CSDF General Meeting 28 November - Summary

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Master Word Wielder
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CSDF General Meeting 28 November - Summary

Post by Sleazy_Writer »

On November 28th, the following was discussed at the CSDF meeting:

* the New Guild's IP Agreement
It was discussed how the RA can make this official and under what conditions the Chancellor should be given permission to sign contracts on behalf of the CDS.

* a Content Archivist (CA), a person and avatar to hold back-ups of CDS infrastructure, was discussed again. Those present at the meeting thought that this person should be paid a civil service salary of 1000 L$. Also the hiring and firing of this person was discussed. Appointment of the CA and review of his inventory was discussed before (see previous summary?), but during this meeting those present were of the opinion that the RA should be able to "fire" a CA.

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