I'd like to invite all the candidates and citizens to come to the Monastery in Alpine Meadow following the RA meeting on Sunday, January 6 for an informal session. (approximateley 2 pm slt) There is no need to prepare anything for this event, it is just an opportunity for our citizens, many of whom are new, to put faces and names together.
(It's also a nice time to look around the Wise Men Exhibit that Arria's group has put together. I believe there will be a scholarly tour at 2 A.M. slt on Jan 6 as well)
Formal debates will be Friday, January 11 at 3 pm in the Colonia Nova Amphitheatre. Would each faction please choose one representative to participate?
Provided the voting mechanism allows for quick compilation of votes, we'll gather for the results in the Thermae (at 3 slt if possible) on January 26. I believe the new RA will be sworn in on the following day, Sunday Jan 27. I"m proposing the return of the Innaugural ball in the Schloss immediately following that RA meeting, where we will formally thank our outgoing RA and welcome the incoming team. (Ball at approximately 2 pm slt January 27.)
FOR ELECTION MECHANICS: Please see Sleazy's update of Salzie's guide here: http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1155
I'd personally like to take this opportunity to thank all the RA members and candidates for the hours you've given to the CDS.