On 5 December, the following was discussed at the CSDF meeting:
* IP Licensing and Content Archivist bill
Sleazy compiled a bill combining IP acquisition and setting up a back-up mechanism for public CDS infrastructure, something that was necessary in general and after a disgruntled person deleted a lot of buildings in NFS in 2006.
* discussed was whether the Content Archivist (CA) should be able to hold another position, the consensus was: no
* also discussed: a max. budget for IP acquisition in Alpine Meadow.
Based upon the hours of work, an amount of L$ 50,000 (almost $200 US) was proposed
This bill was indeed passed at the Representative Assembly on 9 Dec., with small amendments and a budget of L$ 15,000 instead.
* Possibilities of environment friendly energy for the sims?
The basic idea that was coined is to purchase 'alternative energy offsets' to compensate for LL's non-renewable energy. An example of such offsets are 'green tags' representing investment in renewable energy that could be put back into the power grid. Pat and Leon remarked that for any product, it's important that we look at the cost, company reputation and at what the company exactly does with their customers' money. The members need to find and read more details on products like this.
* Prim lots that get sold to non-city residents
Sonja, who accidentally bought such a prim lot and who was a guest at this meeting told how things went and also under what
circumstances she would have been aware of prim policy and not bought the lot.
* Evaluation of the goals set for this term
Not discussed