[10:37] You: sorry everyone
[10:38] You: well, my connection is as bad as it was previously
[10:38] You: so let's start before i crash again
[10:38] You: thanks everyone for showing by
[10:39] You: this meeting will only have one point, as i am quite busy today
[10:39] You: if you all do not mind
[10:39] You: we can make a short point of information if you wish after the election
[10:39] You: as you know, the elction is for Secretary of the Board
[10:40] You: which must take place duly after the general CDS elections
[10:40] You: a call for candidates was made in the CDS forums
[10:40] You: in http://forums.slcds.info/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1569
[10:40] You: 2 weeks ago, and the elections were duly called for this day
[10:41] You: as you can see if you hit the link, we have thousands of candidates
[10:41] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:41] Sudane Erato: yay Moon!
[10:41] Jon Seattle:
[10:41] Naftali Torok: LOL
[10:41] You: so...
[10:42] Naftali Torok: we have candidate(s)
[10:42] Rose Springvale: shall the candidate make a speech or shall we call the vote?
[10:42] You: let's call the vote, preferrably
[10:42] Rose Springvale: so move
[10:42] Sudane Erato:
[10:42] You: the candidate is not very good at speeches
[10:42] Sudane Erato: i nominate Moon!
[10:42] Rose Springvale: we could give testimonials if you want
[10:43] Rose Springvale: second
[10:43] Rose Springvale: lol
[10:43] Jon Seattle: lol
[10:43] Rose Springvale: not that a nomination needs a second. I movce nominations be closed
[10:43] Sudane Erato: so we need to vote
[10:43] You: yes
[10:44] You: calling the vote for Secretary of teh board - all voting on Moon Adamant for Sec say 'aye', the others please say 'nay'
[10:44] Sudane Erato: aye!
[10:44] Rose Springvale: aye
[10:44] Jon Seattle: aye~
[10:44] Symo Kurka: aye
[10:44] Arria Perreault: aye
[10:44] ThePrincess Parisi: aye
[10:44] Naftali Torok: aye
[10:44] MT Lundquist: aye
[10:44] Brian Livingston: aye
[10:44] Bromo Ivory: aye
[10:44] Sudane Erato: unanimous!
[10:45] Rose Springvale: yay!
[10:45] Bromo Ivory: w00t!
[10:45] Jon Seattle: yea!!
[10:45] You: everyone missing to vote?
[10:45] Naftali Torok: clapclap , congratulations moon
[10:45] Rose Springvale: congratulations!
[10:45] Moon Adamant counts
[10:45] Brian Livingston: Congrats
[10:45] MT Lundquist: claps
[10:45] Naftali Torok: alex
[10:45] Symo Kurka: congrats
[10:45] Bromo Ivory: /clap
[10:45] Arria Perreault: congratulations
[10:45] You: thank you all
[10:45] Sudane Erato: Moon for President!!
[10:45] ThePrincess Parisi: thank you moon
[10:45] Naftali Torok: lol
[10:45] You: lol noooo
[10:45] Rose Springvale:
[10:45] Sudane Erato:
[10:46] Sudane Erato: haha
[10:46] Rose Springvale has a cake for everything
[10:46] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:46] You: lol
[10:46] Brian Livingston: hehe
[10:46] You: well, really thank you all
[10:47] Rose Springvale: Moon, i think i speak for everyone in thanking you for taking this on yet again... you are amazing
[10:47] You: we will have some interesting challenges on thsi term, and i am counting on you all to help and do a great work on those
[10:47] Arria Perreault: I agree with Rose
[10:47] Sudane Erato:
[10:47] Naftali Torok: mmm
[10:47] You: awwww that's an exaggeration lol
[10:47] Jon Seattle: yea Moon !
[10:47] You: just quite stubborn
[10:47] MT Lundquist: nice hat brian
[10:47] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:47] Brian Livingston: Closest thing i had to a party hat
[10:48] You: so now i will call an info point
[10:48] You: for 12 minutes max
[10:48] Naftali Torok: ok
[10:48] You: and then we'll let our new reps go and prepare for their inauguration
[10:48] You: so.... questions
[10:48] Sudane Erato: yay!
[10:48] Arria Perreault: I have something about Faculty
[10:49] Arria Perreault: short
[10:49] You: yes
[10:49] Brian Livingston: And a quick note re: logo design comp?
[10:49] Arria Perreault: I would like to recruit new members to have a new dynamic
[10:49] Arria Perreault: and try to start a project
[10:49] You: ok Arria, i think that's a good idea
[10:49] ThePrincess Parisi: great idea
[10:49] You: we actually have a project for teh Faculty lol
[10:49] Arria Perreault: I will contact some people
[10:50] Arria Perreault: yes? tell me
[10:50] You: and taht is quality certification
[10:50] Arria Perreault: ok
[10:51] Arria Perreault: certification for our buildings?
[10:51] Jon Seattle: yes, very important, the certification
[10:51] Jon Seattle: of builders
[10:51] Arria Perreault: or people?
[10:51] Brian Livingston: Just builders, or scripters and textureres as well?
[10:51] Jon Seattle: Yes, including new bulders, scripters, web programmers, graphic designer
[10:51] Jon Seattle: but one thing at a time
[10:52] Brian Livingston: Because each specific categroy, (categories are something we should set out) needs criteria.
[10:52] Arria Perreault: it's a good idea
[10:52] Brian Livingston: Category*
[10:52] Rose Springvale: this was something that came up in a quasi chamber of commerce meeting
[10:52] You: the faculty will have to see in which areas it has members enough to coord that certification, i think
[10:52] Symo Kurka: Anfd who writes down criteria?
[10:52] Rose Springvale: so that we can have a bit of a marketing plan... bring in new customers
[10:52] Brian Livingston: The Faculy will need to propose, discuss, refine, and present hte criteria I'd assume
[10:52] You: yes
[10:53] You: Brian is right
[10:53] Rose Springvale: is there a faculty procedure yet?
[10:53] You: and Rose has a point that the objective of certification norms are to help establish a CDS brand
[10:53] Rose Springvale: for becoming a facutly member? or a course?
[10:53] Brian Livingston: I was thinking *just throwign out ideas her) of three categories to appyl for certificaiton with, Building, Graphic Design, and Scripting. Again, soemthign to be discussed at length at another time
[10:53] Arria Perreault: ok. Moon, give me the details as soon as possible and the Faculty can start to work
[10:53] Symo Kurka: Would'n it be simplier just a skills' mapping?
[10:53] You: i will Arria, will try to do it this week
[10:54] Rose Springvale: how do you mean symo?
[10:54] Arria Perreault: great
[10:54] Jon Seattle: Well, I would assume faculty would require a master's certification.
[10:54] Symo Kurka: i mean writing down criteria might take a long time
[10:54] Symo Kurka: while tracking a skills' map of CDS citizens could be easier
[10:54] Brian Livingston: I don't think it needs to Symo, if we are determined to do it expeditiously and accurately
[10:55] Symo Kurka: ok
[10:55] You: we may not have masters in all areas
[10:55] Rose Springvale: lol i can't even keep track of who ARE cds citizens!
[10:55] Sudane Erato: hehe
[10:55] Brian Livingston: We can use the groups to create restricted groups of Guild members who are certified in each area
[10:55] Brian Livingston: Only perhaps the faculty head can add ore remove people?
[10:55] Arria Perreault: it's not necessary to be CDS member to be memeber of the Faculty
[10:56] Rose Springvale: so long as it is clear what the criteria are
[10:56] Rose Springvale: and how one can be certified
[10:56] Rose Springvale: i don't like the idea of closed groups, personally
[10:56] Symo Kurka: neither do i
[10:56] You: Arria: no-citizens can belong to Faculty
[10:57] Jon Seattle: Well, if you do not reward skill, and don't recognize it, it will not be valued.
[10:57] Jon Seattle: Yes, non-citizens can be. We did that because we wanted to invite skilled crafts people from around SL
[10:58] Arria Perreault: yes, Moon. That is what I have tried to say
[10:58] Jon Seattle: the goal is to develop excellent designers in the CDS
[10:58] Brian Livingston: As a way to control who can assign themselves certification? It would simply be a sub role of the (a) guild group that is over all open to all bu t the roles are assigned by the Faculty head to make it easy to see who has been certified under a given category. I mean, we could do it with a forum post or a wiki page, but jsut something that has some cotnrols on it isn't a bad thing I would think.
[10:58] Rose Springvale: so long as it is clear how one can join the elite...
[10:59] Arria Perreault: coordination
[10:59] Rose Springvale: something objective
[10:59] Symo Kurka: and who defines what a "builder" and a "graphic designer" is?
[10:59] Jon Seattle: Rose, do you have a certification in law?
[10:59] Rose Springvale: not in sl
[10:59] Naftali Torok: can i ask something? Is it the right place here to up a proposal for an idea for the follow uo of the river?
[10:59] Brian Livingston: Simply for coordiantion. Criteria will be well-laid out, simple, and there will be a procedure for applying and appealing I would assume.
[10:59] Rose Springvale: but even in RL.. i know exactly how to become certified Jon
[11:00] Rose Springvale: that's all i'd ask brian
[11:00] Jon Seattle: Rose, yes, but not the questions on the bar exam I bet
[11:00] Rose Springvale: i don't like us getting labeled cliquish or closed when in fact we are not
[11:00] You: Naftali, yes, though i'll ask for brevity
[11:00] Brian Livingston: Symo: The way I envision is for an interested party to apply for certification in a given category, so it is really self selection.
[11:00] Naftali Torok: i have an idea forfurther architecture of the river, i already spoke about it with Brian.I havd an Idea, :saw in my fantasy a wooden watermill somewhere along that river, like there are in mid/balkan europe, where ppl wash their carpets.....
[11:00] You: seeing we are already at11.00 AM
[11:00] Rose Springvale: which river Naftali?
[11:01] Naftali Torok: ok
[11:01] Naftali Torok: next time
[11:01] Naftali Torok: just an idea
[11:01] Naftali Torok: AM
[11:01] Arria Perreault: we can talk about this project next time
[11:01] You: Naftali, i think the best way is that you'll call the River Watergroup and suggest that
[11:01] Symo Kurka: ok
[11:01] Naftali Torok: i can work something out
[11:01] Naftali Torok: for next time
[11:01] You: Call Delia Lake, Bjerkel Eeerie
[11:01] Naftali Torok: ok
[11:01] Naftali Torok: clear
[11:01] You: Eerie*
[11:01] Rose Springvale: there is a thread on the forum too Naf
[11:01] Naftali Torok: ok what?
[11:02] You: seeing that they have coor'ed the building of the river
[11:02] Naftali Torok: Moon , i will do so
[11:02] You: Brian, one question you made: no rules yet for the logo contest
[11:02] You: thanks Naftali
[11:03] Brian Livingston: Ok, then a general call for anyoen interst to start thinking of ideas for a Guild Logo
[11:03] Symo Kurka: sorry folks have to go
[11:03] Rose Springvale: bye symo!
[11:03] Naftali Torok: bye
[11:03] Sudane Erato: i do too
[11:03] You: indeed Brian
[11:03] Brian Livingston: As it will be needed for soem of our fundraising ideas
[11:03] ThePrincess Parisi: bye symo
[11:03] MT Lundquist: bye symo
[11:03] Jon Seattle: Bye Symo
[11:03] You: the rules for teh contest will incide in any case mostly on resolution, format, reward, etc
[11:04] Arria Perreault: bye Symo
[11:04] You: so you can start thinking about the fun things right away
[11:04] You: bye Symo and Sudane, thanks for showing by )
[11:04] Naftali Torok: by S & S
[11:04] Sudane Erato: ty all!
[11:04] You: as for teh rest of us, are we adjourned?
[11:04] MT Lundquist: bye sudane
[11:04] Brian Livingston: Sure
[11:04] Jon Seattle: Sure.
[11:04] Arria Perreault: bye Sudane
[11:04] Naftali Torok: yes sure
[11:05] You: ok, thanks everyone
[11:05] Brian Livingston: See you all in a bit
[11:05] Rose Springvale: thanks moon
[11:05] You: and we will meet again here next sunday
Guild Meeting Log - 3rd Feb 2008
Moderator: SC Moderators
- Moon Adamant
- I need a hobby
- Posts: 877
- Joined: Sun May 28, 2006 1:26 pm
Guild Meeting Log - 3rd Feb 2008
Eudaimonia now!