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Now, the big question — should we move the CDS to Havok 4, or wait a bit first?
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Now, the big question — should we move the CDS to Havok 4, or wait a bit first?
"I'm not building a game. I'm building a new country."
-- Philip "Linden" Rosedale, interview to Wired, 2004-05-08
PGP Fingerprint: CE8A 6006 B611 850F 1275 72BA D93E AA3D C4B3 E1CB
I suggest no. I know of a few sims that will (for example, someone who makes many physics-using things will want to test under the new system) but I don't think we'd get much in the way of useful testing information in the CDS. Still, it MAY be worthwhile to consider switching ONE sim, if we have enough citizens who want to test their belongings under H4.
I've got some regions in on it.
Caledon SteamSkyCity suffered some damage to its propulsion system and upper deck coincident with the test, but other than that we were okay. Not sure if it was a causal relationship, but we've never sustained damage like that before.
We're pressing on with it, once Havok4 returns - it's down due to a critical error for the time being.
I think it is worth the potential inconvenience. But it might be good to pick 1 region, see where it goes, and then expand it to the other 2. I would go so far as to appoint someone under the Chancellor to be the "Havok 4 Officer" to file reports and such to LL.
While we may have a few bugs, we will be at a slight advantage when the whole grid goes Havoc 4.
And I may have to go to SteamSkyCIty and experience Havok4 goodness for myself - thanks Desmond!
"Nenia peno nek provo donos lakton de bovo."
As a newbee in CDS, i didnot yet read what plans there are for eventually another new sim (4th)....but IF, then i would say go for the havok4 experiment in such a sim. I am building now on AM sim, but eventually there also open for such an experiment.. As we say in dutch: wie niet waagt die niet wint!