The issue came up at the last meeting of the New Guild regarding expanding into new sims, and how we will apply our masterplan to such expansion. I volunteered to have a peek at the Land Store and see what sims around us, *at our current location*, are available.
Well, as suspected, the Land Store is useless for us. Most importantly, we are in a "non-reservable" zone where the Land Store does not apply. However, we *can* buy adjacent sims to us via direct contact with the Linden office.
The Land Store also demonstrates its uselessness because the configuration of occupied sim spaces around us in the Land Store differs from what is indicated on the map. Considering this, I abandoned the Land Store completely and developed the following info from the in world map, which I feel is much more dependable.
Here is a map of our surrounding neighborhood. We are the three snow white sims in the lower center. Green indicates sim spaces which are certainly available. Pink indicates sim spaces which may or may not be available, depending on which LL policy statement you read. The FAQ for the Land Store indicates that sims which touch corners are *NOT* adjacent, and therefore can be purchased by different owners. However, clicking on a sim space touching another owned sim in this fashion does not allow you to buy it.
I've numbered the sim spaces with my own numbering, so that we can more easily refer clearly to specific locations. This is *NOT* the way the spaces are numbered on the LL grid.
Please keep in mind that this is the state of the grid in our neighborhood at the current time. This could change. We also have the option of moving our three sims to another location entirely, where we might have the room to go in any direction. The price for moving sims is US$150/sim.
If anyone would like a copy of this map for their own planning which is fully visible, please let me know, and I can email it to you.