Candidates for the January 2008 Elections

Announcements by the Dean of the Scientific Council

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Gwyneth Llewelyn
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Candidates for the January 2008 Elections

Post by Gwyneth Llewelyn »

Dear citizens,

As of December 29th, 2007, this is the list of candidates that have emailed the Dean of the Scientific Council willing to serve on the Representative Assembly if elected, roughly in the order of messages received.

Democratic Pragmatist Union (DPU)

Sonja Strom

Citizens' Social Democratic Faction (CSDF)

Patroklus Murakami
Bjerkel Eerie
Leon Ash

The Simplicity Party (SP)

Brian Livingston

New United Citizens' Alliance for Rights and Equality (NuCARE)

Mizou Vavoom
MT Lundquist
ThePrincess Parisi
Bromo Ivory

If by any reason you did submit an email to [email protected] and your name was not listed, it might have deleted by my spam filter for some reason, and I would kindly ask you to re-submit your affirmation of the willingness to serve.

Good luck to all on the forthcoming elections,

- Gwyneth Llewelyn
Dean of the Scientific Council

Last edited by Gwyneth Llewelyn on Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Edited to reflect the name change of NuCARE.

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