Lists of candidates to be presented until December 29

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Lists of candidates to be presented until December 29

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Hello all,

In order to comply with NL 7-5, I would kindly ask all candidates to the forthcoming election on January 12th, 2008, to declare by email (to [email protected]) their willingness to serve on the RA until December 29th, 2007.

The Constitutional Amendment that NL 7-5 addresses has the relevant section below:

The minimum faction size is equal to three. No later than 15 days prior to the opening of the polls, faction members will report to the SC Dean their willingness or unwillingness to serve in the RA. If there are no declared candidates fifteen (15) days before and [sic] election, that faction will be considered a non-election faction and not be placed on the ballot for that term.


- Gwyneth Llewelyn,
Dean of the Scientific Council

Note: this was edited, thanks to Sleazy commenting that a more literal interpretation does not require the faction to have more than one candidate to be allowed to run for the RA; it just needs three members, not candidates.

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