CSDF Meeting: Culture, Arts, and Education - 5 Jul 6 PM SLT

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Jon Seattle
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CSDF Meeting: Culture, Arts, and Education - 5 Jul 6 PM SLT

Post by Jon Seattle »

****NOTE, MOVED TO 5 July, 6 PM SLT****

Talk to members of the Citizen's Social Democratic Faction about our propsals concerning culture, arts, and education in the republic.

Second Life has its own culture and emerging art forms. We will establish Neufreistadt as a sponsor of existing and new artists and cultural agents, through a part of the budget allocated to those areas - and by by also working with existing structures in SL, like the FFRC and similar organizations.

We would aim to establish Neufreistadt as the centre of innovative design education in Second Life.

Jon Seattle’s home (P200 - Red House, under construction) on the lowland road 90, 70, 127.

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