On November 14th, the following was discussed at the CSDF meeting:
IP and Content Archivist agreements, what's the status?
It's still in the works.
Evaluation of 1st 'Financial Reporting' report
Sleazy wonders if the Fin. Reporting act needs a deadline before which financial items must be accounted for. He dislikes the practice of Exec. branch officials advancing money ( e.g. for events), others remark that this is a normal practice.
Finance Committee (proposed by Sudane)
Four of the five people present liked Sudane's proposal in general, and four people also see this as separate from the CSDF's recently passed Financial Reporting Act. Moon Adamant already has ideas about a finance committee: The members of it should agree on a template to represent data, schedules to present data and internal procedures. She thinks it should be a committee [working] for the RA, to assist them.
It was also mentioned that no 6-monthly budget has been presented for this term. The RA asked Dnate for one, the following Sunday.
* Did the 'Definition of the CDS' bill aim to define a mission statement?
* Ministers
Nothing much was discussed about these topics.