Recap of what happened so far (I fully expect the other factions to jump in with a "no way, this isn't how it happened"):
Citizenship report:
Once the report was issued a lot of folks immediately complained about it - which pointed out a couple of issues - so I went back and put some numbers in it and revised and calrified wordign in it to make it a bit more clear. Right about the same time, some people (primarily CSDF) tried to suppress the report using the judicial branch - which was finally, narrowly, stopped. I suppose this was a warning sign to me that there are people in the CDS willing to go to extraordinary lengths to avoid dealing with this particular issue. The RA adopted the revised report, though with the other factions abstaining rather than standing for or against the findings. I suppose I concluded at this point is that the factions do not want to be seen in the light of this issue at all. Disappointing, but this is why they are allowed to abstain.
So, I wanted to invlove all the factions in deciding to do what's next regardless of precisely what that would be. I got volunteers from all factions to do this, though the CSDF, after selecting a volunteer, declared that they would not participate in any sort of discussion since they were "too busy" to deal with this issue. (To even talk about it). They made it plenty clear to me (indirectly, of course) that they would be voting down any legislation that was proposed - and were unwilling to indicate what would be agreeable by not participating in talks. This was doubly disappointing, but given an amendment requires at least 1 vote form the CSDF in order ot pass, this effectively killed this approach.
Sudane, realizing what had happened, posted on the forums the two procedural issues that she was hoping would be resolved with reform. The RA quickly passed these patches - apparently they had been discussed 12 months previously, privately or some such. Anyway, they were ready to go.
So ... what does this leave the reform? I felt rather thoroughly set-back at this point. So, I decided to bring it to the RA, and ask plainly for some discussion on where the major roadblocks - the places the factions felt strongly shouldn't be touched and where there was room for compromise. I felt the report felt most people were for some sort of reform - even if the exact reform was not unanimous. Anyway - I failed to bring a specific proposal to the table, so Pat has refused to put it on the agenda. I will formulate a question for the RA and submit something by next week, provided no RL obstacles rear their ugly head.
So ... this is where the Citizenship Comission results stand - blocked currently, but I am working to try to find some place and some common ground so that we can work something out.
It really does appear to me, that some don't even want to talk. I hope they have a change of heart, since I was hoping our democracy would be open to working together.