Scientific Council unofficial meeting, today — Nov 30, 3 PM

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Scientific Council unofficial meeting, today — Nov 30, 3 PM

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Dear citizens and fellow Scientific Council members,

Due to my difficult time schedules it has been next to impossible to announce a SC meeting in the required legal time (at least 24 hours notice). My major issue is that I need to get first in touch with everybody of the SC; then figure out a day that's best for everyday; and finally, once everybody has replied, setting the actual meeting date, giving ample time for the announcement.

This has been extremely hard :)

So I'm announcing a new method. Starting of today, I'll open up an "unofficial pre-meeting" season of the SC. It exists for the sole purpose of willing members of the SC drop by and discuss what the best date for meeting might be :)

Also, the rest of the citizens are welcome to attend and bring blunt weapons and rotten fruit and vegetables to throw at the lazy SC Dean :)

First meeting set to be in the Rathaus of Neufreistadt, later today (November 30th), at 3 PM SLT.

See you later!


- The Dean of the Scientific Council,
Gwyneth Llewelyn

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Claude Desmoulins
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Re: Scientific Council unofficial meeting, today — Nov 30, 3 PM

Post by Claude Desmoulins »

I will presume that i missed this already. For me, late evening SLT is best. Weekend afternoons are possible with some lead time.

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Re: Scientific Council unofficial meeting, today — Nov 30, 3 PM

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Ah, Claude, nobody attended :) So, well, I'll try again next week.

"I'm not building a game. I'm building a new country."
  -- Philip "Linden" Rosedale, interview to Wired, 2004-05-08

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