The next Metanomics session will be this coming Monday at 11am PST. Entitled "Higher Education in Second Life", the session will explore how virtual worlds might change the business of education. What are educational institutions currently doing in Second Life?
To help us answer that question we will be joined by two people actively involved in educational efforts in Second Life:
Chris Collins
Chris Collins (Fleep Tuque in Second Life) is an IT Analyst in the UCit Instructional & Research Computing department at the University of Cincinnati. Chris has used the Second Life platform extensively since its public beta in 2003, and is keenly interested in the educational, cultural, economic, and political potential of virtual worlds. She served as Co-Chair for the Second Life Best Practices in Education International Conference in 2007, and currently is the Facilitator and Project Manager for the University of Cincinnati Second Life Learning Community, Second Life Ambassador for the Ohio Learning Network, and Founder of the Chilbo Community Building Project where she resides in the Chilbo sim in Second Life. Chris holds a BA in Political Science and recently published a paper with co-author Nancy Jennings entitled "Virtual or Virtually U: Educational Institutions in Second Life" in the November 2007 issue of the International Journal of Social Sciences.
Ben R. Konsynski
Benn R. Konsynski (Rejin Tenjin in Second Life), the George S. Craft Professor of Business Administration for Decision & Information Analysis at Emory University. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and specializes in issues of digital commerce and information technology in relationships across organizations. He established the Center for Electronic Commerce in 1991 to study how commerce happens online, and more recently contributed to the paper: "Second Life and Other Virtual Worlds: A Roadmap for Research".
Join us in the CN amphitheatre!