when you put in the order?
[10:26] Sudane Erato: no
[10:26] Sudane Erato: they don't
[10:26] Brian Livingston: That's pretty crazy, they should be able to provide at least that, but I won't get started :p
[10:26] Sudane Erato: hi Jon :)
[10:27] Tanoujin Milestone: hi Jon
[10:27] Jon Seattle hugs moon
[10:27] Moon Adamant hugs Jon
[10:27] Brian Livingston: Hey Jon :)
[10:27] Sudane Erato: hehe... no, don't get started... or I will too!
[10:27] Jon Seattle: Hi :) sorry to be late.. lost track of time
[10:27] You: ok
[10:27] You: i will try to do this then
[10:27] You: next covenant meeting, i'll tell them that about the sim order delay
[10:28] You: and stress that we need to bring the discussion to a close speedily
[10:28] Sudane Erato: a CDS theme:... speedy discussions :)
[10:28] Brian Livingston: What is the likliehood of having a draft covenent for the next Guild Meeting?
[10:28] You: wellll brian
[10:28] Brian Livingston: I realize its a pretty tall order
[10:29] You: we have some issues to discuss in which i preview a bit of polemics
[10:29] Sudane Erato: :)
[10:29] You: those have to do with necessary limitations
[10:29] You: like borders to plots, sim heights, typologies, etc
[10:29] You: footprints
[10:30] You: but we will see
[10:30] Brian Livingston: It just seems that to have the sim by CHristmas, we'd need to have it ordered by the end of the month, given the delay and construction time, although i may be mistaken
[10:31] Sudane Erato: yes
[10:31] Jon Seattle: Yes, I would hope all that can be resolved at the next meeting.
[10:31] You: if we can complete the covenants by next week, then RA can vote them next sunday
[10:31] Sudane Erato: of course, they must approve them, too :)
[10:32] You: they better!
[10:32] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:32] You: after all the work this has given us!
[10:32] Brian Livingston: Hmm. What if we request meetign participants post their arguments in the forum, then restirict discussion to 10 minutes per line item, then take a 2 minute vote? (I know our discussion thoguh, so the chances of thsi happening are slim)
[10:32] Brian Livingston: Just trying to think of a way to streamline
[10:32] You: they can't say it has been thought over on a superficial way :)
[10:32] Brian Livingston: We needa giant gong, I've decidedto singal the end of discussion :p
[10:33] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:33] You: oh, i have been thinking about getting a vote machine
[10:33] Jon Seattle: lol Brian
[10:33] Sudane Erato: a giant guilloutine :)
[10:33] Brian Livingston: But if they don't vote in the 2 minutes, they abstain and the meetign moves on?
[10:33] You: Brian, i am afraid to do that
[10:33] You: and i am going to tell you why
[10:33] Jon Seattle: lol Sudane, combined voting machine and guilloutine?
[10:33] Sudane Erato: hehe... yes
[10:34] You: i fear that if pass teh discussion into teh forums, it will get hotheaded
[10:34] Brian Livingston: *nods* I agree.
[10:34] Brian Livingston: Hmm
[10:34] You: and wander off again
[10:34] You: so i prefer for teh moment to have the discussion inworld, because it wanders off less
[10:34] Brian Livingston: And aasking people to submit their arguments via notecard is like herding cats
[10:35] Brian Livingston: Not sure why you';d want to herd cats persay, but whatevs
[10:35] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:35] You: in any case, there's two draft of cvenants already, which are handy to anchor teh discussion
[10:35] Brian Livingston: Cool
[10:35] You: Tan and Sleazy's, and my own shadow covenant :)
[10:36] Tanoujin Milestone: :) your draft is the palace, Sleazy's and mine the hut :-)
[10:36] You: ehehe not at all
[10:36] You: i am changing mine to meet yours in a lot of points
[10:36] Tanoujin Milestone: same here :-)
[10:37] You: in any case, the discussion already has given a lot of arguments that weren't in the drafts
[10:37] You: so teh discussion must go on
[10:37] Jon Seattle: Perhaps you both could reach a common copy before the meeting?
[10:38] You: drafts are useful to make sure we don't forget anything, and to structure povs
[10:38] You: hmmm
[10:38] Tanoujin Milestone: Hm, Jon, i would like to work through it with Sleazy another time, i think we can meet in the middle at the meeting
[10:39] You: i would prefer to introduce the points, so that we don't provide a pre-fab covenant that binds people down immediately
[10:39] Jon Seattle: Okay :)
[10:39] Tanoujin Milestone: yes! smells like backdoor, lets not do that
[10:40] You: it's just that in my case, i DO need to have a clear structured doc to help me out lol
[10:40] You: i am a freak that think in points: 2.1; 2.1.1; 2.1.1.a
[10:40] You: etc :D
[10:40] You: ok
[10:41] Tanoujin Milestone: Monastery?
[10:41] You: yes
[10:41] You: i gather that you have it pretty much ready
[10:41] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, i am trying to persuade my fellows to pack it in a rezzer
[10:41] You: also a reason why we should quicken up the suim buying, is that we don't intrude upon beathan's generosity more than needed
[10:42] Tanoujin Milestone: exactly....
[10:42] You: as soon as we have the sim terrain in place, you can move it there
[10:42] Tanoujin Milestone: if we are ready to move, yes.... i have to catch Sam and Arria
[10:42] You: ok
[10:43] Tanoujin Milestone: i think the builders buddy will do
[10:43] Tanoujin Milestone: this free rezzer
[10:43] Tanoujin Milestone: i never had problems with it
[10:43] You: ok
[10:43] You: the monastery isn't so big in any case that you should need a special rezzer
[10:44] You: teh monastery falls well inside the shout listen, which the rezzers mostly use
[10:44] Tanoujin Milestone: Arria is busy with RL this month.... i should mention the 70,000 L$ are already there
[10:44] You: oh great :)
[10:44] You: ok
[10:45] You: as soon as we have the terrain in place, which must happen by first week dec according to waht's discussed, we'll let you know
[10:45] You: Schloss
[10:45] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, i took a picture today, at the entrance
[10:45] Tanoujin Milestone: it shows Kendras Prims
[10:46] Tanoujin Milestone: that are about 80
[10:46] Tanoujin Milestone: we have no permissions on them
[10:46] Tanoujin Milestone: i did not check every single structure
[10:46] You: ok
[10:46] Tanoujin Milestone: but i bet we have no access
[10:46] Sudane Erato: can they be replaced?
[10:46] You: shall we replace kendra's prims?
[10:46] Tanoujin Milestone: sure, reuild, replace
[10:46] Sudane Erato: yes!
[10:47] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, that would be great
[10:47] Tanoujin Milestone: it is Samanthas Job, we should support her
[10:47] You: great then - mind that i think that Kendra is available to lend a hand if needed
[10:47] You: though i haven't talke dto her in 2 months
[10:47] Tanoujin Milestone: hmmmm, i have been to Neualt
[10:47] Tanoujin Milestone: the throne room has a exact replic in Schloss Zugzwang
[10:47] Tanoujin Milestone: i wonder if that isnt enough ;)
[10:48] Sudane Erato: :)
[10:48] Tanoujin Milestone: but ok.... we could purchase the whole rest
[10:48] Tanoujin Milestone: otoh, the tower needs so much improvement
[10:48] Tanoujin Milestone: and that is the main remaining structure
[10:48] You: well, whatever you decide then
[10:49] Tanoujin Milestone: oh, if we can get appropriate textures
[10:49] Tanoujin Milestone: to rebuild the prims is no problem
[10:49] Tanoujin Milestone: but the textures are... very special ;)
[10:49] You: if you want, i can call Kendra too and ask her to sell you the prims, or ask her in any case if she wants to backup what's tehre before you take it away~
[10:50] Tanoujin Milestone: we decided to improve and back up
[10:50] Tanoujin Milestone: now i am leaning to rebuild as is, back up, and improve then
[10:51] Tanoujin Milestone: i mean, ok, another king ludwig tower
[10:51] Tanoujin Milestone: not with the ply and the traps
[10:51] Tanoujin Milestone: but in the same style
[10:51] Tanoujin Milestone: as soon as we are save with a fallback, we can discuss earnestly what to do there
[10:52] You: ok
[10:52] Tanoujin Milestone: ernest, sorry :-)
[10:52] Tanoujin Milestone: lol
[10:52] Tanoujin Milestone: earnes, nice
[10:52] Tanoujin Milestone: do you agree?
[10:52] You: yes, i do agree
[10:52] Tanoujin Milestone: that would set the zero point we need
[10:53] You: if you need to do it to progress, i would say go for it
[10:53] Tanoujin Milestone: hm, i will need a little support with the textures, on the one hand it is a shame how much plywood is there
[10:54] Tanoujin Milestone: on the other hand, this textures on the arches are crazy
[10:54] You: i will see if i can help you with the textures
[10:54] You: seeing i have a texture collection which i can use
[10:54] Tanoujin Milestone: very hard to do something similar :) and this needs to be discussed with Sam
[10:55] You: well
[10:55] You: we can't do hmmm
[10:55] You: mends, you'll never get them right
[10:55] Tanoujin Milestone: i would like to have a meeting with sam... she did a lot there, really, really much much of silent hard work, i do not want to override her
[10:56] You: so we need to assess to what extent the textures missing imply that other textures be replaced as well
[10:56] You: i agree with you
[10:56] You: can you try and reach Sam and get a meeting?
[10:56] You: you know i am around almost all day, so any hour you two could arrange would be good for me
[10:57] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, I hope so... i will at least tell her what we go for
[10:57] You: ok, thanks :)
[10:57] Tanoujin Milestone: and ask for her opinion.... Sudane, what do you think? If we end with 2 owners up there for 90% of the prims
[10:58] Sudane Erato: 2 owners?
[10:58] Tanoujin Milestone: i know you have installations in the tower too
[10:58] Tanoujin Milestone: well in SL edit terms
[10:58] Sudane Erato: oh... in the schloss
[10:58] Tanoujin Milestone: yes.. :)
[10:58] Sudane Erato: well... the whole town cries out for a safety system
[10:58] Sudane Erato: not just the schloss
[10:58] You: yes
[10:59] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, right... Schloss is a start
[10:59] Sudane Erato: i think we have lost Dianne
[10:59] Sudane Erato: which means we have lost thew walls
[10:59] You: but i would rather do teh schloss first, define a methodology from it for the rest
[10:59] You: eeek :(
[10:59] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, lets stick to it for a moment
[10:59] Sudane Erato: yes :(
[10:59] You: and her walls are SO nice
[10:59] Sudane Erato: i have tried and tried
[10:59] Tanoujin Milestone: Sudane, i would like to see the tower as one structure
[10:59] Sudane Erato: she 'was" a dear friend
[11:00] You: i hope she is ok :(
[11:00] You: indeed!
[11:00] Sudane Erato: wel, Tan
[11:00] Tanoujin Milestone: sigh, i hope she returns one day, :)
[11:00] Sudane Erato: my part of the tower is irrelevant
[11:00] Tanoujin Milestone: in good shape
[11:00] Brian Livingston: /nods
[11:00] Sudane Erato: so you can easily replace it
[11:01] Brian Livingston: Was she ever compensated for her work on the logo and walls, or is that still tied up by IP considerations? (sorry, off topic)
[11:01] Sudane Erato: yes she was
[11:01] Tanoujin Milestone: ah, ic... i will keep you updated then... btw, the part i like most is the showers
[11:01] Brian Livingston: Ok, jw
[11:01] You: still is tied, Brian, like everything
[11:01] Sudane Erato: haha... :)
[11:01] Sudane Erato: ty, that is my favorite part too :)
[11:01] Tanoujin Milestone: hey, imagine, i use them :-)
[11:01] You: lol
[11:01] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:02] Sudane Erato: good... :)
[11:02] Sudane Erato: probably not the toilets :)
[11:02] You: :)
[11:02] You: ok guys
[11:02] You: before checking teh winter holidays thingy
[11:03] You: i have been trying for a few weeks to get the hmmm
[11:03] You: local developments going on too
[11:03] You: we are of course talking about altenstadt
[11:03] Sudane Erato: great!
[11:04] You: Sleazy made a plan for altenstadt as you recall
[11:04] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, seen it
[11:04] You: and i would like to look at that again
[11:04] You: not today, as i can't find it
[11:04] You: but next week
[11:04] Sudane Erato: :)
[11:04] Tanoujin Milestone: oh, wait
[11:04] Tanoujin Milestone:
[11:04] You: so that we can develop that area too and sell it also
[11:05] You: ah, thanks :)
[11:05] Brian Livingston: *nods* I would love to see altenstadt developed
[11:05] Brian Livingston: Now, to my reading of the executive act, we do not need RA approval unless it expends monies not allocated to the executive, correct?
[11:06] Sudane Erato: the development of altenstat will raise one problem... the reduction in the city prim bank
[11:06] Brian Livingston: How many prims are we looking at?
[11:06] Sudane Erato: ?
[11:06] Jon Seattle: Yes, Brian, I beleive that is the case.
[11:06] Brian Livingston: And I know Sleazy and tan were doing some great work with reducing some of the primier items present in teh sim
[11:07] Brian Livingston: That woudl be taken away by the sale of altenstadt
[11:07] You: eeek, these posts are all de-formatted
[11:08] You: hm, reduction of the prim bank is a problem
[11:08] Tanoujin Milestone: Sleazy replaced some columns, Landverwaltung has 800 prims overhead
[11:08] Tanoujin Milestone: right, Sudane?
[11:08] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:08] Brian Livingston: I recall him mentioning those planters on the platz are pretty prim heavy and he was able to reduce their load i think
[11:09] Sudane Erato: and much of that is tied up in the MoCA display
[11:09] You: we can also try and reduce some of this school load
[11:09] Brian Livingston: I n also remove the temporary ramp I set up to take people from platz lelvel to the soccer field
[11:09] Sudane Erato: yes... rebuild the steps with a sculptie
[11:09] Brian Livingston: That's probably 30 prims or so
[11:10] You: i would say leave the building intact, but see what we can reduce
[11:10] Brian Livingston: Oh, and I think we should hava turkey bowl for soccer, but I'll take that up with Rose :p
[11:10] You: also, we are not using the lounge lol
[11:10] Brian Livingston: Hehe
[11:11] Brian Livingston thinsk we should find a lounge singer to move into the CDS and provides hows :p
[11:11] You: ehehe
[11:11] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:11] You: like 'Moonriver' 24/7 ? :)
[11:11] Brian Livingston: Or Casablanca
[11:11] Sudane Erato: :)
[11:12] Brian Livingston: Free rent but you can never stop singing, somethign like that :p
[11:12] You: lol
[11:12] Brian Livingston: Anyways, I digress
[11:12] You: like Andresen's 'The Red Shoes'
[11:12] You: yes lol
[11:12] You: in any case, i would like to see a plan also for the full usage of this school building
[11:12] Sudane Erato: yrs!
[11:13] You: not to mention it still says Neualtenburg School :D
[11:13] Sudane Erato: i am tryingto brng classe herre
[11:13] You: ah, actually, Neufreistadt
[11:13] Sudane Erato: oh :(
[11:13] Sudane Erato: whew
[11:13] You: well, depends on teh signs lol
[11:13] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:14] You: so i am willing to launch a project on that too
[11:14] You: but possibly after xmas
[11:14] You: so you guys have a bit of time to think about
[11:14] You: about Altenstadt
[11:14] You: i'll have a look at the forum,inclusively if need be asking Sleazy to refresh the posts
[11:15] You: and let's see if we can launch it as a project soon too
[11:15] Tanoujin Milestone: the discussion on the thread seemes complete... I will IM Sleazy, Moon, right away
[11:16] You: though possibly it will have to wait for after AM deployment
[11:16] Jon Seattle: yes
[11:16] You: ok, Tan, thanks :)
[11:16] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:16] Brian Livingston: Quick question - land purchased during the initial salae of AM will be listed in the land sales search, correct?
[11:17] You: uh, Sudane will answer that lol
[11:17] Sudane Erato: i should think so
[11:17] Brian Livingston: I am working on the Promotion overview and hit that snag
[11:17] Sudane Erato: m........ can't see an reasooon nt toooo
[11:17] Brian Livingston: cool
[11:18] You: ok guys
[11:18] You: PIO requests for Winter Holidays
[11:18] You: let me give you a notecard Rose has sent
[11:18] Sudane Erato: i ca put ttttte ice o the criver :)
[11:19] Sudane Erato: keyboards!
[11:19] Sudane Erato: i can put the ice on the CN river
[11:19] Tanoujin Milestone: the cat :-)
[11:19] Tanoujin Milestone accepted your inventory offer.
[11:19] Sudane Erato accepted your inventory offer.
[11:19] Jon Seattle accepted your inventory offer.
[11:19] Jon Seattle: ty :)
[11:21] Jon Seattle: some good ideas here.
[11:21] Brian Livingston accepted your inventory offer.
[11:21] Sudane Erato: yes... she has some great ideas :)
[11:21] Brian Livingston: Sounds good :)
[11:21] You: what is a warming hut?
[11:21] You: have patience on the subtropical person lol
[11:21] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:21] Jon Seattle: Ah, even more needed in Portugual I think :)
[11:21] Tanoujin Milestone: Is the tree replacement standard procedure?
[11:22] Jon Seattle: lots of hot water bottles :)
[11:22] Sudane Erato: well... the tree replacement is always a probl
[11:22] Tanoujin Milestone: i can imagine :)
[11:22] Sudane Erato: since you have snow... but no snowy trees
[11:22] Sudane Erato: terrain textures are easy
[11:22] Sudane Erato: but.... :(
[11:23] Sudane Erato: in past years we have tried to get everyone to replace their trees
[11:23] You: yes, that was what we were discussing teh other day
[11:23] Tanoujin Milestone: i know one linden snow conifere
[11:23] Sudane Erato: doing the public lands is OK... we just need to work
[11:23] Sudane Erato: but on the private lands, it must be the owner
[11:23] Tanoujin Milestone: of course we need to match the sizes....
[11:23] Sudane Erato: and many do not cooperate
[11:24] Sudane Erato: yes, somewhat match them
[11:24] Sudane Erato: exact is not necessary
[11:24] Tanoujin Milestone: nono, just close to
[11:24] Jon Seattle: Well, if people are not using linden trees (like myself) it would be very difficult without re-doing the landscaping
[11:24] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:24] Sudane Erato: yes, true Jon
[11:25] Sudane Erato: but no one uses as many as I do
[11:25] You: hmmm, but the linden conifers, i mean the green ones, also bear well with snow, i think
[11:25] Sudane Erato: so its really not that big a job for each owner
[11:25] You: (pov of someone who hasn't seen snow in 30 years...)
[11:25] Sudane Erato: oh... well, Moon,,, it seems a shame
[11:25] Sudane Erato: there are such nice LL conifers
[11:25] Sudane Erato: snowy ones
[11:26] Sudane Erato: and snowy leafy trees
[11:26] Tanoujin Milestone: Sudane, with the replacement on public land... if you share your linden snow plants and do a little supervision.... its an easy job, would you let me on it?
[11:26] Sudane Erato: sure!!... we can all do it!
[11:27] Sudane Erato: i use only the LL trees
[11:27] Jon Seattle: Actually evergreens do not loose their needles (thank goodness..)
[11:27] Tanoujin Milestone: :-) great... just call then
[11:27] Sudane Erato: haha
[11:27] You: well, could we try this year send a group message with the proper linden trees?
[11:27] Sudane Erato: yes, we could...
[11:27] Jon Seattle: Its a good idea
[11:27] You: generate group pressure? :)
[11:27] Sudane Erato: we will have to repeat a number of times
[11:27] Sudane Erato: hehe... yes
[11:27] You: ok
[11:28] You: so Sudane, Rudeen will take care of terrain textures and commons' trees, right?
[11:28] Sudane Erato: Rudeen can certainly do the textures
[11:29] Sudane Erato: and any of us in the Verwaltung group can do the trees
[11:29] You: oh, ok
[11:29] Sudane Erato: do we have public trees in CN?
[11:29] You: then i propose that the W«verwaltung meet for one hour of tree planting :)
[11:29] Sudane Erato: great!!
[11:29] Tanoujin Milestone: great
[11:29] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:30] You: we have a few near the aqueduct
[11:30] You: belonging to Jon
[11:30] Jon Seattle: I don't think there are public trees exactly. Yes :)
[11:30] Jon Seattle: I am glad to change those
[11:30] Sudane Erato: well, trees on public land
[11:30] You: ok, thanks :)
[11:31] You: ok, let me look at the list
[11:31] Brian Livingston: If interested, I'd be happy to help but need an invite to the land group :p
[11:31] Jon Seattle: I would hand them over to the land group, but some I have only copy permissions.
[11:31] You: ehehe i am not in that land group either, but glad to help also :)
[11:31] Jon Seattle: Nor I :)
[11:31] Brian Livingston: Oh, nm then :)
[11:31] You: ok guys
[11:31] You: i am looking at the rest of the list
[11:31] You: we will need
[11:32] You: an ice rink
[11:32] You: the warming hut
[11:32] You: cup of cocoa with drinking anim
[11:32] You: skates - i do suggest that we use Skoopf's
[11:32] Sudane Erato: yes.. those are great
[11:32] You: as they are very good and inclusively better to what we could do in such a short time
[11:33] You: skis, idem
[11:33] You: voting machine
[11:33] You: what are tour maps?
[11:33] Sudane Erato: *shrug*
[11:33] You: hey Rose!
[11:33] Rose Springvale: hi~~
[11:34] You: just in time... what are tour maps?
[11:34] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:34] Sudane Erato: hi! :)
[11:34] Tanoujin Milestone: hm, ah, hey, Rose :)
[11:34] Rose Springvale: let me rez :)
[11:34] Brian Livingston: Hi Rose
[11:34] You: eheh while you do that, i'll go and get another box of tissues, brb
[11:34] Tanoujin Milestone: uh? Caught a cold?
[11:35] Sudane Erato: the season for colds :(
[11:35] Rose Springvale: Tour maps.. if people enter the contest...and put the entry on their own property or on public property.. a tour map lets visitors see where to go
[11:35] Jon Seattle: Hi Rose
[11:35] Rose Springvale: so if ten people enter.. especially in NFS.. hi:)
[11:35] You: back
[11:36] Rose Springvale: visitors have a route to follow
[11:36] You: ah, ok
[11:36] Rose Springvale: sort of like the sculpture walk
[11:36] Sudane Erato: what do you do to "put an entry"?
[11:36] Rose Springvale: to enter?
[11:36] You: a directory, but not with teleports?
[11:36] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:36] Sudane Erato: to enter?
[11:36] Rose Springvale: yes... maybe a map with some landmarks of the city
[11:37] You: well, this is easy
[11:37] Tanoujin Milestone: thats for ski contests? And skating on the rhenus? Local tp would be appropriate then
[11:37] Rose Springvale: that's a good question Sudane. Where i've seen this before, anyone who enters sends a note card and land mark
[11:37] Jon Seattle: Moon has the best maps
[11:37] Rose Springvale: um tan this is for snow creature/tree
[11:37] You: basically you need a nice map with a prim added that people move around to mark the location
[11:37] Sudane Erato: oh... great
[11:37] Rose Springvale: yes
[11:37] You: yes, i can do the maps
[11:38] Sudane Erato: neat :)
[11:38] Rose Springvale: those are details to work out... how to enter.. when entries are cut off. etc
[11:38] Rose Springvale: still brainstorming :)
[11:38] You: ok, i haven't yet got what the game IS :)
[11:38] You: is it a geocaching?
[11:38] Rose Springvale: ohh
[11:38] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:38] Rose Springvale: its not a game
[11:38] You: ah
[11:38] Rose Springvale: it is a snow creature contest
[11:38] Rose Springvale: so taht anyone can build say.. a snow man
[11:39] Rose Springvale: and if enough people do it
[11:39] Rose Springvale: it creates a sort of unifying decor
[11:39] You: eheheh Calvin's snowpeople come to mind :)
[11:39] Sudane Erato: kind of like a large, white, koala? :)
[11:39] Rose Springvale: then we vote or othewise selct our favorites
[11:39] Rose Springvale: yes, snow koala was mentions
[11:39] Rose Springvale: snow ruth
[11:39] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:39] Rose Springvale: etc
[11:39] Sudane Erato: :)
[11:39] Brian Livingston: Rawr!
[11:39] Sudane Erato: haha
[11:39] Rose Springvale: hehe
[11:39] You: lol
[11:39] You: ok, i'll get you the map hmmm
[11:39] Rose Springvale: just something easy and fun anyone can play with
[11:40] Jon Seattle: are they required to stay on the owner's parcel :D
[11:40] You: it then needs to feature the location of all snowpeople
[11:40] Jon Seattle: (joking)
[11:40] Brian Livingston: Aww :(
[11:40] Brian Livingston: Hehe
[11:40] Rose Springvale: that's one of my questions.. yes. and if outsiders can play
[11:40] Rose Springvale: and if AM is open.. that leaves us more options i think
[11:40] You: it's a bit like a Cow Parade, i see
[11:40] You: hmmm
[11:40] Rose Springvale: yes
[11:40] You: it will need a bit of programming then
[11:40] You: because what you want is
[11:41] You: a script that people get in their snowman
[11:41] Brian Livingston: Only problem is thathey will bea bit primy I'd imagine, and with the prim bank already pretty taxed, we may nto be able to support outsiders :/
[11:41] Rose Springvale: hmm
[11:41] You: and that shouts the location to all maps
[11:41] Sudane Erato: yes!
[11:41] Rose Springvale: i don't think it needs to be that complicated...
[11:41] Sudane Erato: except on AM maybe
[11:41] Rose Springvale: i've seen it where people just do their decor
[11:42] Rose Springvale: and the organizer puts lms on a notecard.. or a map
[11:42] Jon Seattle: perhaps make Alps into snow monster land temporarily :)
[11:42] You: you can do a Cow Parade thing proper
[11:42] You: make an offical snowman, with mod perms so that people can texture it
[11:42] You: but mind, that also means people can add prims
[11:42] Rose Springvale: that's what i was thinking.. a class could set the parameters
[11:42] Rose Springvale: i thought if we put a prim limit on it
[11:42] Rose Springvale: people could create within the limits
[11:43] Rose Springvale: but at this point.. we can do whatever works
[11:43] You: well, that can help indeed
[11:43] You: are you going to give awards?
[11:43] Rose Springvale: smiles
[11:44] Rose Springvale: i'd like to have prizes.. have proposed cash
[11:44] You: because then you can press the prim limits by not allowing primmy stuff to run
[11:44] Rose Springvale: but if someone wants to take this part, and run with it.. you can do it however you like :)
[11:44] Rose Springvale: true
[11:44] Rose Springvale: and people are certainly going to do their own decorations too
[11:44] Rose Springvale: some may be "entries" some not
[11:45] You: hmmm
[11:45] You: i wa sthinking here
[11:45] You: you need to allow some 30 prims or so
[11:45] You: to have variety
[11:45] Rose Springvale: you are generous. i was thining 10 lol
[11:45] Rose Springvale: thinking
[11:45] You: perhaps you will need to have a daily contest, keep the winner and special awards, clean the rest
[11:46] You: then at the end, have a contest of the daily winners
[11:46] Rose Springvale: if someone wants to do that, i'll support it.. but i won't have time to do that daily :(
[11:46] Rose Springvale: but perhaps a practice area
[11:46] Rose Springvale: liek a sandbox
[11:46] You: ehehe i don't offer because i'll be as busy as you
[11:46] Rose Springvale: then people can choose what they want to enter of their own creations
[11:47] You: it could be done
[11:47] Rose Springvale: i'd like people to work on the project now though.. so that we can display for a good two weeks
[11:47] You: possibly in AM :)
[11:47] Rose Springvale: and use the display as a traffic generator
[11:47] Rose Springvale: it wiould be fun to have votes from whoever visits
[11:47] You: well, this definetely needs some thinking over
[11:47] Rose Springvale: then anounce winners at respective balls
[11:48] You: ok, good idea
[11:48] Rose Springvale: which is why we are talking about it in november :)
[11:48] Sudane Erato: yes
[11:48] You: and the voting machines can accept only one vote per person, so it's bring your friends to vote
[11:48] Rose Springvale: yep
[11:48] You: ok
[11:48] Sudane Erato: hehe
[11:48] Rose Springvale: but i don't know how to do those either
[11:48] Sudane Erato: vote early, vote often :)
[11:48] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:48] You: yes, me neither lol
[11:49] Rose Springvale: casts sly glance at jon and brian...
[11:49] You: or better, i CAN make the UML of teh machine, but can't program it :)
[11:49] Rose Springvale: well, if nothing else
[11:49] You: it's like being able to read but not to write :)
[11:49] Rose Springvale: we can notecard vote
[11:49] Rose Springvale: hmm
[11:49] Rose Springvale: let me think about that part
[11:49] Rose Springvale: much will depend on the number of entries
[11:49] You: yes, but you have advantage to have a simple machine in which you touch
[11:50] You: of course
[11:50] You: you can have a very simple machine, but you need a server
[11:50] Rose Springvale: yes.. maye i can get the guy who did the hot spot machine to share his code
[11:50] Jon Seattle: Well, I could program something simple. Note sure if I have time to do an advanced one.
[11:50] You: you have one machine by snowman, you touch the machine of the one you prefer
[11:50] Rose Springvale: and if you change your mind, your vote changes?
[11:50] You: but you need a server to register unique votes
[11:50] Rose Springvale: kind of like the sim machine?
[11:50] Sudane Erato: sorry, guys... must go
[11:51] Sudane Erato: :(
[11:51] Rose Springvale: thanks sudane, i'll be talking to you!
[11:51] Sudane Erato: bye all :)
[11:51] You: ok Sudane, thanks for showing by :)
[11:51] Tanoujin Milestone: see you, Sudane :)
[11:51] Jon Seattle: see you sudane :)
[11:51] Rose Springvale: may i ask ..
[11:51] Brian Livingston: Oh, I can't code if my life depended on it, at least not in LSL
[11:51] You: yes?
[11:51] Jon Seattle: well, servers should not be difficult
[11:52] Rose Springvale: what do you think of separate contests for NFS (snow creatures) and CN (satrunalia trees)?
[11:52] You: yes, it is just a query
[11:52] Rose Springvale: or should they all be the same?
[11:52] You: hmmm, you may have more success if you have just teh snowmen, i think
[11:52] Jon Seattle: I would hope the voting software could be the same :) can't say about the contest though
[11:52] You: sort of 'saturnalia tree, what is that?'
[11:52] Rose Springvale: i think so too.. though lose a bit of theme..
[11:52] You: yes, the software is the same
[11:53] Rose Springvale: decorated trees..
[11:53] You: ehehe you can ask for ROMAN snowmen :)
[11:53] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:53] You: can be fun :)
[11:53] Rose Springvale: what is the status of AM?
[11:53] Tanoujin Milestone: :) Spartacus in snow
[11:53] Rose Springvale: lol
[11:53] You: Rose
[11:54] Rose Springvale: yes?
[11:54] You: we will try to get teh covenant text complete next meeting
[11:54] Rose Springvale: yes
[11:54] You: so that we can send it to RA next sunday
[11:54] You: and if RA approves the thing
[11:54] You: that is
[11:54] You: covenants+plan+ financial
[11:54] You: then Rudeen can buy the sim asap
[11:55] You: even if LL takes 2 weeks delivering
[11:55] You: it will mean that we can have the sim by first week dec
[11:55] You: which means that by xmas, you'll have
[11:55] Rose Springvale: okay... wonderful
[11:55] You: landscape
[11:55] You: roads
[11:55] You: monastery
[11:55] Rose Springvale: ah, and i wanted to put together a proposal for recreation area
[11:55] You: and we'll see what else, depends on pre-sales which can start then also asap
[11:56] Rose Springvale: okay.. but i shouldn't plan on events there before dec 15 anyway
[11:56] You: ok
[11:56] Rose Springvale: even snowball fights or snow creature display
[11:56] You: in any case, i would say that you'll have 70% or more of the sim free to have a sandbox
[11:57] You: yes, snowball fights is a good idea as well :)
[11:57] You: you'll have Gwyn there everyday .D
[11:57] Rose Springvale: okay. i'll work on NFS and CN specific things until next week... if we get through RA, i'll add that side
[11:57] You: about classes
[11:58] Rose Springvale: i'd love to have a nice event there :)
[11:58] You: i think i'll give those to Arria to plan
[11:58] Rose Springvale: good.. i was goign to talk to her, but .. time. lol
[11:58] Rose Springvale: do you think they are good ideas?
[11:58] You: can be handy for her to start organizing faculty too
[11:58] Rose Springvale: yes.. simple things yes?
[11:58] You: oh, i'll leave her a note and a copy of your notecard
[11:58] Jon Seattle: Yes, I think they are good ideas
[11:59] Rose Springvale: great :0
[11:59] You: btw Rose
[11:59] Rose Springvale: :)
[11:59] You: about skates and skis
[11:59] Rose Springvale: yes?
[11:59] You: you'd better get Skoopf's
[11:59] Rose Springvale: i have those
[11:59] You: because we won't be able to do something as good in such a short time
[11:59] Rose Springvale: the question though.. do we want somethign people have to buy, or should i also find free ones?
[12:00] You: unless, of course, you get Alex as a victim er volunteer :)
[12:00] Rose Springvale: lol
[12:00] You: hm
[12:00] Rose Springvale: in this case, there are already good ones out there.. no need to put the expense in new development
[12:00] You: i think you should have both, perhaps
[12:00] Rose Springvale: that
[12:00] Rose Springvale: is what i thought too
[12:00] You: the free ones aren't generally good
[12:00] Tanoujin Milestone: yes, that would be nice... and fair ;)
[12:00] Rose Springvale: there are some really elaborate ones.. couples !
[12:01] Rose Springvale: okay, i'll just plan on all levels then
[12:01] You: so people may feel oriented towards getting better ones, but won't stop having fun by not having money to get some
[12:01] Rose Springvale: yes
[12:01] Rose Springvale: unless alex wants to do poseballs :)
[12:01] Rose Springvale: which would go on the ice...
[12:02] You: it would be lovely to ice skate, i think
[12:02] Rose Springvale: i don't want to rehash things you've already covered.. but do we have an ice rink builder?
[12:02] Rose Springvale: yes!
[12:02] Rose Springvale: sleazy gave me some textures and prims
[12:02] You: we used to use one by kendra
[12:02] Rose Springvale: okay.. we can do our own i'm sure
[12:02] You: but i think it won't be much trouble doing one
[12:03] Rose Springvale: agreed. i found a really beautiful one i thin even i can copy
[12:03] You: where would it go?
[12:03] Rose Springvale: thnk
[12:03] Rose Springvale: well
[12:03] Rose Springvale: the thought was right in the platz
[12:03] Rose Springvale: give us a central gathering place..
[12:03] You: ok, mind that NFS has been lagging like crazy
[12:03] Rose Springvale: really?
[12:04] Rose Springvale: i haven't had problems with either nfs or cn lately. hmm
[12:04] You: well, at least for me, but i think Asha and Bromo have been havi8ng issues too
[12:04] Rose Springvale: asha is gone
[12:04] Rose Springvale: bromo always has had issue
[12:04] Tanoujin Milestone: i am fine with 64 m drawing distance
[12:04] You: ah :(
[12:04] You: hm, i have 192 perhaps that explains my lag lol
[12:05] Jon Seattle: Lag meeter here shows all green now
[12:05] Tanoujin Milestone: :) dont know
[12:05] Rose Springvale: my next proposal will be for rec building in am.. hope that is okay
[12:05] You: recreative?
[12:05] Rose Springvale: yes, turning down the draw distance helps a lot
[12:05] Rose Springvale: recreation..
[12:05] Rose Springvale: ski lodge kind of thing
[12:05] You: ah ok
[12:05] Rose Springvale: with open decks
[12:05] Rose Springvale: maybe ice rink lol
[12:05] Rose Springvale: so we can have events there
[12:05] You: sorry, i was still thinking about the xmas holidays events
[12:06] Rose Springvale: and a place to have rafts or skis or horses or whatevere
[12:06] You: well, that is part f the plan
[12:06] Rose Springvale: good :)
[12:06] Rose Springvale: i wasn't sure it had survived
[12:07] You: you have room for ski next to plot A1
[12:07] Jon Seattle: I had better go. Nice seeing everyone.
[12:07] Jon Seattle hugs Moon
[12:07] You: and have a bit of flat terrain there for a hut
[12:07] Tanoujin Milestone: See you 'Jon :-)
[12:07] Moon Adamant hugs Moon
[12:07] Rose Springvale: thanks jon
[12:08] You: it's bound to be a devil of a ride downwards, mind :)
[12:08] Rose Springvale: yes i see.. it would be good to have a multipurpose lodge.. i think that would work
[12:08] Rose Springvale: close to the river too..
[12:08] Rose Springvale: i get so confused.. the sims are upside down in my head lol
[12:09] You: well, then you have a nice nook by either monastery
[12:09] You: or by B2
[12:09] You: surely more central, those locations
[12:09] Rose Springvale: well, if it's still in the plan, that's all i care about.. doesn't really matter where to me
[12:09] You: and we can have signs for a ski track statring way up
[12:09] Rose Springvale: i'd love to have a fun outdoor event /concert area
[12:10] You: i have to make new reckonings of spare prims too
[12:10] Rose Springvale: well, no rush
[12:10] Rose Springvale: you are doing a great job Moon, thank you
[12:10] You: ehehe thank you all, actually :)
[12:10] You: ok ladies
[12:10] You: seeing we are only three now
[12:10] Brian Livingston: Ok, I've made soem headway on promotion, fwiw. Set up an unofficial blog, liek in CN, as well as laid out some ideas in google docs nad published it to the blog
[12:11] Rose Springvale: yay Brian
[12:11] Brian Livingston:
[12:11] You: yay!
[12:11] Brian Livingston: Ok, the blog is pissing me off. ergh
[12:11] You: and sorry Brian, you were so quiet i forgot you were here
[12:11] Brian Livingston: lol, it's acting up in tryign to post from google docs to the blog
[12:11] Rose Springvale: are you supposed to be at RA brian?
[12:11] Brian Livingston: Keeps psoting to my personal blog
[12:11] Brian Livingston: hehe
[12:11] Brian Livingston: No, they postponed again
[12:11] Rose Springvale: ohh
[12:11] Rose Springvale: okay :)
[12:12] Rose Springvale: i want to read your personal blog !
[12:12] Brian Livingston: But yea, theblog is at
[12:12] Brian Livingston: Oh, I deleted it trying to fix this issue, to no avail
[12:12] Tanoujin Milestone: oh :(
[12:12] Brian Livingston: Ther were no blog posts, it was a test blog
[12:12] Brian Livingston: So no worries :p
[12:12] Rose Springvale: heheh
[12:12] Rose Springvale: i write three different ones lol
[12:12] You: got it :)
[12:12] You: never could blog myself
[12:13] Rose Springvale: but you can express visually
[12:13] Rose Springvale: i'm stuck with words lol
[12:13] You: well, yes
[12:13] You: oh, i just don't have the writing momentum
[12:13] You: my mother is a writer, so i know fully well what that is :)
[12:14] Rose Springvale: oh yes, i remember that1
[12:14] You: Brian, thanks a lot for this
[12:15] You: call the rest of promotion and pass them the links, please?
[12:15] Rose Springvale: have you posted them on the forum Brian?
[12:15] Brian Livingston: Will do so in a few minutes
[12:15] Brian Livingston: :)
[12:15] Rose Springvale: good, i dont' have to copy paste then :)
[12:16] Brian Livingston: I'm goign to be creating a number of gogole docs posts, so if anyoen is interested in specifically being included as collaborators or whatever they are termed, let me know :)
[12:16] User not online - inventory has been saved.
[12:16] Rose Springvale: i'll be glad to help if you need me
[12:16] You: include me, please, so i can be in the loop
[12:16] You: Rose, already sent the note to Arria
[12:17] Brian Livingston: Ok, if you both could, e-mail me quickly at [email protected] and I'll add your e-mail addy in :)
[12:17] Rose Springvale: great! thanks
[12:18] You: sent too, thanks :)
[12:18] You: ok
[12:18] You: shall we adjourn?
[12:18] Rose Springvale: done :)
[12:18] Rose Springvale: yes.. will you post the transcript today moon?
[12:19] You: yes, right away

Eudaimonia now!
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Re: Guild Meeting Log - 11th Nov 2007

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

Aloha, a couple of comments,

NFS walls
Dianne dropping out of SL & CDS? Sudane, how do you know the walls have been bought? From IM with Aliasi I infer that the previous chancellor has indeed paid Dianne L$ 1000 for the flag and logo's (a public statement would have been good). But that's definitely not the same as purchasing a copy and/or license to the walls and towers. I suggest the Exec. and Legislative branches act pro-actively in regards to this and the NG as well.

NFS prims
* I suggest the NG commences with the Undeveloped Area when it can, regardless what MoCA is up to. I don't know if curator Delia has asked Dnate for those extra 4+ months of prims, but in any case it seems likely that she will replace the exhibit with a more prim friendly photography exhibit soon.
* The easiest way to save prims is to replace the flower pots on the Biergarten with LL plumerias : that will save a stupefying amount of 90 prims :-) Or 70 if you want something better than plumerias. DNATE : If you're reading, please give permission in advance.
* The soccer ramp: Let's not remove it, it's rather nice :-)

NG Prim Lot
The New Guild should decide what size and which plot it wants in the 3rd sim. I think a C plot would suffice since it will have 460 prims like the previous one in CN, and it should be enough for projects like the Undeveloped Area. But a C plot's space will be 32 x 32 m only, so the NG might want to cut a deal with Dnate or Rudeen to put a sandbox in the sky on city land.

NFS winter trees - Sudane, I wouldn't worry about trees on private parcels. Most of those are on your, Jon's and Delias plots and they're regularly around.

Trying to make this mainland parcel part of the CDS:
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Sudane Erato
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Re: Guild Meeting Log - 11th Nov 2007

Post by Sudane Erato »

Sleazy_Writer wrote:

Aloha, a couple of comments,

NFS walls
Dianne dropping out of SL & CDS? Sudane, how do you know the walls have been bought? From IM with Aliasi I infer that the previous chancellor has indeed paid Dianne L$ 1000 for the flag and logo's (a public statement would have been good). But that's definitely not the same as purchasing a copy and/or license to the walls and towers. I suggest the Exec. and Legislative branches act pro-actively in regards to this and the NG as well.

????? "Sudane, how do you know the walls have been bought?" Sleazy, please do your famous research into the archives of the actions of the RA, this year.

Dianne appears to have chosen, for the moment, to cut off all contact with us, as is her right to do. What exactly do you suggest that the Exec. and Legislative branches do?? Dial 911?


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Re: Guild Meeting Log - 11th Nov 2007

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

Brian Livingston: Was she ever compensated for her work on the logo and walls (...)
Sudane Erato: yes she was

I've taken a look at the RA actions, and can't find anywhere that she was compensated for the walls too. Please point me in the right direction. I hope you don't expect me to re-read entire RA transcripts?

Dianne appears to have chosen, for the moment, to cut off all contact with us

Oh .. is that the case hm? I had the impression that it was less 'ignoring the CDS', and more a matter of not being in SL and being disappointed in the CDS.

Trying to make this mainland parcel part of the CDS:
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